U.S. Code, Title 46, Shipping
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General SummaryThe U.S. Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. While every effort has been made to ensure that this reproduction of the Code is accurate, those using it for legal purposes should verify their results against the printed version of the Code available through the Government Printing Office.
Title 46—Shipping
This title was enacted by Pub. L. 98–89, § 1, Aug. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 500; Pub. L. 99–509, title V, subtitle B, § 5101, Oct. 21, 1986, 100 Stat. 1913; Pub. L. 100–424, § 6, Sept. 9, 1988, 102 Stat. 1591; and Pub. L. 100–710, Nov. 23, 1988, 102 Stat. 4735
Subtitle Sec.
1988—Pub. L. 100–710, title I, § 102(b), Nov. 23, 1988, 102 Stat. 4738, amended title analysis generally, substituting "GENERAL" for "[Reserved—general]" in item I and adding item III.
Table Showing Disposition of All Sections of Former Title 46
[Former sections of Title 46 that are not included in Title 46, Shipping, as enacted by Pub. L. 98–89, subtitle B of title V of Pub. L. 99–509, section 6 of Pub. L. 100–424, and Pub. L. 100–710 are set out in the Appendix to Title 46 and retain the same section numbers.]
Title 46 Former Sections
Title 46 New Sections
1 Rep.
2 2103
3 Rep.
4 2105
5, 6 Rep.
7 2107
8 2108
9 (less (c)) 3316
9(c) 46 App.
11, 12 Rep.
13, 14 46 App.
15–41 Rep.
42 46 App.
43–56 Rep.
57 46 App.
58 Rep.
59 46 App.
60–63 Rep.
65(1) 2101(10)
65(2) 2101(11)
65(3) 2101(34)
65a 12113
65b 12102
65c 12114
65d 12115
65e 12103
65f 12116
65g 12104
65h 12105
65i 12106
65j 12107
65k 12108
65l 12109
65m 12110
65n 12122
65o 12111
65p 12112
65q 12117
65r 12118
65s 12119
65t 12120
65u 2107, 12122(a)
65v(1) 2104
65v(2) 12121
65w 12101
71 12102, 14102, 14104, 14501, 14502, 14504, 14511, 14521, 14522
72 14503
73, 74 Rep.
75 14512
76 Rep.
77 14502, 14512
78, 79 Rep.
80 (See former 660–1)
81 14306
82 3101
83 14502, 14513
83a–83g 14513
83h 14102
83i 14702
83j 14701
83k 2107
85–85g Rep.
86 5114, 5115
86a 5101
86b 5102
86c 5102, 5103, 5104, 5106
86d 5107
86e 5108
86f 5109
86g 5112
86h 5113
86i 5116
88 5102
88a 5104, 5108
88b 5103, 5107
88c 5112
88d 5109
88e 5112
88f 5113
88g 5116
88h, 88i Rep.
91 46 App.
91a–96 Rep.
97, 98 46 App.
99 Rep.
100 46 App.
101, 102 Rep.
103 Rep.
104 46 App.
105–110 Rep.
111 46 App.
112, 113 Rep.
121–125 46 App.
126, 127 Rep.
128, 129 46 App.
130, 131 Rep.
132–135 46 App.
141–146 46 App.
151–162 Rep.
163 46 App.
170 3306(a)(5), Rep. in part
170(14) 2106
170a, 170b Rep.
171–175 Rep.
178, 179 Rep.
181–183 46 App.
183a Rep.
183b–196 46 App.
201 11301
202 11302
203 11303
211 8501(a)
212 8501(b)
213 8501(c), (e)
214 7101
214(c) 7106
215 8501(d), 8502
216(a) 9301(2)
216(b) 2101(34)
216(c) 9301(3)
216(d) 9301(1)
216(e), (f) Rep.
216a 9302(a), (b), (d)
216b(a)–(c) 9303
216b(d) 9305
216b(e) 9304
216c 9303
216d 9305
216e(a)–(c) 9308
216e(d) 2107
216e(e) 2106
216f 9302(c)
216g 9306
216h 9307
216i Rep.
221 8103
222 8101
223 8301
224 7101, 8101
224a 8303, 8304
224a(2) 7111
225 7106, 7109, 7113
226 7101, 7106, 7703
227 Rep.
228 7101, 7106, 7703
229 7101, 7106, 7703
229a 7101, 7103
229b 7101, 7103
229c 7106, 7108, 7318
229d Rep.
