§ 741. Disposition of Documents Stored at Capitol

     The Secretary and Sergeant at Arms of the Senate and the Clerk and Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, at the convening in regular session of each successive Congress shall cause an invoice to be made of public documents stored in and about the Capitol, other than those belonging to the quota of Members of Congress, to the Library of Congress and the Senate and House libraries and document rooms. The superintendents of the Senate Service Department and House of Representatives Publications Distribution Service shall put the documents to the credit of Senators and Representatives in quantities equal in the number of volumes and as nearly as possible in value, to each Member of Congress, and the documents shall be distributed upon the orders of Senators and Representatives, each of whom shall be supplied by the superintendents of the Senate Service Department and House of Representatives Publications Distribution Service with a list of the number and character of the publications thus put to his credit, but before apportionment is made copies of any of these documents desired for the use of a committee of either House shall be delivered to the chairman of the committee.

     Four copies of leather-bound documents shall be reserved and carefully stored, to be used in supplying deficiencies in the Senate and House libraries caused by wear or loss.

(Pub. L. 90–620, Oct. 22, 1968, 82 Stat. 1255.)

Historical and Revision Notes

     Based on 44 U.S. Code, 1964 ed., § 167 (Jan. 12, 1895, ch. 23, § 63, 28 Stat. 611; July 2, 1954, ch. 455, title I, § 101, 68 Stat. 397).

     "Senate Service Department and House Folding Room" was substituted for "Senate and House folding rooms," and "superintendents of the Senate Service Department and House Folding Room" was substituted for "superintendents of the folding rooms" in view of act July 2, 1954, which redesignated the Senate Folding Room as the Senate Service Department.

     Act July 2, 1954, provided in part that "hereafter" the Senate Folding Room should be known as the Senate Service Department.

     "House of Representatives Publications Distribution Service" is substituted for "House Folding Room" because of the change of name under authority of Public Law 88–652.

Abolition of Office of Doorkeeper

     Office of Doorkeeper of House of Representatives abolished and functions transferred generally to Sergeant-at-Arms of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 6, One Hundred Fourth Congress, Jan. 4, 1995.