The first menstruation in the house of the mother-in-law is called "greeting the home." The groom’s mother announces it to the whole household by jokingly blowing water on one of the children and exclaiming, "Pfui! It is raining." Or she lets the daughter-in-law do this herself. . . . The mother-in-law then sends the loin leather, with the sign of the event on it, to the home of the bride as a symbol and seal of her complete assimilation to her new home. The overjoyed mother [calls together her sib sisters and they prepare food in which meal from the mother’s home is mixed with rich milk from the home of the mother-in-law] but before eating they inspect and conjure the loin leather. They unfold it and test the consistency of the blood. If it is thick and sticky they shout with joy since they regard this as the sign of its fitness to be impregnated (114–115).