229e 7105
229f 7110
229g 7103, 7318
229h Rep.
230 7112
231 7105
232 7110
233 7109
234 3315
235 8104
236 8103
237, 238 Rep.
239 6101, 6301, 7703
239(d) 6303
239(e) 6304, 7705
239(f) 6304
239(g) 6305, 7701
239(i) 6306
239(j) 6301, 6307
239(k) 6305
239a(a) 7503(a), 7704(a)
239a(b) 2101(34)
239a(c) 7302
239b(a) 7503(b)
239b(b) 7704(b), (c)
240 7703
241 8304
242 7101, 7102, 8302(a)–(d)
243 7101, 7104, 7107, 7108
244 7101, 7105
245 8302(g), (h)
246(a) 8302(a)–(d)
246(b) Rep.
246(c) 7703
247 7101
248 8302
249–249c Rep.
251–251b 46 App.
252–261 Rep.
262 46 App.
263–276 Rep.
277 46 App.
278–288 Rep.
289–292 46 App.
293–293b Rep.
294–315 Rep.
316 46 App.
317, 318 Rep.
319–324 46 App.
325 Rep.
326–328 46 App.
329, 330 Rep.
331 2110
332–335 Rep.
336 46 App.
351–353 Rep.
354, 355 46 App.
361 2101(16), (37)
362 2109, 3301(9), 3314
362(a) 3303
362(b) 3504
362(c) 3505
363 2109
364 8502
365 Rep.
366 3306
367 2101(16), (33), 2303, 3301(7), 3302
369 3305, 3306, 3316
369(b) 3503
369(e) 3318
371 Rep.
372 2103
373–374a Rep.
375 3306
376–382a–1 Rep.
382b 2104, 2111, 2112
382b–1 3317(b)
382c–385 Rep.
390 3302, 3304
390(a) 2101(21)(B)
390(b) 2101(35)
390(d) 2101(34)
390(e) 2101(13)
390(f) 2101(27)
390(g) 2101(30)
390(h) 2101(28)
390(i) 2101(29)
390a 3301(4), (5), (8), 3305
390a(a) 3307(2)
390a(b) 3317(a), 7114
390b 3306, 8901, 8902
390c 3303(a), 3309, 3311
390c(b), (c) 3313
390d 2106, 3318(a), 8906
390e–390g Rep.
391 3301(1), (4), (9), 3304, 3305
391(b) 3307(3)
391(c) 2101(22), 3307(1)
391(e) 3302
391a 3301(10), 3702, 8502
391a(2)(A) 2101(9)
391a(2)(B) 2101(12)
391a(2)(C) 2101(14)
391a(2)(D) 2101(15)
391a(2)(E) 2101(20)
391a(2)(F) 3701(4)
391a(2)(G) 2101(24)
391a(2)(H) 2101(5)
391a(2)(I) 2101(34)
391a(2)(J) 3701(5)
391a(2)(K) 3701(6)
391a(2)(L) 2101(46)
391a(2)(M) 2101(38)
391a(2)(N) 2101(8)
391a(2)(O) 2101(23)
391a(2)(P) 3701(2)
391a(2)(Q) 3701(3)
391a(2)(R) 3701(1)
391a(2)(S) 2101(7)
391a(3) 2101(39), 2301, 3303, 3702(a)
391a(4) 2109
391a(4)(B) 8703(c)
391a(5) 3702
391a(6) 3703
391a(7) 3704–3709
391a(8) 3309, 3313
391a(8)(A) 3710, 3712
391a(8)(B) 3711, 3712
391a(8)(C) 3711
391a(8)(D) 3710
391a(8)(E) 3710, 3711
391a(9) 9102
391a(10)(A) 8703(a)
391a(10)(B) 9101(b)
391a(10)(C) 7317, 8703(b)
391a(10)(D) Rep. See 7701 et seq.
391a(11) 9101(a)
391a(12) 3703
391a(13) 3713
391a(14) 2107, 3718
391a(14)(C) 2106
391a(15) 3714
391a(16) 3717
391a(17) 3715
391a(18) 3716
391b Rep.
392 3304–3306
392(b) 3307(3)
393, 394 Rep.
