Arkansas v. Texas, 346 U.S. 368 (1953)

Author: U.S. Supreme Court

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Arkansas v. Texas, 346 U.S. 368 (1953)

Arkansas v. Texas

No. ___, Original

Argued October 21, 1953
Decided November 16, 1953
346 U.S. 368



Invoking the original jurisdiction of this Court under Art. III, § 2, of the Constitution, Arkansas filed a motion for leave to file a complaint against Texas. The complaint alleged that the University of Arkansas entered into a contract with a Texas charitable corporation whereby the corporation agreed to contribute money to the construction of a floor in a new hospital in the Arkansas State Medical Center; that, though the corporation is willing to perform, Texas has filed suit in the Texas courts to enjoin it on the ground that, under Texas law, its funds must be expended for the benefit of residents of Texas, and that the University has let contracts for the construction of the hospital, now partially completed, but is without funds to proceed further unless Texas is enjoined from interfering.


1. The corporation is not an indispensable party to the suit. Pp. 369-370.

2. The controversy is between two States, since the Arkansas is the real party in interest in the contract with the Texas corporation and the complaint alleges that Texas is unlawfully interfering with its performance. Pp. 370-371.


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Chicago: U.S. Supreme Court, "Syllabus," Arkansas v. Texas, 346 U.S. 368 (1953) in 346 U.S. 368 346 U.S. 369. Original Sources, accessed June 14, 2024,

MLA: U.S. Supreme Court. "Syllabus." Arkansas v. Texas, 346 U.S. 368 (1953), in 346 U.S. 368, page 346 U.S. 369. Original Sources. 14 Jun. 2024.

Harvard: U.S. Supreme Court, 'Syllabus' in Arkansas v. Texas, 346 U.S. 368 (1953). cited in 1953, 346 U.S. 368, pp.346 U.S. 369. Original Sources, retrieved 14 June 2024, from