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U.S. Code, Title 10, Armed Forces
Title 10— Armed Forces
Chapter 1.—Definitions
Chapter 1— Definitions
§ 101. Definitions
Chapter 2.—Department of Defense
Chapter 2— Department of Defense
§ 111. Executive Department
§ 112. Department of Defense: Seal
§ 113. Secretary of Defense
§ 114. Annual Authorization of Appropriations
§ 115. Personnel Strengths: Requirement for Annual Authorization
§ 115a. Annual Manpower Requirements Report
§ 116. Annual Operations and Maintenance Report
§ 117. Readiness Reporting System: Establishment; Reporting to Congressional Committees
§ 118. Quadrennial Defense Review
§ 119. Special Access Programs: Congressional Oversight
Chapter 3.—General Powers and Functions
Chapter 3— General Powers and Functions
§ 121. Regulations
§ 122. Official Registers
§ 123. Authority to Suspend Officer Personnel Laws During War or National Emergency
§ 123a. Suspension of End-Strength Limitations in Time of War or National Emergency
§ 123b. Forces Stationed Abroad: Limitation on Number
§ 124. Detection and Monitoring of Aerial and Maritime Transit of Illegal Drugs: Department of Defense to Be Lead Agency
§ 125. Functions, Powers, and Duties: Transfer, Reassignment, Consolidation, or Abolition
§ 126. Transfer of Funds and Employees
§ 127. Emergency and Extraordinary Expenses
§ 127a. Operations for Which Funds Are Not Provided in Advance: Funding Mechanisms
§ 128. Physical Protection of Special Nuclear Material: Limitation on Dissemination of Unclassified Information
§ 129. Prohibition of Certain Civilian Personnel Management Constraints
§ 129a. General Personnel Policy
§ 129b. Experts and Consultants: Authority to Procure Services of
§ 129c. Medical Personnel: Limitations on Reductions
§ 130. Authority to Withhold from Public Disclosure Certain Technical Data
§ 130a. Major Department of Defense Headquarters Activities Personnel: Limitation
§ 130b. Personnel in Overseas, Sensitive, or Routinely Deployable Units: Nondisclosure of Personally Identifying Information
§ 130c. Nondisclosure of Information: Certain Sensitive Information of Foreign Governments and International Organizations
Chapter 4.—Office of the Secretary of Defense
Chapter 4— Office of the Secretary of Defense
§ 131. Office of the Secretary of Defense
§ 132. Deputy Secretary of Defense
§ 133. Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
§ 133a. Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology
§ 133b. Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness
§ 134. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
§ 134a. Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
§ 134b. Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Technology Security Policy
§ 135. Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
§ 136. Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
§ 137. Director of Defense Research and Engineering
§ 138. Assistant Secretaries of Defense
§ 139. Director of Operational Test and Evaluation
§ 140. General Counsel
[§ 140a. Renumbered § 422]
[§ 140b. Renumbered § 423]
§ 141. Inspector General
§ 142. Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs
§ 143. Office of the Secretary of Defense Personnel: Limitation
Chapter 5.—Joint Chiefs of Staff
Chapter 5— Joint Chiefs of Staff
§ 151. Joint Chiefs of Staff: Composition; Functions
§ 152. Chairman: Appointment; Grade and Rank
§ 153. Chairman: Functions
§ 154. Vice Chairman
§ 155. Joint Staff
Chapter 6.—Combatant Commands
Chapter 6— Combatant Commands
§ 161. Combatant Commands: Establishment
§ 162. Combatant Commands: Assigned Forces; Chain of Command
§ 163. Role of Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
§ 164. Commanders of Combatant Commands: Assignment; Powers and Duties
§ 165. Combatant Commands: Administration and Support
§ 166. Combatant Commands: Budget Proposals
§ 166a. Combatant Commands: Funding Through the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
§ 167. Unified Combatant Command for Special Operations Forces
§ 168. Military-To-Military Contacts and Comparable Activities