395 3301(6), 3305, 3311
395(d) 3309
395(e) 2101(32)
396, 397 Rep.
398 3318
399 3309, 3311, 3314
400 3312
401, 402 Rep.
403 3318
404 2101(13), (16), (17), 3301(1), 3302, 3306, 3307
404–1 3301(3), 3305, 3501
404–1(1) 2101(19)
404–1(4) 2101(21)(C)
404–1(6) 3307(2), (3)
404–1(8) 8301
404a Rep.
405 2101(40), 3301(9), 3305
405(b) 8104
405(b)(1)(A) 2101(34)
405(b)(2) 8904
405(b)(3) 8905(b)
406 3305
407 3305, 3318
408 3305, 3306, 3318
409 Rep.
410 3318
411, 412 3306
413 3318
414 3310, 7502
415 Rep.
416 2104, 3306
417 (See former 416)
418, 419 Rep.
420 3302, 3306
431–434 Rep.
435 3308, 3313
436 2106, 3318
437–440 Rep.
441 46 App.
441(1) 2101(18)
441(2) 2101(31)
442 3302
443 46 App.
444 8701
444 46 App.
445 2113, 3306
446–446c 46 App.
446d 8101
451 3501
452 3501(b), (c)
453 2113
454–457 T. 33 §§ 1233–1236
458 Rep.
459 3306
460, 460a, 461 3502
462 2106, 3501, 3502
463, 463a, 464 Rep.
465 (See former 170)
466 Rep.
466a 3901
466b 3902
467–469 Rep.
470, 471 8102
472 Rep.
473 3306
474–476 Rep.
477–479 3306
480 2301
481 2106, 3306
481(a) 2101(34)
481(c) 2106
481(d) 3318
482, 483 3306
484–488 Rep.
489 3306
490 Rep.
491 46 App.
492 3506
493–496 Rep.
497 2106, 3318, 8502
498 Rep.
511–522 Rep.
526 2101(43)
526a–526d Rep.
526e 4102(b)
526f Rep.
526g 4102(a)
526h 4103
526i 4102(c)
526j 4102(d)
526k–526n Rep.
526o 2106, 2107, 4106
526p 2107, 3306, 4104
526q–526t Rep.
526u 4101
527–527h Rep.
531 10601
532 Rep. See 11501
533, 534 10602
541–542a Rep.
543 2104
544, 545 Rep.
546 10102
547–549 Rep.
561, 562 Rep.
563 11110
564 10301, 10302
565 10305
566 10301
567, 568 10321
569 10309
570 10308
571 10321
572, 573 Rep.
574 10301, 10501, 10502
575 10508
576 10509
577 10307
578 11107
579 Rep.
591 10313(a)
592 10313(b)
593 10313(b)
594 10313(c)
595 10313(d)
596 10313(e)–(i), 10504
597 2101(12), 10313(e)–(i), 10504
598 10313(e), 10504(a), (d), 10505(d)
599 2101(12), 10314, 10315, 10505, 10506
599(g) 10316
600 10317
601 11108, 11109
602 11111
603–608, 611 Rep.
621 10701, 10702
622 10703
623 10711
624 10704, 10705
625 10706
626 10707
627 10709
628 10708, 10710
641, 642 10310
643 8701, 8702, 10102(c), 10311, 10503
643(a) 7302, 7303, 7318
643(b) 7304
643(c) 7302, 10306
643(e) 10311
643(f) 7319, 7502
643(h) 7501
643(l) 7316, 10103
643a 8701
643b Rep.
644 10312(a), (b), (d)–(f)
645, 646, 651 Rep.
652 10312(c)
653 10901, 10902(a), 10907
654 10901, 10903(a), (b)
655 10901, 10904
656 10901, 10905
657 10905
658 10901, 10906, 10908
659 10903(c)
660 10903(d)
660–1 11101
660a 3305, 3308
660b 3308
661 10321
662 10902(b)
663 Rep.
664 10907
665 10321, 11106(b)–(d)
666 11102(a)
667 11102(b)
668, 669 Rep.
