To Thomas Jefferson.

PHILADELPHIA, Jany 29, 1797.

DEAR SIR,—Yours, covering an unsealed letter to Mr. Tazewell, came duly to hand, and will be turned to the use you wish. As you take the Philadelphia Gazette, in which the belligerent answer to Adèt’s note has been printed in toto, I refer to that for the posture and prospect of things with France. The British party, since this overt patronage of their cause, no longer wear the mask. A war with France, and an alliance with Great Britain, enter both into print and conversation; and no doubt can be entertained that a push will be made to screw up the President to that point before he quits the office. The strides latterly made with so much inconsistency, as well as weakness, in that direction, prepare us for receiving every further step without surprise. No further discovery has been made of the mind of the President elect. I cannot prevail on myself to augur much that is consoling from him. Nothing from abroad, nor more at home than you will gather from the newspapers.