Chapter 7.—Boards, Councils, and Committees
Chapter 7— Boards, Councils, and Committees
§ 171. Armed Forces Policy Council
§ 172. Ammunition Storage Board
§ 173. Advisory Personnel
§ 174. Advisory Personnel: Research and Development
§ 175. Reserve Forces Policy Board
§ 176. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
§ 177. American Registry of Pathology
§ 178. The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine
§ 179. Nuclear Weapons Council
§ 180. Service Academy Athletic Programs: Review Board
§ 181. Joint Requirements Oversight Council
§ 182. Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance
§ 183. Advisory Committees: Annual Justification Required
§ 184. Department of Defense Regional Centers for Security Studies
Chapter 8.—Defense Agencies and Department of Defense Field Activities
Chapter 8— Defense Agencies and Department of Defense Field Activities
§ 191. Secretary of Defense: Authority to Provide for Common Performance of Supply or Service Activities
§ 192. Defense Agencies and Department of Defense Field Activities: Oversight by the Secretary of Defense
§ 193. Combat Support Agencies: Oversight
§ 194. Limitations on Personnel
§ 195. Defense Automated Printing Service: Applicability of Federal Printing Requirements
§ 201. Certain Intelligence Officials: Consultation and Concurrence Regarding Appointments; Evaluation of Performance
[§ 202. Repealed. Pub. L. 105– 107, Title V, § 503(C), Nov. 20, 1997, 111 Stat. 2262]
§ 203. Director of Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
Chapter 9.—Defense Budget Matters
Chapter 9— Defense Budget Matters
§ 221. Future-Years Defense Program: Submission to Congress; Consistency in Budgeting
§ 222. Future-Years Mission Budget
§ 223. Ballistic Missile Defense Programs: Program Elements
§ 224. Ballistic Missile Defense Programs: Display of Amounts for Procurement
§ 226. Scoring of Outlays
[§ 227. Repealed. Pub. L. 104– 106, DIV. A, Title X, § 1061(F)(1), Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 443]
§ 228. Monthly Reports on Allocation of Funds Within Operation and Maintenance Budget Subactivities
§ 229. Programs for Combating Terrorism: Display of Budget Information
§ 230. Amounts for Declassification of Records
Chapter 11.—Reserve Components
Chapter 11— Reserve Components
§ 261. Reference to Chapters 1003, 1005, and 1007
Chapter 13.—The Militia
Chapter 13— The Militia
§ 311. Militia: Composition and Classes
§ 312. Militia Duty: Exemptions
Chapter 15.—Insurrection
Chapter 15— Insurrection
§ 331. Federal Aid for State Governments
§ 332. Use of Militia and Armed Forces to Enforce Federal Authority
§ 333. Interference With State and Federal Law
§ 334. Proclamation to Disperse
§ 335. Guam and Virgin Islands Included as "State"
[§ 336. Repealed. Pub. L. 96– 513, Title V, § 511(11)(B), Dec. 12, 1980, 94 Stat. 2921]
Chapter 17.—Arming of American Vessels
Chapter 17— Arming of American Vessels
§ 351. During War or Threat to National Security
Chapter 18.—Military Support for Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies
Chapter 18— Military Support for Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies
§ 371. Use of Information Collected During Military Operations
§ 372. Use of Military Equipment and Facilities
§ 373. Training and Advising Civilian Law Enforcement Officials
§ 374. Maintenance and Operation of Equipment
§ 375. Restriction on Direct Participation by Military Personnel
§ 376. Support Not to Affect Adversely Military Preparedness
§ 377. Reimbursement
§ 378. Nonpreemption of Other Law
§ 379. Assignment of Coast Guard Personnel to Naval Vessels for Law Enforcement Purposes
§ 380. Enhancement of Cooperation With Civilian Law Enforcement Officials
§ 381. Procurement by State and Local Governments of Law Enforcement Equipment Suitable for Counter-Drug Activities Through the Department of Defense
§ 382. Emergency Situations Involving Chemical or Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction
Chapter 20.—Humanitarian and Other Assistance
Chapter 20— Humanitarian and Other Assistance
§ 401. Humanitarian and Civic Assistance Provided in Conjunction With Military Operations
