Public Papers of Herbert Hoover, 1932-1933

Author: Herbert Hoover  | Date: January 5, 1933

Proclamation 2024, Announcing the Death of Calvin Coolidge.
January 5, 1933

By the President of the United States of America

a Proclamation:

To the People of the United States:

It becomes my sad duty to announce officially the death of Calvin Coolidge, which occurred at his home in the City of Northampton, Massachusetts, on the fifth day of January, nineteen hundred and thirty-three, at twelve twenty-five o’clock in the afternoon.

Mr. Coolidge had devoted his entire life to the public service, and his steady progress from Councilman to Mayor of Northampton and thence upward as Member of the State Senate of Massachusetts, Lieutenant-Governor and Governor of Massachusetts, to Vice-President and President of the United States, stands as a conspicuous memorial to his private and public virtues, his outstanding ability, and his devotion to the public welfare.

His name had become in his own lifetime a synonym for sagacity and wisdom; and his temperateness in speech and his orderly deliberation in action bespoke the profound sense of responsibility which guided his conduct of the public business.

From the American people he evoked an extraordinary warmth of affectionate response to his salient and characteristic personality. He earned and enjoyed their confidence in the highest degree. To millions of our people his death will come as a personal sorrow as well as a public loss.

As an expression of the public sorrow, it is ordered that the flags of The White House and of the several departmental buildings be displayed at half staff for a period of thirty days, and that suitable military and naval honors under orders of the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy may be rendered on the day of the funeral.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

DONE at the City of Washington this fifth day of January, in the year
of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-three, and of the
[SEAL] Independence of the United States of America the one
hundred and fifty-seventh.


By the President:
Secretary of State.


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Chicago: Herbert Hoover, "444 Proclamation 2024, Announcing the Death of Calvin Coolidge.," Public Papers of Herbert Hoover, 1932-1933 in Federal Register Division. National Archives and Records Service, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Herbert Hoover, 1932-1933 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1956-), P.1011 Original Sources, accessed July 26, 2024,

MLA: Hoover, Herbert. "444 Proclamation 2024, Announcing the Death of Calvin Coolidge." Public Papers of Herbert Hoover, 1932-1933, in Federal Register Division. National Archives and Records Service, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Herbert Hoover, 1932-1933 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1956-), P.1011, Original Sources. 26 Jul. 2024.

Harvard: Hoover, H, '444 Proclamation 2024, Announcing the Death of Calvin Coolidge.' in Public Papers of Herbert Hoover, 1932-1933. cited in , Federal Register Division. National Archives and Records Service, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Herbert Hoover, 1932-1933 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1956-), P.1011. Original Sources, retrieved 26 July 2024, from