Chicago: "Cautions as to Sources," American History Told by Contemporaries in American History Told by Contemporaries, ed. Albert Bushnell Hart (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1902), 5. Original Sources, accessed December 10, 2024,
MLA: . "Cautions as to Sources." American History Told by Contemporaries, in American History Told by Contemporaries, edited by Albert Bushnell Hart, Vol. 3, New York, The Macmillan Company, 1902, page 5. Original Sources. 10 Dec. 2024.
Harvard: , 'Cautions as to Sources' in American History Told by Contemporaries. cited in 1902, American History Told by Contemporaries, ed. , The Macmillan Company, New York, pp.5. Original Sources, retrieved 10 December 2024, from