§ 402. Transportation of Humanitarian Relief Supplies to Foreign Countries
[§ 403. Repealed. Pub. L. 104– 106, DIV. A, Title X, § 1061(G)(1), Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 443]
§ 404. Foreign Disaster Assistance
§ 405. Use of Department of Defense Funds for United States Share of Costs of United Nations Peacekeeping Activities: Limitation
[§ 410. Repealed. Pub. L. 104– 106, DIV. A, Title V, § 571(A)(1), Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 353]
Chapter 21.—Department of Defense Intelligence Matters
Chapter 21— Department of Defense Intelligence Matters
§ 421. Funds for Foreign Cryptologic Support
§ 422. Counterintelligence Official Reception and Representation Expenses
§ 423. Authority to Use Proceeds from Counterintelligence Operations of the Military Departments
§ 424. Disclosure of Organizational and Personnel Information: Exemption for Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Imagery and Mapping Agency
§ 425. Prohibition of Unauthorized Use of Name, Initials, or Seal: Specified Intelligence Agencies
§ 431. Authority to Engage in Commercial Activities as Security for Intelligence Collection Activities
§ 432. Use, Disposition, and Auditing of Funds
§ 433. Relationship With Other Federal Laws
§ 434. Reservation of Defenses and Immunities
§ 435. Limitations
§ 436. Regulations
§ 437. Congressional Oversight
Chapter 22.—National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Chapter 22— National Imagery and Mapping Agency
§ 441. Establishment
§ 442. Missions
§ 443. Imagery Intelligence and Geospatial Information: Support for Foreign Countries
§ 444. Support from Central Intelligence Agency
[§ 445. Repealed. Pub. L. 105– 107, Title V, § 503(C), Nov. 20, 1997, 111 Stat. 2262]
§ 451. Maps, Charts, and Books
§ 452. Pilot Charts
§ 453. Sale of Maps, Charts, and Navigational Publications: Prices; Use of Proceeds
§ 454. Exchange of Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic Data With Foreign Countries and International Organizations
§ 455. Maps, Charts, and Geodetic Data: Public Availability; Exceptions
§ 456. Civil Actions Barred
§ 457. Operational Files Previously Maintained by or Concerning Activities of National Photographic Interpretation Center: Authority to Withhold from Public Disclosure
§ 461. Management Rights
§ 467. Definitions
Chapter 23.—Miscellaneous Studies and Reports
Chapter 23— Miscellaneous Studies and Reports
§ 481. Race Relations, Gender Discrimination, and Hate Group Activity: Annual Survey and Report
§ 482. Quarterly Reports: Personnel and Unit Readiness
§ 483. Reports on Transfers from High-Priority Readiness Appropriations
§ 484. Annual Report on Aircraft Inventory
§ 485. Joint Warfighting Experimentation
§ 486. Quadrennial Report on Emerging Operational Concepts
§ 487. Unit Operations Tempo and Personnel Tempo: Annual Report
Chapter 31.—Enlistments
Chapter 31— Enlistments
§ 501. Definition
§ 502. Enlistment Oath: Who May Administer
§ 503. Enlistments: Recruiting Campaigns; Compilation of Directory Information
§ 504. Persons Not Qualified
§ 505. Regular Components: Qualifications, Term, Grade
§ 506. Regular Components: Extension of Enlistments During War
§ 507. Extension of Enlistment for Members Needing Medical Care or Hospitalization
§ 508. Reenlistment: Qualifications
§ 509. Voluntary Extension of Enlistments: Periods and Benefits
§ 513. Enlistments: Delayed Entry Program
§ 514. Bounties Prohibited; Substitutes Prohibited
§ 515. Reenlistment After Discharge as Warrant Officer
§ 516. Effect Upon Enlisted Status of Acceptance of Appointment as Cadet or Midshipman
§ 517. Authorized Daily Average: Members in Pay Grades E– 8 and E– 9
§ 518. Temporary Enlistments
§ 519. Temporary Enlistments: During War or Emergency
§ 520. Limitation on Enlistment and Induction of Persons Whose Score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test Is Below a Prescribed Level
[§ 520a. Repealed. Pub. L. 106– 398, § 1 [[DIV. A], Title X, § 1076(G)(1)], Oct. 30, 2000, 114 Stat. 1654, 1654a– 282]
