Letter Accepting Resignation of Secretary of Commerce Strauss.
June 30, 1959

[ Released June 30, 1959. Dated June 27, 1959 ]

Dear Lewis:

Because of the rejection of your nomination by the United States Senate, you have expressed to me a fixed conclusion that it would be in the interests of efficiency in the current operations of the Department of Commerce for you to resign as Secretary, which post you have held since last November under a recess appointment. Your reason for making this decision, in spite of the meager opportunity for winding up the many affairs which have commanded your personal interest and effort, is in keeping with your unfailing practice of placing the public interest above your own.

I have frequently expressed my conviction that the charges leveled against you were totally unjustified. These could have destroyed a less sturdy individual. But I know that in your heart you cannot fail to take with you, as you leave office, a profound satisfaction in the extraordinary services you have rendered to the country and which, over the years, have been acclaimed by eminent leaders in American life. Certainly you will clearly have the admiration, respect and affection of your close associatesin government. To them you have typified patriotism, diligence and wisdom, as you have borne the responsibilities devolving upon you in the several posts of trust that you have occupied.

Personally and officially I feel keenly the loss that your resignation imposes upon me, and I assure you that I accept it, as of June 30th or at such later date as you may find more convenient, not only with personal sadness but with the belief that the citizens of the nation will share this feeling with me. I assure you also that there is no one whose character, qualifications and selflessness I respect more highly.

With warm personal regard,

NOTE: Mr. Strauss served under a recess appointment as Secretary of Commerce from November 13, 1958, through June 30, 1959. His letter of resignation, dated June 23, was released with the President’s reply.