670, 671 11103
672 8701, 8702
672(a) 2101(34)
672(b) 7306
672(b)(1) 7307
672(b)(2) 7308
672(b)(3) 7309, 7310
672(b)(4) 7311
672(c) 7301, 7315
672(d) 8702(d)
672(e) 8702(b), (c)
672(f) 7312
672(g) 7313, 7314
672(h) 8103
672(i) 7302
672(j) 2106, 8702(e)
672–1, 672–2 Rep.
672a 8103
672b, 672b–1, 672c Rep.
673 8104
674–677 Rep.
678 11104(a)
679 11104(b)–(d)
680, 681 Rep.
682 10318, 10507
683 10318, 10507
684 11105
685 11106(a)
686, 687 Rep.
688 46 App.
689 2103, 2104
690 8103
691 Sec. 2(f) of Pub. L. 98–89
692 Rep.
701 11501
702 11502
703 11503
704 T. 18 § 2196
705 11504
706 11505
707 10319
708 T. 18 § 2279
709 Rep.
710 11506
710a Rep.
710b (See former 239a)
710c (See former 239b)
711 Rep.
712 11507
713 10101, 10303, 10304
721–727 46 App.
728 2304
729–731 46 App.
732–735 Rep.
738, 738a 46 App.
738b Rep.
738c 46 App.
738d Rep.
740–752 46 App.
761, 762 46 App.
763 Rep.
763a–768 46 App.
781–790 46 App.
791–799 Rep.
801–803 46 App.
804 Rep.
804a 46 App.
805–807 Rep.
808 46 App.
808(4th par.) 31328
809–810a Rep.
811 46 App.
812–817c Rep.
817d, 817e 46 App.
818–832 Rep.
833 46 App.
833a Rep.
834–837 46 App.
838 31306
839 46 App.
840–841c Rep.
842 46 App.
843–848 Rep.
861 46 App.
862–864 Rep.
864, 864b 46 App.
865–869 46 App.
870–870d Rep.
871, 872 46 App.
873, 874 Rep.
875–877 46 App.
878–880 Rep.
881 3305, 3316, 12119
882 3304
883–885 46 App.
886 Rep.
887–889 46 App.
891 46 App.
891a Rep.
891b, 891c 46 App.
891d–891r Rep.
891s, 891t Rep.
891u–891x 46 App.
891y Rep.
911(1), (2) 30101(1)
911(3) Rep.
911(4) 30101(1)
911(5) 31301(3)
921 31321(a)(1), (e)
922(a), (b) 31322(a)(1)
922(b) 31301(6)(A)
922(c), (d) Rep.
922(e), (f) 31322(c)
923 31324
924 31323(a), (b)
925 31343
925(b) 31321(f), (h)
926(a), (b) 31321(b)
926(c) Rep.
926(d) 31322(b)
927 31302(1), (2)
941(a) Rep.
941(b) (1st sentence) 31330(a), (c)
941(b) (last sentence) 31323(c)
941(c) 31304
951 (1st par.) 31325(a), (b)(1), (c), (d)
951 (2d par. less proviso) 31301(6)(B)
951 (2d par. proviso) 31326(b)(2)
952 (1st, 2d sentences) 31325(e)
952 (last sentence) 31308
953(a) 31301(5)
953(b) 31326(a), (b)(1)
954(a) 31325(b)(2)
954(b) 31303
961(a) Rep.
961(b) 31327
961(c) 31326(a)
961(d), (e) 31328
961(f) 31329
971 31342
972 31341
973 31341(a)
974 31305
975 31307
981–984 Rep.
1011 Rep.
1012 31321(a)(2)
1013, 1014 Rep.
1101 46 App.
1111–1111a 46 App.
1111b, 1111c Rep.
1112 46 App.
1113 Rep.
1114–1119 46 App.
1119a, 1119b Rep.
1120–1125a 46 App.
1126 Rep.
1126–1 46 App.
1126a, 1126a–1 Rep.
1126b, 1126b–1 Rep.
1126c, 1126d Rep.
1127–1128h Rep.
1131 46 App.
1132 8103
1132(a) 7102
1132(g) 8302
1141–1144 Rep.
1145 Rep.
1151–1155 46 App.
1155a Rep.
1156–1161 46 App.
1171–1181 46 App.
1182 Rep.
1183–1185 46 App.
1191–1205 46 App.
1206 Rep.
1211–1213 46 App.
1214 Rep.
1221 Rep.
1222, 1223 46 App.
1224, 1225 Rep.