§ 520b. Applicants for Enlistment: Authority to Use Funds for the Issue of Authorized Articles
§ 520c. Recruiting Functions: Use of Funds
Chapter 32.—Officer Strength and Distribution in Grade
Chapter 32— Officer Strength and Distribution in Grade
§ 521. Authority to Prescribe Total Strengths of Officers on Active Duty and Officer Strengths in Various Categories
§ 522. Authorized Total Strengths: Regular Commissioned Officers on Active Duty
§ 523. Authorized Strengths: Commissioned Officers on Active Duty in Grades of Major, Lieutenant Colonel, and Colonel and Navy Grades of Lieutenant Commander, Commander, and Captain
§ 525. Distribution of Commissioned Officers on Active Duty in General Officer and Flag Officer Grades
§ 526. Authorized Strength: General and Flag Officers on Active Duty
§ 527. Authority to Suspend Sections 523, 525, and 526
§ 528. Limitation on Number of Officers on Active Duty in Grades of General and Admiral
Chapter 33.—Original Appointments of Regular Officers in Grades Above Warrant Officer Grades
Chapter 33— Original Appointments of Regular Officers in Grades Above Warrant Officer Grades
§ 531. Original Appointments of Commissioned Officers
§ 532. Qualifications for Original Appointment as a Commissioned Officer
§ 533. Service Credit Upon Original Appointment as a Commissioned Officer
§ 541. Graduates of the United States Military, Naval, and Air Force Academies
[§ § 555 to 565. Repealed. Pub. L. 102– 190, DIV. A, Title XI, § 1112(A), Dec. 5, 1991, 105 Stat. 1492]
Chapter 33A—Appointment, Promotion, and Involuntary Separation and Retirement for Members on the Warrant Officer Active-Duty List
Chapter 33a— Appointment, Promotion, and Involuntary Separation and Retirement for Members on the Warrant Officer Active-Duty List
§ 571. Warrant Officers: Grades
§ 572. Warrant Officers: Original Appointment; Service Credit
§ 573. Convening of Selection Boards
§ 574. Warrant Officer Active-Duty Lists; Competitive Categories; Number to Be Recommended for Promotion; Promotion Zones
§ 575. Recommendations for Promotion by Selection Boards
§ 576. Information to Be Furnished to Selection Boards; Selection Procedures
§ 577. Promotions: Effect of Failure of Selection for
§ 578. Promotions: How Made; Effective Date
§ 579. Removal from a Promotion List
§ 580. Regular Warrant Officers Twice Failing of Selection for Promotion: Involuntary Retirement or Separation
§ 580a. Enhanced Authority for Selective Early Discharges
§ 581. Selective Retirement
§ 582. Warrant Officer Active-Duty List: Exclusions
§ 583. Definitions
Chapter 34.—Appointments as Reserve Officers
Chapter 34— Appointments as Reserve Officers
§ 591. Reference to Chapters 1205 and 1207
Chapter 35.—Temporary Appointments in Officer Grades
Chapter 35— Temporary Appointments in Officer Grades
§ 601. Positions of Importance and Responsibility: Generals and Lieutenant Generals; Admirals and Vice Admirals
[§ 602. Repealed. Pub. L. 102– 190, DIV. A, Title XI, § 1113(A), Dec. 5, 1991, 105 Stat. 1502]
§ 603. Appointments in Time of War or National Emergency
§ 604. Senior Joint Officer Positions: Recommendations to the Secretary of Defense
Chapter 36.—Promotion, Separation, and Involuntary Retirement of Officers on the Active-Duty List
Chapter 36— Promotion, Separation, and Involuntary Retirement of Officers on the Active-Duty List
§ 611. Convening of Selection Boards
§ 612. Composition of Selection Boards
§ 613. Oath of Members of Selection Boards
§ 614. Notice of Convening of Selection Boards
§ 615. Information Furnished to Selection Boards
§ 616. Recommendations for Promotion by Selection Boards
§ 617. Reports of Selection Boards
§ 618. Action on Reports of Selection Boards
§ 619. Eligibility for Consideration for Promotion: Time-In-Grade and Other Requirements
§ 619a. Eligibility for Consideration for Promotion: Joint Duty Assignment Required Before Promotion to General or Flag Grade; Exceptions
§ 620. Active-Duty Lists
§ 621. Competitive Categories for Promotion
§ 622. Numbers to Be Recommended for Promotion
§ 623. Establishment of Promotion Zones
§ 624. Promotions: How Made
