Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Woodrow Wilson

Author: Woodrow Wilson

PROCLAMATION. January 10, 1918

Licensing the importation, manufacture, storage and distribution of feeds, and certain other food commodities.

Whereas, Under and by virtue of an Act of Congress entitled "An Act to provide further for the national security and defense by encouraging the production, conserving the supply, and controlling the distribution of food products and fuel," approved by the President on the Loth day of August, 1917, it is provided among other things as follows:

Here follow the two paragraphs quoted on pages 8322 and 8323.

And, whereas, It is essential in order to carry into effect the provisions of the said Act, that the powers conferred upon the President by said Act be at this time exercised, to the extent hereinafter set forth.

Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the powers conferred upon me by said Act of Congress, hereby find and determine and by this proclamation do announce that it is essential, in order to carry into effect the purposes of said Act, to license the importation, manufacture, storage, and, distribution of feeds, and certain other food commodities, to the extent hereinafter specified.

(1) All persons, firms, corporations and associations engaged in the business of

(a) Importing, manufacturing (including mixing and processing of all kinds), storing or distributing any commercial mixed feeds (including dairy feeds, horse and mule feeds, stock feeds, hog feeds, and poultry feeds) ;

(b) Manufacturing feeds from any of the following commodities or importing, storing or distributing any of the following commodities as feeds or feed ingredients

Buckwheat, kaffir, milo, feterita, broom corn, cane seed, spelt, emmer, millet, sunflower seed, grain and seed screenings, lentils, linseed oil cake, linseed oil meal, beans, peas, dried brewers grains, dried distillers grains, dried yeast grains, malt sprouts, baled hay, baled alfalfa, baled straw, animal or fish products or by-products, tankage;

(c) Importing, manufacturing, storing or distributing as feed any products or by-products of any of the following commodities except products or by-products whose importation, manufacture, storage or distribution is already covered by a license held by any such person, firm, corporation or association:

Shelled corn, ear corn, oats, barley, wheat, rye, buckwheat, sorghum grains, rice, grain and seed screenings, soya beans, velvet beans, peas, peanuts, copra, palm nut, palm kernel, sugar beets, sugar cane, hay, alfalfa, straw;

(2) All persons, firms, corporations, and associations engaged in the business of malting barley, or other grains, or in the business of storing or distributing malt, except brewers of malt liquor who do not malt their own grain;

(3) All persons, firms, corporations and associations engaged in the business of importing, manufacturing or distributing copra, palm kernels, palm kernel oil, and peanuts;

(4) All salt water fishermen not already licensed by the United States Food Administration, whether fishing independently or on shares, engaged at any period of the year, in the commercial distribution, including catching and selling, of any or all varieties of salt water fish including menhaden and of shellfish and crustaceans;

(5) All persons, firms, corporations, and associations engaged in the business of canning peas, dried beans, corn, tomatoes, salmon or sardines not already licensed whose gross production is more than five hundred (500) cases per annum, except home canners and bona fide boys’ and girls’ canning clubs recognized by the Departments of Agriculture of the several States in the United States;


(6) All persons, firms, corporations, and associations not already licensed, engaged in the business of manufacturing tomato soup, tomato catsup, or other tomato products;

(7) All persons, firms, corporations and associations engaged in the business of manufacturing alimentary paste;

(8) All persons, firms, corporations and associations, not already licensed, engaged in the business of manufacturing any products derived from wheat or rye, Excepting, however,

(I) Retailers whose gross sales of food commodities do not exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) per annum;

(2) Common carriers as to operations necessary to the business of common carriage;

(3) Farmers, gardeners, cooperative associations of farmers or gardeners, including live stock farmers, and other persons with respect to the products of any farm, garden or other land owned, leased or cultivated by them;

Are hereby required to secure on or before February 15, 1918, a license, which license will be issued under such rules and regulations governing the conduct of the business as may be prescribed.

All persons hereby made subject to license must apply, specifying the kind of license desired, to the United States Food Administration, License Division, Washington, D. C., on forms prepared by it for that purpose which may be secured on request.

Any person, firm, corporation or association other than those hereinbefore excepted, who shall engage in or carry on any business hereinbefore specified after February 15, 1918, without first securing such license, will be liable to the penalty prescribed by said Act of Congress.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done in the District of Columbia, this tenth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, and of the independence of the United States of America, the one hundred and forty-second.


By the President:

Secretary of State.


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Chicago: Woodrow Wilson, "BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: PROCLAMATION. January 10, 1918 Licensing the importation, manufacture, storage and distribution of feeds, and certain other food commodities.," Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Woodrow Wilson, ed. and trans. James D. Richardson in Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Woodrow Wilson Original Sources, accessed July 26, 2024,

MLA: Wilson, Woodrow. "BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: PROCLAMATION. January 10, 1918 Licensing the importation, manufacture, storage and distribution of feeds, and certain other food commodities." Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Woodrow Wilson, edited and translated by James D. Richardson, in Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Woodrow Wilson, Original Sources. 26 Jul. 2024.

Harvard: Wilson, W, 'BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: PROCLAMATION. January 10, 1918 Licensing the importation, manufacture, storage and distribution of feeds, and certain other food commodities.' in Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Woodrow Wilson, ed. and trans. . cited in , Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Woodrow Wilson. Original Sources, retrieved 26 July 2024, from