1226–1228 46 App.
1241–1242 46 App.
1242–1 Rep.
1242a 46 App.
1243 Rep.
1244, 1245 46 App.
1246 Rep.
1247, 1248 46 App.
1251–1262 Rep.
1271–1275 46 App.
1276–1279 Rep.
1279a 46 App.
1279b Rep.
1279c–1295e 46 App.
1295f(a), (b) 46 App.
1295f(c) 2101(17), 3301(2), 3306, 3307(1)
1295f(d)(1) 46 App.
1295f(d)(2), (3) 3318(g)
1295g(a)–(d) 46 App.
1295g(e)(1) 2101(17)
1295g(e)(2)–(5) Rep.
1300–1315 46 App.
1331–1341 Rep.
1351–1364 Rep.
1381–1388 Rep.
1401–1413 Rep.
1451 Rep.
1452(1)(A), (B) 2101(25)
1452(1)(C) 2101(42)
1452(2) 2101(45)
1452(3) 2101(41)
1452(5) 2101(21)(D)
1452(7) 2101(26)
1452(8) 2101(1)
1452(9) 2101(34)
1452(10) 2102(2)
1452(11) 2102(1)
1452(12) 2102(4)
1452(13) 2102(5)
1452(14) 2102(3)
1453 4105, 4301
1454, 1455 4302
1456 4302(a)(3)
1457 4303
1458 4305
1459 4306
1460 4304, 4306
1461(a) 4307(a)
1461(b) 4311(f)
1461(c) 4307(b)
1461(d) 2302(a), (b)
1461(e) 8903
1461(f) 8903, 8905(a)
1462 4308
1463 4309
1464 4310
1464(g) 4302
1465 2303
1466 12301
1467 12302
1468 12303
1469 12304
1470 12305
1471 12306
1472 12307
1473 12308
1474 13101
1475 13102
1476 13103
1477 13104
1478 13105
1479 13106
1479a 13107
1480 13108
1481 13109
1482 13110
1483 2302(b), 4311(a), 12309(a)
1484(a) 4311(b)
1484(b) 2106, 2302(a), (c), 4311(c), 12309(b)
1484(c) 2107
1484(d) 4311(d), 12309(c)
1485 2305, 4311(e)
1486 6101, 6102
1487 Rep.
1488 4302
1489 4311(g)
1501–1507 46 App.
1508 Rep.
1601–1605 46 App.
1606 Rep.
1607–1610 46 App.
1707a Rep.
1717 Rep.
1720 Rep.
1721 Rep.
Pub. L. 100–710, title I, § 102(a), Nov. 23, 1988, 102 Stat. 4738, provided that: "Certain general and permanent laws of the United States, related to definitions and maritime commercial instruments and liens, are revised, consolidated, and enacted by paragraph (3) of this subsection [probably means subsection (c) of this section] as subtitle III of title 46, United States Code, `Shipping’."
Section 1 of Pub. L. 98–89, Aug. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 500, provided in part that: "Certain general and permanent laws of the United States, related to vessels and seamen, are revised, consolidated, and enacted as title 46, United States Code, `Shipping’ ".
Section 105 of Pub. L. 100–710, title I, Nov. 23, 1988, 102 Stat. 4751, provided that:
"(a) A reference to a law replaced by section 102 of this Act, including a reference in a regulation, order, or other law, is deemed to refer to the corresponding provision of this Act.
"(b) An order, rule, or regulation in effect under a law replaced by section 102 of this Act continues in effect under the corresponding provision of this Act until repealed, amended, or superseded.
"(c) An action taken or an offense committed under a law replaced by section 102 of this Act is deemed to have been taken or committed under the corresponding provision of this Act.
"(d) An inference of legislative construction is not to be drawn by reason of the caption or catch line of a provision enacted by section 102 of this Act.
"(e) If a provision of this Act is held invalid, all valid provisions that are severable from the invalid provision remain in effect. If a provision of this Act is held invalid in any of its applications, the provision remains valid for all valid applications that are severable from any of the invalid applications."
Section 5103(a)–(f) of Pub. L. 99–509, title V, subtitle B, Oct. 21, 1986, 100 Stat. 1927, provided that:
"(a) Laws effective after January 1, 1986, that are inconsistent with this subtitle supersede this subtitle to the extent of the inconsistency.