§ 625. Authority to Vacate Promotions to Grades of Brigadier General and Rear Admiral (Lower Half)
§ 626. Acceptance of Promotions; Oath of Office
§ 627. Failure of Selection for Promotion
§ 628. Special Selection Boards
§ 629. Removal from a List of Officers Recommended for Promotion
§ 630. Discharge of Regular Commissioned Officers With Less Then Five Years of Active Commissioned Service or Found Not Qualified for Promotion for First Lieutenant or Lieutenant (Junior Grade)
§ 631. Effect of Failure of Selection for Promotion: Regular First Lieutenants and Lieutenants (Junior Grade)
§ 632. Effect of Failure of Selection for Promotion: Regular Captains and Majors of the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps and Regular Lieutenants and Lieutenant Commanders of the Navy
§ 633. Retirement for Years of Service: Regular Lieutenant Colonels and Commanders
§ 634. Retirement for Years of Service: Regular Colonels and Navy Captains
§ 635. Retirement for Years of Service: Regular Brigadier Generals and Rear Admirals (Lower Half)
§ 636. Retirement for Years of Service: Regular Officers in Grades Above Brigadier General and Rear Admiral (Lower Half)
§ 637. Selection of Regular Officers for Continuation on Active Duty
§ 638. Selective Early Retirement
§ 638a. Modification to Rules for Continuation on Active Duty; Enhanced Authority for Selective Early Retirement and Early Discharges
§ 639. Continuation on Active Duty to Complete Disciplinary Action
§ 640. Deferment of Retirement or Separation for Medical Reasons
§ 641. Applicability of Chapter
§ 642. Entitlement of Officers Discharged or Retired Under This Chapter to Separation Pay or Retired Pay
§ 643. Chaplains: Discharge or Retirement Upon Loss of Professional Qualifications
[§ 644. Repealed. Pub. L. 103– 337, DIV. A, Title XVI, § 1622(B), Oct. 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 2961]
§ 645. Definitions
§ 646. Consideration of Performance as a Member of the Joint Staff
Chapter 37.—General Service Requirements
Chapter 37— General Service Requirements
§ 651. Members: Required Service
[§ 652. Repealed. Pub. L. 103– 337, DIV. A, Title XVI, § 1661(A)(3)(A), Oct. 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 2980]
§ 653. Minimum Service Requirement for Certain Flight Crew Positions
§ 654. Policy Concerning Homosexuality in the Armed Forces
§ 655. Designation of Persons Having Interest in Status of a Missing Member
Chapter 38.—Joint Officer Management
Chapter 38— Joint Officer Management
§ 661. Management Policies for Joint Specialty Officers
§ 662. Promotion Policy Objectives for Joint Officers
§ 663. Education
§ 664. Length of Joint Duty Assignments
§ 665. Procedures for Monitoring Careers of Joint Officers
§ 666. Reserve Officers Not on the Active-Duty List
§ 667. Annual Report to Congress
§ 668. Definitions
Chapter 39.—Active Duty
Chapter 39— Active Duty
§ 671. Members Not to Be Assigned Outside United States Before Completing Training
§ 671a. Members: Service Extension During War
§ 671b. Members: Service Extension When Congress Is Not in Session
§ 672. Reference to Chapter 1209
[§ 686. Renumbered § 12318]
[§ 687. Renumbered § 12319]
§ 688. Retired Members: Authority to Order to Active Duty; Duties
§ 689. Retired Members: Grade in Which Ordered to Active Duty and Upon Release from Active Duty
§ 690. Retired Members Ordered to Active Duty: Limitation on Number
§ 691. Permanent End Strength Levels to Support Two Major Regional Contingencies
Chapter 40.—Leave
Chapter 40— Leave
§ 701. Entitlement and Accumulation
§ 702. Cadets and Midshipmen
§ 703. Reenlistment Leave
§ 704. Use of Leave; Regulations
§ 705. Rest and Recuperative Absence for Qualified Enlisted Members Extending Duty at Designated Locations Overseas
§ 706. Administration of Leave Required to Be Taken Pending Review of Certain Court-Martial Convictions
§ 707. Payment Upon Disapproval of Certain Court-Martial Sentences for Excess Leave Required to Be Taken
§ 708. Educational Leave of Absence
Chapter 41.—Special Appointments, Assignments, Details, and Duties
Chapter 41— Special Appointments, Assignments, Details, and Duties
