Indianische Sagen Von Der Nord-Pacifischen Küste Nordamerikas
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Historical SummaryIn his report for 1891 the Commissioner of Indian Affairs enumerated twelve causes of the Sioux outbreak, among them the following:
Prior to the agreement of 1876 buffalo and deer were the main support of the Sioux. Food, tents, bedding were the direct outcome of hunting, and, with furs and pelts as articles of barter or exchange, it was easy for the Sioux to procure whatever constituted for them the necessaries, the comforts, or even the luxuries of life. Within eight years from the agreement of 1876, the buffalo had gone, and the Sioux had left to them alkali land and government rations. It is hard to overestimate the magnitude
of the calamity, as they viewed it, which happened to these people by the sudden disappearance of the buffalo and the large diminution in the numbers of deer and other wild animals. Suddenly, almost without warning, they were expected at once and without previous training to settle down to the pursuits of agriculture in a land largely unfitted for such use. The freedom of the chase was to be exchanged for the idleness of the camp. The boundless range was to be abandoned for the circumscribed reservation, and abundance of plenty to be supplanted by limited and decreasing government subsistence and supplies. Under these circumstances it is not in human nature not to be discontented and restless, even turbulent and violent.1
1Mooney, J.n/an/an/an/an/a, "The Ghost-dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890," Bur. Amer. Ethnol., Ann. Rep., 829.
Chicago: "Indianische Sagen Von Der Nord-Pacifischen Küste Nordamerikas," Indianische Sagen Von Der Nord-Pacifischen Küste Nordamerikas in Primitive Behavior: An Introduction to the Social Sciences, ed. Thomas, William I. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1937), Original Sources, accessed September 10, 2024, http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=2WTA1NQF1NKX3HZ.
MLA: . "Indianische Sagen Von Der Nord-Pacifischen Küste Nordamerikas." Indianische Sagen Von Der Nord-Pacifischen Küste Nordamerikas, in Primitive Behavior: An Introduction to the Social Sciences, edited by Thomas, William I., New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1937, Original Sources. 10 Sep. 2024. http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=2WTA1NQF1NKX3HZ.
Harvard: , 'Indianische Sagen Von Der Nord-Pacifischen Küste Nordamerikas' in Indianische Sagen Von Der Nord-Pacifischen Küste Nordamerikas. cited in 1937, Primitive Behavior: An Introduction to the Social Sciences, ed. , McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. Original Sources, retrieved 10 September 2024, from http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=2WTA1NQF1NKX3HZ.