Chicago: Victor Hugo, "Theatre," The Memoirs of Victor Hugo, ed. Maurice, Paul and trans. Colbron, Grace Isabel, 1869-1948 in The Memoirs of Victor Hugo (New York: The Modern Library Publishers, 1918), Original Sources, accessed October 6, 2024,
MLA: Hugo, Victor. "Theatre." The Memoirs of Victor Hugo, edited by Maurice, Paul, and translated by Colbron, Grace Isabel, 1869-1948, in The Memoirs of Victor Hugo, New York, The Modern Library Publishers, 1918, Original Sources. 6 Oct. 2024.
Harvard: Hugo, V, 'Theatre' in The Memoirs of Victor Hugo, ed. and trans. . cited in 1918, The Memoirs of Victor Hugo, The Modern Library Publishers, New York. Original Sources, retrieved 6 October 2024, from