§ 711. Senior Members of Military Staff Committee of United Nations: Appointment
§ 711a. American National Red Cross: Detail of Commissioned Officers
§ 712. Foreign Governments: Detail to Assist
§ 713. State Department: Assignment or Detail as Couriers and Building Inspectors
§ 714. Defense Attacheÿae1 in France: Required Grade
[§ 715. Repealed. Pub. L. 103– 337, DIV. A, Title XVI, § 1662(G)(2), Oct. 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 2996]
§ 716. Commissioned Officers: Transfers Among the Armed Forces, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Public Health Service
§ 717. Members of the Armed Forces: Participation in International Sports
[§ 718. Repealed. Pub. L. 99– 433, Title I, § 110(A)(1), Oct. 1, 1986, 100 Stat. 1001]
§ 719. Department of Commerce: Assignment or Detail of Members of the Armed Forces to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
§ 720. Chief of Staff to President: Appointment
§ 721. General and Flag Officers: Limitation on Appointments, Assignments, Details, and Duties Outside an Officer’s Own Service
Chapter 43.—Rank and Command
Chapter 43— Rank and Command
§ 741. Rank: Commissioned Officers of the Armed Forces
§ 742. Rank: Warrant Officers
§ 743. Rank: Chief of Staff of the Army; Chief of Naval Operations; Chief of Staff of the Air Force; Commandant of the Marine Corps
§ 744. Physician to White House: Assignment; Grade
[§ 745. Repealed. Pub. L. 102– 190, DIV. A, Title XI, § 1114(B), Dec. 5, 1991, 105 Stat. 1502]
§ 747. Command: When Different Commands of Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Join
§ 749. Command: Commissioned Officers in Same Grade or Corresponding Grades on Duty at Same Place
§ 750. Command: Retired Officers
Chapter 45.—The Uniform
Chapter 45— The Uniform
§ 771. Unauthorized Wearing Prohibited
§ 771a. Disposition on Discharge
§ 772. When Wearing by Persons Not on Active Duty Authorized
§ 773. When Distinctive Insignia Required
§ 774. Religious Apparel: Wearing While in Uniform
§ 775. Issue of Uniform Without Charge
§ 776. Applicability of Chapter
§ 777. Wearing of Insignia of Higher Grade Before Promotion (Frocking): Authority; Restrictions
Chapter 47.—Uniform Code of Military Justicecm:table-Start:4,l0,ns,tp0,p6,7/8,5,r20,3,3
Chapter 47— Uniform Code of Military Justicecm:Table-Start:4,L0,Ns,Tp0,P6,7/8,5,R20,3,3
§ 801. Article 1. Definitions
§ 802. Art. 2. Persons Subject to This Chapter
§ 803. Art. 3. Jurisdiction to Try Certain Personnel
§ 804. Art. 4. Dismissed Officer’s Right to Trial by Court-Martial
§ 805. Art. 5. Territorial Applicability of This Chapter
§ 806. Art. 6. Judge Advocates and Legal Officers
§ 806a. Art. 6a. Investigation and Disposition of Matters Pertaining to the Fitness of Military Judges
§ 807. Art. 7. Apprehension
§ 808. Art. 8. Apprehension of Deserters
§ 809. Art. 9. Imposition of Restraint
§ 810. Art. 10. Restraint of Persons Charged With Offenses
§ 811. Art. 11. Reports and Receiving of Prisoners
§ 812. Art. 12. Confinement With Enemy Prisoners Prohibited
§ 813. Art. 13. Punishment Prohibited Before Trial
§ 814. Art. 14. Delivery of Offenders to Civil Authorities
§ 815. Art. 15. Commanding Officer’s Non-Judicial Punishment
§ 816. Art. 16. Courts-Martial Classified
§ 817. Art. 17. Jurisdiction of Courts-Martial in General
§ 818. Art. 18. Jurisdiction of General Courts-Martial
§ 819. Art. 19. Jurisdiction of Special Courts-Martial
§ 820. Art. 20. Jurisdiction of Summary Courts-Martial
§ 821. Art. 21. Jurisdiction of Courts-Martial Not Exclusive
§ 822. Art. 22. Who May Convene General Courts-Martial
§ 823. Art. 23. Who May Convene Special Courts-Martial
§ 824. Art. 24. Who May Convene Summary Courts-Martial
§ 825. Art. 25. Who May Serve on Courts-Martial
§ 826. Art. 26. Military Judge of a General or Special Court-Martial
§ 827. Art. 27. Detail of Trial Counsel and Defense Counsel
§ 828. Art. 28. Detail or Employment of Reporters and Interpreters
§ 829. Art. 29. Absent and Additional Members
§ 830. Art. 30. Charges and Specifications
§ 831. Art. 31. Compulsory Self-Incrimination Prohibited
§ 832. Art. 32. Investigation
