Select Documents of English Constitutional History
Residence Required of Knights of the Shire and of Their Electors
(1413. French text and translation, 2 S. R. 170. 3 Stubbs, 80, 438.)
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1. FIRST, that the statutes made, concerning the election of the knights of the shires to come to the parliament, be holden and kept in all points; adjoining to the same, that the knights of the shires which from henceforth shall be chosen in every shire, be not chosen unless they be resident within the shires where they shall be chosen, the day of the date of the writ of the summons of the parliament; and that the knights and esquires, and others which shall be choosers of those knights of the shires, be also resident within the same shires, in manner and form as is aforesaid. And moreover it is ordained and established, that the citizens and burgesses of the cities and boroughs be chosen men, citizens and burgesses resident, dwelling and free in the same cities and boroughs, and no other in any wise.
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Chicago: "Residence Required of Knights of the Shire and of Their Electors," Select Documents of English Constitutional History in Select Documents of English Constitutional History, ed. George Burton Adams (1851-1925) and Henry Morse Stephens (1857-1918) (New York: Macmillan Company, 1916), 180. Original Sources, accessed December 10, 2024, http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=8E3PB5GMRAPL6SR.
MLA: . "Residence Required of Knights of the Shire and of Their Electors." Select Documents of English Constitutional History, in Select Documents of English Constitutional History, edited by George Burton Adams (1851-1925) and Henry Morse Stephens (1857-1918), New York, Macmillan Company, 1916, page 180. Original Sources. 10 Dec. 2024. http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=8E3PB5GMRAPL6SR.
Harvard: , 'Residence Required of Knights of the Shire and of Their Electors' in Select Documents of English Constitutional History. cited in 1916, Select Documents of English Constitutional History, ed. , Macmillan Company, New York, pp.180. Original Sources, retrieved 10 December 2024, from http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=8E3PB5GMRAPL6SR.