Lord Elgin’s Appeal for Trade Reciprocity, the Elgin-Grey Papers

Elgin, James Bruce, Earl of

[Rather than annexation, Lord Elgin encouraged the widely supported option of a reciprocal trade agreement with the United States.]

. . . I have always said that I am prepared to assume the responsibility of keeping Canada quiet, with a much smaller garrison than we have now, and without any tax on the British consumer in the shape of protection to Canadian products, if you put our trade on as good a footing as that of our American neighbours—but if things remain on their present footing in this respect there is nothing before us but violent agitation ending in convulsion or annexation. It is better that I should worry you with my importunity than that I should be chargeable with having neglected to give you due warning. You have a great opportunity before you—obtain reciprocity for us and I venture to predict that you will be able shortly to point to this hitherto turbulent colony with satisfaction in illustration of the tendency of self government and freedom of trade to beget contentment and material progress. Canada will remain attached to England though tied to her neither by the golden links of protection, nor by the meshes of old fashioned colonial office jobbing and chicane. . . .