Checklist of White House Press Releases

The following list contains releases of the Office of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as items nor covered by entries in the Digest of Other White House Announcements.

Released November 17 *

Transcript of a teleconference press briefing by Council on Environmental Quality Chairman James L. Connaughton, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Associate Director Sharon L. Hays, and State Department Senior Climate Negotiator Harlan Watson on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report

Statement by the Press Secretary on Cyclone Sidr in Bangladesh

* The transcript of the press briefing was released by the Office of the Press Secretary on November 16 but was embargoed for release until November 17.

Released November 19

Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Secretary Dana Perino

Statement by the Press Secretary announcing that the President signed S. 2206

Released November 20

Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Secretary Dana Perino

Statement by the Press Secretary on advances in ethical stem cell research