39 Telegram Urging States to Adopt Minimum Wage Legislation.
April 12, 1933

May I call your attention to minimum wage law just passed by Legislature of New York and approved by Governor Lehman which declares it against public policy for any employer to pay women or minors a wage which is "both less than the fair and reasonable value of services rendered and less than sufficient to meet the ultimate cost of living necessary for health." This represents great forward step against lowering of wages, which constitutes a serious form of unfair competition against other employers, reduces the purchasing power of the workers and threatens the stability of industry. I hope that similar action can be taken by the other States for protection of the public interest.

This telegram was sent to the following Governors:
Governor A. Harry Moore, New Jersey
Governor Gifford Pinchot, Pennsylvania
Governor Wilbur L. Cross, Connecticut
Governor Theodore F. Greene, Rhode Island
Governor Henry Horner, Illinois
Governor Paul V. McNutt, Indiana
Governor George White, Ohio
Governor William A. Comstock, Michigan
Governor Albert C. Ritchie, Maryland
Governor C. Douglas Buck, Delaware
Governor J. C. B. Eringhaus, North Carolina
Governor B. M. Miller, Alabama
Governor John G. Winant, New Hampshire