U.S. Code, Title 29, Labor

Author: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel"

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§ 187. Unlawful Activities or Conduct; Right to Sue; Jurisdiction; Limitations; Damages

     (a) It shall be unlawful, for the purpose of this section only, in an industry or activity affecting commerce, for any labor organization to engage in any activity or conduct defined as an unfair labor practice in section 158(b)(4) of this title.

     (b) Whoever shall be injured in his business or property by reason or 1 any violation of subsection (a) of this section may sue therefor in any district court of the United States subject to the limitations and provisions of section 185 of this title without respect to the amount in controversy, or in any other court having jurisdiction of the parties, and shall recover the damages by him sustained and the cost of the suit.

1 So in original. Probably should be "of".

(June 23, 1947, ch. 120, title III, § 303, 61 Stat. 158; Pub. L. 86–257, title VII, § 704(e), Sept. 14, 1959, 73 Stat. 545.)


     1959—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 86–257 struck out provisions which specified particular practices that were unlawful, and inserted reference to practices defined in section 158(b)(4) of this title, which section defines the unfair labor practices formerly enumerated in this subsection.


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Chicago: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel", "§ 187. Unlawful Activities or Conduct; Right to Sue; Jurisdiction; Limitations; Damages," U.S. Code, Title 29, Labor in U.S. Code, Title 29, Labor (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 2002), Original Sources, accessed July 26, 2024, http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=8NQRKN2GLIR1IFE.

MLA: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel". "§ 187. Unlawful Activities or Conduct; Right to Sue; Jurisdiction; Limitations; Damages." U.S. Code, Title 29, Labor, in U.S. Code, Title 29, Labor, Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 2002, Original Sources. 26 Jul. 2024. http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=8NQRKN2GLIR1IFE.

Harvard: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel", '§ 187. Unlawful Activities or Conduct; Right to Sue; Jurisdiction; Limitations; Damages' in U.S. Code, Title 29, Labor. cited in 2002, U.S. Code, Title 29, Labor, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.. Original Sources, retrieved 26 July 2024, from http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=8NQRKN2GLIR1IFE.