U.S. Code, Title 29, Labor
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General SummaryThe U.S. Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. While every effort has been made to ensure that this reproduction of the Code is accurate, those using it for legal purposes should verify their results against the printed version of the Code available through the Government Printing Office.
201. Short title.
202. Congressional finding and declaration of policy.
203. Definitions.
204. Administration.
(a) Creation of Wage and Hour Division in Department of Labor; Administrator.
(b) Appointment, selection, classification, and promotion of employees by Administrator.
(c) Principal office of Administrator; jurisdiction.
(d) Biennial report to Congress; studies of exemptions to hour and wage provisions and means to prevent curtailment of employment opportunities.
(e) Study of effects of foreign production on unemployment; report to President and Congress.
(f) Employees of Library of Congress; administration of provisions by Office of Personnel Management.
205. Special industry committees for American Samoa.
(a) Establishment; residents as members of committees.
(b) Appointment of committee without regard to other laws pertaining to the appointment and compensation of employees of the United States; composition of committees.
(c) Quorum; compensation; employees.
(d) Submission of data to committees.
206. Minimum wage.
(a) Employees engaged in commerce; home workers in Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands; employees in American Samoa; seamen on American vessels; agricultural employees.
(b) Additional applicability to employees pursuant to subsequent amendatory provisions.
(c) Repealed.
(d) Prohibition of sex discrimination.
(e) Employees of employers providing contract services to United States.
(f) Employees in domestic service.
(g) Newly hired employees who are less than 20 years old.
207. Maximum hours.
(a) Employees engaged in interstate commerce; additional applicability to employees pursuant to subsequent amendatory provisions.
(b) Employment pursuant to collective bargaining agreement; employment by independently owned and controlled local enterprise engaged in distribution of petroleum products.
(c), (d) Repealed.
(e) "Regular rate" defined.
(f) Employment necessitating irregular hours of work.
(g) Employment at piece rates.
(h) Credit toward minimum wage or overtime compensation of amounts excluded from regular rate.
(i) Employment by retail or service establishment.
(j) Employment in hospital or establishment engaged in care of sick, aged, or mentally ill.
(k) Employment by public agency engaged in fire protection or law enforcement activities.
(l) Employment in domestic service in one or more households.
(m) Employment in tobacco industry.
(n) Employment by street, suburban, or interurban electric railway, or local trolley or motorbus carrier.
(o) Compensatory time.
(p) Special detail work for fire protection and law enforcement employees; occasional or sporadic employment; substitution.
(q) Maximum hour exemption for employees receiving remedial education.
208. Wage orders in American Samoa.
(a) Congressional policy; recommendation of wage rate by industry committee.
(b) Investigation of industry condition by industry committee; matters considered.
(c) Classifications within industry; recommendation of wage rate.
(d) Report by industry committee; publication in Federal Register.
(e) Orders.
(f) Due notice of hearings by publication in Federal Register.
209. Attendance of witnesses.
210. Court review of wage orders in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
211. Collection of data.
(a) Investigations and inspections.
(b) State and local agencies and employees.
(c) Records.
(d) Homework regulations.
212. Child labor provisions.
(a) Restrictions on shipment of goods; prosecution; conviction.
(b) Investigations and inspections.
(c) Oppressive child labor.
(d) Proof of age.
213. Exemptions.
(a) Minimum wage and maximum hour requirements.
(b) Maximum hour requirements.
(c) Child labor requirements.
(d) Delivery of newspapers and wreathmaking.
(e) Maximum hour requirements and minimum wage employees.
(f) Employment in foreign countries and certain United States territories.
(g) Certain employment in retail or service establishments, agriculture.
(h) Maximum hour requirement: fourteen workweek limitation.
(i) Cotton ginning.
(j) Processing of sugar beets, sugar beet molasses, or sugar cane.
214. Employment under special certificates.
(a) Learners, apprentices, messengers.
(b) Students.
(c) Handicapped workers.
(d) Employment by schools.
215. Prohibited acts; prima facie evidence.
216. Penalties.
(a) Fines and imprisonment.
(b) Damages; right of action; attorney’s fees and costs; termination of right of action.
(c) Payment of wages and compensation; waiver of claims; actions by the Secretary; limitation of actions.
(d) Savings provisions.
(e) Civil penalties for child labor violations.
216a. Repealed.
216b. Liability for overtime work performed prior to July 20, 1949.
217. Injunction proceedings.
218. Relation to other laws.
219. Separability.
Chapter Referred to in Other Sections
This chapter is referred to in sections 251 to 262, 721, 1802 of this title; title 2 sections 60k, 1302, 1313, 1371, 1434; title 3 sections 402, 413; title 5 section 2105; title 7 sections 2015, 2026, 2029; title 15 sections 1014, 3152; title 18 section 1593; title 22 section 7109; title 38 section 1718; title 41 section 355; title 42 sections 3056, 5044, 8009, 8011, 12655l.
Chicago: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel", "Chapter 8— Fair Labor Standards," U.S. Code, Title 29, Labor in U.S. Code, Title 29, Labor (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 2002), Original Sources, accessed February 6, 2025, http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=CRP9ZZIBWC4BLVL.
MLA: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel". "Chapter 8— Fair Labor Standards." U.S. Code, Title 29, Labor, in U.S. Code, Title 29, Labor, Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 2002, Original Sources. 6 Feb. 2025. http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=CRP9ZZIBWC4BLVL.
Harvard: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel", 'Chapter 8— Fair Labor Standards' in U.S. Code, Title 29, Labor. cited in 2002, U.S. Code, Title 29, Labor, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.. Original Sources, retrieved 6 February 2025, from http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=CRP9ZZIBWC4BLVL.