Joint Statement Following Meetings in Bermuda With Prime Minister Heath of the United Kingdom.
December 21, 1971

THE PRESIDENT of the United States, the Honorable Richard M. Nixon, and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, the Right Honorable Edward Heath, meeting in Government House, Bermuda, on 20 and 21 December 1971, discussedthe world situation in all its aspects. They agreed that the period which lies ahead is likely to be one of rapid change, which will offer the free world both opportunity and challenge on an unprecedented scale. This will call for the maintenance of the closest possible degree of understanding and unity of purpose not only between their two countries but also between themselves and their allies and partners. In view of the significance of the natural relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States they resolved to maintain their close and continuing consultation at all levels in their approach to world problems.

They recognized that the fulfillment of their objectives will be promoted by the United Kingdom’s forthcoming accession to the European Economic Communities, which will reinforce the strength of the Atlantic Alliance. This Alliance is, and must remain, the cornerstone of the defence of the free world. The President and the Prime Minister agreed that there is no inconsistency between a resolute and determined adherence to the principles which inspire the Alliance and the pursuit of that relaxation of international tension which is necessary to satisfy the natural aspirations of mankind to live in peace and prosperity.

Not the least of the problems confronting the free world is the need to promote conditions for more liberal commercial exchanges. The President and the Prime Minister welcomed the realignment of exchange rates and accompanying measures agreed in Washington on 17 and 18 December and agreed upon the necessity for their two countries, in consultation with their international partners, to intensify their efforts to promote a reformed international monetary system. They noted the importance of reviewing international commercial relations in order to reduce barriers to trade between the major trading countries of the world.

In the same spirit they agreed that one of the most essential tasks of statesmanship today is to lift the sights beyond the problems of immediate urgency to those major political and economic issues, which in the longer term will determine the shape of the world in which we all live. They agreed that they would direct all their consultations to this end.

NOTE: The joint statement was released at Hamilton, Bermuda.