On Canadian Confederation (1865) (John Alexander MacDonald)
Address as Lord Rector of Edinburgh University (1866) (Thomas Carlyle)
The Secret Beyond Science
On the Principles of His Party (1872) (Benjamin Disraeli)
On the Domestic and Foreign Affairs of England (1879) (William Ewart Gladstone)
His Plea at the Bar of the House (1881) (Charles Bradlaugh)
His "Trust the People" Speech (1884) (Winston Churchill)
On the Desertion of Gordon in Egypt (1885) (Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil)
Men Made Rich by the Poverty of Christ (Charles Haddon Spurgeon)
The Distinction of Burke (Augustine Birrell)
On the Government of Ireland Bill (1886)
On the Benefits of Reading (1887) (Balfour)
Robert Burns (1896) (Archibald Philip Rosebery)
The True Conception of Empire (1897) (Joseph Chamberlain)
On the Death of Queen Victoria (1901) (Wilfrid Laurier)
Trade and the Empire (1903) (Asquith)
His Address at Pittsburg (1904) (John Morley)
I on the Policy of the Liberal Party (1905) (Henry Campbell-Bannerman)
II His "the Duma Is Dead: Long Live the Duma," Speech (1906) (Henry Campbell-Bannerman)
On the Policy of the English Liberals (1906) (Robert Reid)