

Selections from Proceedings of the Trustees, 1701

Present the Revd Israel Chauncey Thomas Buckingham Abraham Pierson Samuel Andrew James Pierpont Noadiah Russell Joseph Webb

Whereas it was the glorious publick design of our now blessed fathers in their Removal from Europe into these parts of America, both to plant, and under ye Divine blessing to propagate in this Wilderness, the blessed Reformed, Protestant Religion, in ye purity of its Order, and Worship, not onely to their posterity, but also to ye barbarous Natives: In which great Enterprize they wanted not the Royal Commands, & favour of his Majtie. Charles ye Second to Authorize, & invigorate them.

We their unworthy posterity lamenting our past neglects of this Grand errand, & Sensible of our equal Obligations better to prosecute ye Same end, are desirous in our Generation to be Serviceable thereunto—Whereunto the Liberal, & Relligious Education of Suitable youth is under ye blessing of God, a chief, & most probable expedient. Therefore that we might not be wanting in cherishing the present observable, pious disposition of many wellminded people to Dedicate their Children, & Substance unto God in such a good service, and being our selves wth Sundry other Revd Elders not only desired by our godly people to undertake as Trustees for Erecting, forming, Ordering, & Regulating a Collegiate School, for ye advancement of such Education; But having also obtained of our present Religious Government, both full Liberty, & Asistance by their Donations to such an use, tokens likewise that particular persons will not be wanting in their benificence, Do in duty to God & the weal of our Countrey undertake in ye aforesd design. And being now met according to the liberties, & Aids granted to us for ye use aforesd. Do Order & Appoint that there shal, & hereby is Erected and formed a Collegiate School, Wherein shal be taught ye Liberal Arts, & Languages in such place, or places in Conecticut as the sd Trustees, with their Associates, & Successors, do, or shal from time to time see cause to Order. For the more Orderly, & effectual management of this Affair we agree to, & hereby appoint & Confirm these following Rules. . . .

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1: The sd. Rector shall take Especial Care as of the moral Behaviour of the Students at all Times so with industry to Instruct and Ground Them well in Theoretical devinity and to that End Shall neither By Himself nor by any other person Else whomsoever allow them to be Instructed and Grounded in any other Systems or Synopses of Divinity than such as the sd Trustees do order and appoint But shall take Effectual Care that the sd students be weekly in such seasons as he shall see Cause to appoint Caused memoriter To recite the Assemblies Catechism in Latin and Ames’s Theological Theses of which as also Ames’s Cases, He shall make or Cause to Be made from time to time such Explanations as may be (through the Blessing of God) most Conducive to their Establishment in the Principles of the Christian protestant Religion.

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2: That the sd Rector shall also Cause the Scriptures Daily (Except the Sabbath) morning and Evening to be read by the Students at the times of prayer in the School according to the Laudable orders and usages in Harvard College making Expositions upon the same, and upon the Sabbath Shall Either Expound practical Theology or Cause the Students non Graduated, to Repeat Sermons, and in all other ways according to his Best Discretion shall at all times studiously Indeavor in the Education of sd students to promote the power and the Purity of Religion and Best Edification and peace of these New England Churches.

3: The sd Rector with Himself and Either the Tutor or tutors when there shall Be such shall have the power to punish the non Graduated Students According to their faults Either by Imposing Extraordinary School Exercises or by Degrading them in their Several Classes without the Benefit of appeal for the Delinquents.

4: That the Rector or Tutors until the Trustees Do otherwise farther provide Shall make use of the orders and institutions of Harvard College for the instructing and Ruling of the Collegiate School so far as he or they shall Judge them suitable and wherein we have not at this present meeting made provision.

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6: Each undergraduate or non Licensed Student shall By His parent or Guardian pay to the Rector or Tutor for his tuition 30 Shillings per annum In Country pay at price Currant in the Country And Each Graduate During His Residence under the Benefit of sd School Shall pay 10s Per annum in Like pay and price.

7: That undergraduates Shall at the Discretion of the Rector have the Benefit of the Collegiate Library for their assistance in their Studies.

8: That at the Expiration of 4 years Continuance in their Studies and under the orderance of the Collegiate School Any person not Culpable and Convicted of Gross Ignorance or Scandalous Immoralities Shall on His Desire and at his Charge receive a Diploma or License for the Degree of Batchelors. And from thence at the Expiration of 3 years more so as in all to Compleat the number of 7 years shall receive upon his Desire and Charge a Diploma or License for Magister, But for the Especial Encouragement of Students in Their industry and good Literature as well as for the Ease of their parents Charges we not onely Disallow of Publick Commencements and forbid the same at all times But agree yt. If the Students any of them shall demand Their Diploma or License at the Expiration of 3 years and from thence of 2 full years, they shall and hereby we order and appoint that they do receive the same provided they shall stand and be accepted upon such probation of their Qualifications as the sd Trustees shall institute or Conclude upon.

Text—Dexter: Documentary History of Yale University, pp. 27–34.