§ 833. Art. 33. Forwarding of Charges
§ 834. Art. 34. Advice of Staff Judge Advocate and Reference for Trial
§ 835. Art. 35. Service of Charges
§ 836. Art. 36. President May Prescribe Rules
§ 837. Art. 37. Unlawfully Influencing Action of Court
§ 838. Art. 38. Duties of Trial Counsel and Defense Counsel
§ 839. Art. 39. Sessions
§ 840. Art. 40. Continuances
§ 841. Art. 41. Challenges
§ 842. Art. 42. Oaths
§ 843. Art. 43. Statute of Limitations
§ 844. Art. 44. Former Jeopardy
§ 845. Art. 45. Pleas of the Accused
§ 846. Art. 46. Opportunity to Obtain Witnesses and Other Evidence
§ 847. Art. 47. Refusal to Appear or Testify
§ 848. Art. 48. Contempts
§ 849. Art. 49. Depositions
§ 850. Art. 50. Admissibility of Records of Courts of Inquiry
§ 850a. Art. 50a. Defense of Lack of Mental Responsibility
§ 851. Art. 51. Voting and Rulings
§ 852. Art. 52. Number of Votes Required
§ 853. Art. 53. Court to Announce Action
§ 854. Art. 54. Record of Trial
§ 855. Art. 55. Cruel and Unusual Punishments Prohibited
§ 856. Art. 56. Maximum Limits
§ 856a. Art. 56a. Sentence of Confinement for Life Without Eligibility for Parole
§ 857. Art. 57. Effective Date of Sentences
§ 857a. Art. 57a. Deferment of Sentences
§ 858. Art. 58. Execution of Confinement
§ 858a. Art. 58a. Sentences: Reduction in Enlisted Grade Upon Approval
§ 858b. Art. 58b. Sentences: Forfeiture of Pay and Allowances During Confinement
§ 859. Art. 59. Error of Law; Lesser Included Offense
§ 860. Art. 60. Action by the Convening Authority
§ 861. Art. 61. Waiver or Withdrawal of Appeal
§ 862. Art. 62. Appeal by the United States
§ 863. Art. 63. Rehearings
§ 864. Art. 64. Review by a Judge Advocate
§ 865. Art. 65. Disposition of Records
§ 866. Art. 66. Review by Court of Criminal Appeals
§ 867. Art. 67. Review by the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
§ 867a. Art. 67a. Review by the Supreme Court
§ 868. Art. 68. Branch Offices
§ 869. Art. 69. Review in the Office of the Judge Advocate General
§ 870. Art. 70. Appellate Counsel
§ 871. Art. 71. Execution of Sentence; Suspension of Sentence
§ 872. Art. 72. Vacation of Suspension
§ 873. Art. 73. Petition for a New Trial
§ 874. Art. 74. Remission and Suspension
§ 875. Art. 75. Restoration
§ 876. Art. 76. Finality of Proceedings, Findings, and Sentences
§ 876a. Art. 76a. Leave Required to Be Taken Pending Review of Certain Court-Martial Convictions
§ 876b. Art. 76b. Lack of Mental Capacity or Mental Responsibility: Commitment of Accused for Examination and Treatment
§ 877. Art. 77. Principals
§ 878. Art. 78. Accessory After the Fact
§ 879. Art. 79. Conviction of Lesser Included Offense
§ 880. Art. 80. Attempts
§ 881. Art. 81. Conspiracy
§ 882. Art. 82. Solicitation
§ 883. Art. 83. Fraudulent Enlistment, Appointment, or Separation
§ 884. Art. 84. Unlawful Enlistment, Appointment, or Separation
§ 885. Art. 85. Desertion
§ 886. Art. 86. Absence Without Leave
§ 887. Art. 87. Missing Movement
§ 888. Art. 88. Contempt Toward Officials
§ 889. Art. 89. Disrespect Toward Superior Commissioned Officer
§ 890. Art. 90. Assaulting or Willfully Disobeying Superior Commissioned Officer
§ 891. Art. 91. Insubordinate Conduct Toward Warrant Officer, Noncommissioned Officer, or Petty Officer
§ 892. Art. 92. Failure to Obey Order or Regulation
§ 893. Art. 93. Cruelty and Maltreatment
§ 894. Art. 94. Mutiny or Sedition
§ 895. Art. 95. Resistance, Flight, Breach of Arrest, and Escape
§ 896. Art. 96. Releasing Prisoner Without Proper Authority
§ 897. Art. 97. Unlawful Detention
§ 898. Art. 98. Noncompliance With Procedural Rules
§ 899. Art. 99. Misbehavior Before the Enemy
§ 900. Art. 100. Subordinate Compelling Surrender
§ 901. Art. 101. Improper Use of Countersign
§ 902. Art. 102. Forcing a Safeguard
§ 903. Art. 103. Captured or Abandoned Property
§ 904. Art. 104. Aiding the Enemy
§ 905. Art. 105. Misconduct as Prisoner
§ 906. Art. 106. Spies
§ 906a. Art. 106a. Espionage
§ 907. Art. 107. False Official Statements
§ 908. Art. 108. Military Property of United States— Loss, Damage, Destruction, or Wrongful Disposition
