Message to Stanislaw Mikolajczyk Conveying Greetings to the International Peasant Union Forum.
December 16, 1953

[ Released December 16, 1953. Dated December 15, 1953 ]

Mr. Stanislaw Mikolajczyk
President, International Peasant Union
Carnegie Endowment International Center
New York, New York

To all participating in the International Peasant Union Forum, I am happy to send greetings.

I hope that your study of agriculture as practiced under communistic dictatorships receives wide attention. Few areas of human endeavor are so fundamental to the political stability and economy of nations as agriculture. The difficulties that communism’s leaders are experiencing in forcing collectivization and political regimentation upon the great peasant populations of Eastern Europe are therefore especially significant.

In examining this situation you are performing an important service to the free world. You have my best wishes for the success of your deliberations.