Collected Works of John Wesley, Volume XII

Author: John Wesley

CCCCXI. — To the Same.

Dear Sister,Whitehaven, April 12, 1770.

If two or three letters have miscarried, all will not; so I am determined to write again. How does the work of God go on at Limerick? Does the select society meet constantly? And do you speak freely to each other? What Preachers are with you now? Do you converse frankly and openly with them, without any shyness or reserve? Do you find your own soul prosper? Do you hold fast what God has given you? Do you give Him all your heart? And do you find the witness of this abiding with you? One who is now in the house with me has not lost that witness one moment for these ten years. Why should you lose it any more? Are not the gifts of God without repentance? Is He not willing to give always what he gives once? Lay hold, lay hold on all the promises.

I am

Your affectionate brother.


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Chicago: John Wesley, "CCCCXI. — To the Same.," Collected Works of John Wesley, Volume XII, ed. Thomas Jackson in Collected Works of John Wesley, Volume XII (London: Wesleyan Methodist Book Room, 1872), Original Sources, accessed July 26, 2024,

MLA: Wesley, John. "CCCCXI. — To the Same." Collected Works of John Wesley, Volume XII, edited by Thomas Jackson, in Collected Works of John Wesley, Volume XII, London, Wesleyan Methodist Book Room, 1872, Original Sources. 26 Jul. 2024.

Harvard: Wesley, J, 'CCCCXI. — To the Same.' in Collected Works of John Wesley, Volume XII, ed. . cited in 1872, Collected Works of John Wesley, Volume XII, Wesleyan Methodist Book Room, London. Original Sources, retrieved 26 July 2024, from