Collected Works of John Wesley, Volume XIII

Author: John Wesley

DCCCXLII. — To the Same.

Dear George,Aberdeen, May 24, 1790.

I have no objection to your being in an English Circuit next year; as brother Brown is staving another in the island; which I suppose may be supplied by three Preachers this year, as it was the last. When the wit told the world of my being, in the water at Portsmouth, I was there or four hundred miles from it. Be zealous for God, and you will all see the fruit of your labor.

I am, dear George,

Your affectionate friend and brother.


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Chicago: John Wesley, "DCCCXLII. — To the Same.," Collected Works of John Wesley, Volume XIII, ed. Thomas Jackson in Collected Works of John Wesley, Volume XIII (London: Wesleyan Methodist Book Room, 1872), Original Sources, accessed July 26, 2024,

MLA: Wesley, John. "DCCCXLII. — To the Same." Collected Works of John Wesley, Volume XIII, edited by Thomas Jackson, in Collected Works of John Wesley, Volume XIII, London, Wesleyan Methodist Book Room, 1872, Original Sources. 26 Jul. 2024.

Harvard: Wesley, J, 'DCCCXLII. — To the Same.' in Collected Works of John Wesley, Volume XIII, ed. . cited in 1872, Collected Works of John Wesley, Volume XIII, Wesleyan Methodist Book Room, London. Original Sources, retrieved 26 July 2024, from