CCCLXXXV. — To the Same.

My Dear Sister,May 8, 1770.

Two things are certain: The one, that it is possible to lose even the pure love of God; the other, that it is not necessary, it is not unavoidable; it may be lost, but it may be kept. Accordingly, we have some, in every part of the kingdom, who have never been moved from their steadfastness. And from this moment you need never be moved: His grace is sufficient for you. But you must continue to grow, if you continue to stand; for no one can stand still. And is it not your Lord’s will concerning you, that you should daily receive a fresh increase of love? And see that you labor so much the more, to comfort the feeble-minded, to support the weak, to confirm the wavering, and recover them that are out of the way. In June I hope to see you. Peace be with your spirits!

I am

Your affectionate brother.