Acts Approved by the President

Approved July 30

H.R. 3512 / Public Law 109-42
Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2005, Part VI

Approved August 1

H.R. 3423 / Public Law 109-43
Medical Device User Fee Stabilization Act of 2005

Approved August 2

H.R. 38 / Public Law 109-44
Upper White Salmon Wild and Scenic Rivers Act

H.R. 481 / Public Law 109-45
Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site Trust Act of 2005

H.R. 541 / Public Law 109-46
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to convey certain land to Lander County, Nevada, and the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain land to Eureka County, Nevada, for continued use as cemeteries

H.R. 794 / Public Law 109-47
Colorado River Indian Reservation Boundary Correction Act

H.R. 1046 / Public Law 109-48
To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to contract with the city of Cheyenne, Wyoming, for the storage of the city’s water in the Kendrick Project, Wyoming

H.J. Res. 59 / Public Law 109-49

Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the women suffragists who fought for and won the right of women to vote in the United States

S. 571 / Public Law 109-50
To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1915 Fulton Street in Brooklyn, New York, as the "Congresswoman Shirley A. Chisholm Post Office Building"

S. 775 / Public Law 109-51
To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 123 W. 7th Street in Holdenville, Oklahoma, as the "Boone Pickens Post Office"

S. 904 / Public Law 109-52
To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1560 Union Valley Road in West Milford, New Jersey, as the "Brian P. Parrello Post Office Building"

H.R. 3045 / Public Law 109-53
Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act

H.R. 2361 / Public Law 109-54
Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006

H.R. 2985 / Public Law 109-55
Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2006

S. 45 / Public Law 109-56
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to lift the patient limitation on prescribing drug addiction treatments by medical practitioners in group practices, and for other purposes

S. 1395 / Public Law 109-57
Controlled Substances Export Reform Act of 2005