The Writings of Samuel Adams— Volume 2

Author: Samuel Adams

The Committee of Correspondence of Boston to the Committee of Correspondence of Cambridge.1

[MS., Committee of Correspondence Papers, Lenox Library.]

BOSTON Decr 29 1772


Your cordial Approbation2 of our sincere Endeavors for the Common Safety, affords us great Encouragement to persevere with Alacrity in the Execution of our Trust. Our hands have been abundantly strengthend by the generous and manly Resolves of our worthy Brethren in the several Towns who have hitherto acted.

Should such Sentiments, which we are convincd generally prevail through the province, be as generally expressd, it must refute the insidious misrepresentation so industriously propagated on both sides of the Atlantick, that the people have not Virtue enough to resist the Efforts made to enslave them! It affords us the greatest Satisfaction to find the Opportunity offerd to our Fellow Countrymen to wipe off so ignominious a Reproach so readily embraced. We trust in God, & in the Smiles of Heaven on the Justice of our Cause, that a Day is hastening, when the Efforts of the Colonists will be crownd with Success; and the present Generation furnish an Example of publick Virtue, worthy the Imitation of all Posterity. In this we are greatly encouraged, from the thorough Understanding of our civil & Religious Rights Liberties & Privileges, throughout this province: The Importance of which is so obvious, that we are satisfied, nothing we can offer, would strengthen your Sense of it.

It gives us Pleasure to be assured from you, that the meetings of the Town of Cambridge on the Occasion have been so respectable; as, in our Opinion, it is an Evidence of their virtuous Attachment to the Cause of Liberty.

It shall be our constant Endeavor to collect and communicate to our esteemed fellow Countrymen every Interresting Information we can procure; in pursuance thereof we take the Liberty to inclose, a material Extract of a Letter from the Right Honorable the Earl of Dartmouth to his Honor the Governor of Rhode Island, Dated White Hall, Sept. 7 1772; which we have good reason to assure you is genuine.3

1 Addressed to "Capt Ebenezer Stedman & others, a Committee of Correspondence in Cambridge." 2 Boston Gazette, December 28, 1772. 3 The form of signature is "Signd by order of the Committee for Correspondence in Boston William Cooper, Clerk."


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Chicago: Samuel Adams, "The Committee of Correspondence of Boston to the Committee of Correspondence of Cambridge.1," The Writings of Samuel Adams— Volume 2 in The Writings of Samuel Adams—Volume 2 Original Sources, accessed July 26, 2024,

MLA: Adams, Samuel. "The Committee of Correspondence of Boston to the Committee of Correspondence of Cambridge.1." The Writings of Samuel Adams— Volume 2, in The Writings of Samuel Adams—Volume 2, Original Sources. 26 Jul. 2024.

Harvard: Adams, S, 'The Committee of Correspondence of Boston to the Committee of Correspondence of Cambridge.1' in The Writings of Samuel Adams— Volume 2. cited in , The Writings of Samuel Adams—Volume 2. Original Sources, retrieved 26 July 2024, from