"(b) A reference to a law replaced by this subtitle, including a reference in a regulation, order, or other law, is deemed to refer to the corresponding provision of this subtitle.
"(c) An order, rule, or regulation in effect under a law replaced by this subtitle continues in effect under the corresponding provision of this subtitle until repealed, amended, or superseded.
"(d) An action taken or an offense committed under a law replaced by this subtitle is deemed to have been taken or committed under the corresponding provision of this subtitle.
"(e) An inference of legislative construction is not to be drawn by reason of the caption or catch line of a provision enacted by this subtitle.
"(f) If a provision enacted by this subtitle is held invalid, all valid provisions that are severable from the invalid provision remain in effect. If a provision of this subtitle is held invalid in one or more of its applications, the provision remains in effect in all valid applications that are severable from the invalid application or applications."
Section 2(a)–(f) of Pub. L. 98–89, Aug. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 598, provided that:
"(a) Laws effective after December 31, 1982, that are inconsistent with this Act supersede this Act to the extent of the inconsistency.
"(b) A reference to a law replaced by this Act, including a reference in a regulation, order, or other law, is deemed to refer to the corresponding provision of this Act.
"(c) An order, rule, or regulation in effect under a law replaced by this Act continues in effect under the corresponding provision of this Act until repealed, amended, or superseded.
"(d) An action taken or an offense committed under a law replaced by this Act is deemed to have been taken or committed under the corresponding provision of this Act.
"(e) An inference of legislative construction is not to be drawn by reason of the caption or catch line of a provision enacted by this Act.
"(f) If a provision enacted by this Act is held invalid, all valid provisions that are severable from the invalid provision remain in effect. If a provision of this Act is held invalid in one or more of its applications, the provision remains in effect in all valid applications that are severable from the invalid application or applications."
Codification of Shipping and Maritime Laws by Federal Maritime Commission and Secretary of Transportation
Section 2(j) of Pub. L. 98–89, Aug. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 599, provided that: "Within 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act [Aug. 26, 1983], the Federal Maritime Commission and the Secretary of Transportation each shall submit to Congress a proposed codification of the laws within their respective jurisdictions related to shipping and maritime matters."
Repeals and Savings Provisions
Section 106(a) of Pub. L. 100–710, title I, Nov. 23, 1988, 102 Stat. 4752, provided that: "The repeal of a law by this title may not be construed as a legislative implication that the provision was or was not in effect before its repeal."
Section 106(b) of Pub. L. 100–710, title I, Nov. 23, 1988, 102 Stat. 4752, repealed specified laws relating to shipping, except for rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, and proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this title, which is Jan. 1, 1989, with certain exceptions and qualifications, see section 107 of Pub. L. 100–710, set out as a note under section 30101 of this title.
Section 5104(a) of Pub. L. 99–509, title V, subtitle B, Oct. 21, 1986, 100 Stat. 1928, provided that: "The repeal of a law by this subtitle may not be construed as a legislative implication that the provision was or was not in effect before its repeal."
Section 5104(b) of Pub. L. 99–509, title V, subtitle B, Oct. 21, 1986, 100 Stat. 1928, repealed specified laws relating to shipping, except for rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, and proceedings that were begun before Oct. 21, 1986.
Section 4(a) of Pub. L. 98–89, Aug. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 599, provided that: "The repeal of a law by this Act may not be construed as a legislative implication that the provision was or was not in effect before its repeal."
Section 4(b) of Pub. L. 98–89, Aug. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 599, repealed specified laws relating to shipping, except for rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, and proceedings that were begun before Aug. 26, 1983, and except as provided by section 2 of Pub. L. 98–89, set out as notes above and notes under sections 3101, 3302, 3715, and 6301 of this title.
Title Referred to in Other Sections
This title is referred to in section 1273a of Appendix to this title; title 7 section 5602; title 19 section 1609; title 26 section 415; title 33 section 59aa; title 42 section 9607.
[Subtitle I—General]
Subtitle II—Vessels and Seamen
Part A—General Provisions
Chap. Sec.
21. General 2101
23. Operation of vessels generally 2301
Part B—Inspection and Regulation of Vessels
31. General 3101
32. Management of vessels 3201
33. Inspection generally 3301
35. Carriage of passengers 3501
37. Carriage of liquid bulk dangerous cargoes 3701
39. Carriage of animals 3901
41. Uninspected vessels generally 4101
43. Recreational vessels 4301
45. Fish processing vessels 1 4501
1 Chapter heading amended by Pub. L. 100–424 without corresponding amendment of subtitle analysis.
47. Abandonment of barges 4701
Part C—Load Lines of Vessels
51. Load lines 5101
61. Reporting marine casualties 6101
63. Investigating marine casualties 6301
Part E—Merchant Seamen Licenses, Certificates, and Documents
71. Licenses and certificates of registry 7101
73. Merchant mariners’ documents 7301
75. General procedures for licensing, certification, and documentation 7501
77. Suspension and revocation 7701
Part F—Manning of Vessels
81. General 8101
83. Masters and officers 8301
85. Pilots 8501
87. Unlicensed personnel 8701
89. Small vessel manning 8901
91. Tank vessel manning standards 9101
93. Great Lakes pilotage 9301
Part G—Merchant Seamen Protection and Relief
101. General 10101
103. Foreign and intercoastal voyages 10301
105. Coastwise voyages 10501
106. Fishing voyages 10601
107. Effects of deceased seamen 10701
109. Proceedings on unseaworthiness 10901
111. Protection and relief 11101
112. Merchant mariner benefits 11201
113. Official logbooks 11301
115. Offenses and penalties 11501
Part H—Identification of Vessels
121. Documentation of vessels 12101
123. Numbering undocumented vessels 12301
125. Vessel Identification System 2 12501
2 So in original. Only first word should be capitalized.
Part I—State Boating Safety Programs
131. Recreational boating safety 13101
Part J—Measurement of Vessels
141. General 14101
143. Convention measurement 14301
145. Regulatory measurement 14501
147. Penalties 14701
2000—Pub. L. 106–398, § 1 [[div. A], title X, § 1087(g)(6)], Oct. 30, 2000, 114 Stat. 1654, 1654A–294, substituted "mariner benefits" for "Mariner Benefits" in item 112.
1998—Pub. L. 105–368, title IV, § 402(b), Nov. 11, 1998, 112 Stat. 3337, added item 112.
1996—Pub. L. 104–324, title VI, § 602(b), Oct. 19, 1996, 110 Stat. 3930, added item 32.
1992—Pub. L. 102–587, title V, § 5304, Nov. 4, 1992, 106 Stat. 5083, added item 47.
1988—Pub. L. 100–710, title I, § 101(b), Nov. 23, 1988, 102 Stat. 4738, added item 125.
Pub. L. 100–424, § 6(b), Sept. 9, 1988, 102 Stat. 1592, added item 106.
1986—Pub. L. 99–509, title V, § 5101(1), Oct. 21, 1986, 100 Stat. 1913, inserted items for parts C and J.
1985—Pub. L. 99–36, § 1(a)(9)(A), May 15, 1985, 99 Stat. 67, substituted "Merchant Seamen Licenses, Certifications, and" for "Licenses, Certificates, and Merchant Mariners’ " in heading for part E.
1984—Pub. L. 98–364, title IV, § 402(7)(A), July 17, 1984, 98 Stat. 446, inserted "generally" in item 41, reenacted item 43 without change, and added item 45.
Subtitle Referred to in Other Sections
This subtitle is referred to in title 33 section 59ii.
Part A—General Provisions
Historical and Revision Notes
Part A contains general provisions that apply throughout the subtitle and provisions that apply generally to the operation of all vessels.
Part Referred to in Other Sections
This part is referred to in section 14305 of this title.
Chicago: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel", "Title 46— Shipping," U.S. Code, Title 46, Shipping in U.S. Code, Title 46, Shipping (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 2002), Original Sources, accessed February 15, 2025, http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=2SDTBFR43KF8XNP.
MLA: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel". "Title 46— Shipping." U.S. Code, Title 46, Shipping, in U.S. Code, Title 46, Shipping, Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 2002, Original Sources. 15 Feb. 2025. http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=2SDTBFR43KF8XNP.
Harvard: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel", 'Title 46— Shipping' in U.S. Code, Title 46, Shipping. cited in 2002, U.S. Code, Title 46, Shipping, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.. Original Sources, retrieved 15 February 2025, from http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=2SDTBFR43KF8XNP.