§ 909. Art. 109. Property Other Than Military Property of United States— Waste, Spoilage, or Destruction
§ 910. Art. 110. Improper Hazarding of Vessel
§ 911. Art. 111. Drunken or Reckless Operation of a Vehicle, Aircraft, or Vessel
§ 912. Art. 112. Drunk on Duty
§ 912a. Art. 112a. Wrongful Use, Possession, Etc., of Controlled Substances
§ 913. Art. 113. Misbehavior of Sentinel
§ 914. Art. 114. Dueling
§ 915. Art. 115. Malingering
§ 916. Art. 116. Riot or Breach of Peace
§ 917. Art. 117. Provoking Speeches or Gestures
§ 918. Art. 118. Murder
§ 919. Art. 119. Manslaughter
§ 920. Art. 120. Rape and Carnal Knowledge
§ 921. Art. 121. Larceny and Wrongful Appropriation
§ 922. Art. 122. Robbery
§ 923. Art. 123. Forgery
§ 923a. Art. 123a. Making, Drawing, or Uttering Check, Draft, or Order Without Sufficient Funds
§ 924. Art. 124. Maiming
§ 925. Art. 125. Sodomy
§ 926. Art. 126. Arson
§ 927. Art. 127. Extortion
§ 928. Art. 128. Assault
§ 929. Art. 129. Burglary
§ 930. Art. 130. Housebreaking
§ 931. Art. 131. Perjury
§ 932. Art. 132. Frauds Against the United States
§ 933. Art. 133. Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman
§ 934. Art. 134. General Article
§ 935. Art. 135. Courts of Inquiry
§ 936. Art. 136. Authority to Administer Oaths and to Act as Notary
§ 937. Art. 137. Articles to Be Explained
§ 938. Art. 138. Complaints of Wrongs
§ 939. Art. 139. Redress of Injuries to Property
§ 940. Art. 140. Delegation by the President
§ 941. Art. 141. Status
§ 942. Art. 142. Judges
§ 943. Art. 143. Organization and Employees
§ 944. Art. 144. Procedure
§ 945. Art. 145. Annuities for Judges and Survivors
§ 946. Art. 146. Code Committee
Chapter 48.—Military Correctional Facilities
Chapter 48— Military Correctional Facilities
§ 951. Establishment; Organization; Administration
§ 952. Parole
§ 953. Remission or Suspension of Sentence; Restoration to Duty; Reenlistment
§ 954. Voluntary Extension; Probation
§ 955. Prisoners Transferred to or from Foreign Countries
§ 956. Deserters, Prisoners, Members Absent Without Leave: Expenses and Rewards
Chapter 49.—Miscellaneous Prohibitions and Penalties
Chapter 49— Miscellaneous Prohibitions and Penalties
§ 971. Service Credit: Officers May Not Count Service Performed While Serving as Cadet or Midshipman
§ 972. Members: Effect of Time Lost
§ 973. Duties: Officers on Active Duty; Performance of Civil Functions Restricted
[§ 974. Repealed. Pub. L. 105– 261, DIV. A, Title V, § 569(A), Oct. 17, 1998, 112 Stat. 2032]
§ 976. Membership in Military Unions, Organizing of Military Unions, and Recognition of Military Unions Prohibited
§ 977. Operation of Commissary Stores: Assignment of Active Duty Members Generally Prohibited
§ 978. Drug and Alcohol Abuse and Dependency: Testing of New Entrants
§ 979. Prohibition on Loan and Grant Assistance to Persons Convicted of Certain Crimes
§ 980. Limitation on Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects
§ 981. Limitation on Number of Enlisted Aides
§ 982. Members: Service on State and Local Juries
§ 983. Institutions of Higher Education That Prevent Rotc Access or Military Recruiting on Campus: Denial of Grants and Contracts from Department of Defense, Department of Education, and Certain Other Departments and Agencies
§ 985. Persons Convicted of Capital Crimes: Denial of Certain Burial-Related Benefits
§ 986. Security Clearances: Limitations
Chapter 50.—Miscellaneous Command Responsibilities
Chapter 50— Miscellaneous Command Responsibilities
§ 991. Management of Deployments of Members
Chapter 51.—Reserve Components: Standards and Procedures for Retention and Promotion
Chapter 51— Reserve Components: Standards and Procedures for Retention and Promotion
§ 1001. Reference to Chapter 1219
Chapter 53.—Miscellaneous Rights and Benefits
Chapter 53— Miscellaneous Rights and Benefits
§ 1031. Administration of Oath
§ 1032. Disability and Death Compensation: Dependents of Members Held as Captives
§ 1033. Participation in Management of Specified Non-Federal Entities: Authorized Activities
§ 1034. Protected Communications; Prohibition of Retaliatory Personnel Actions
§ 1035. Deposits of Savings
§ 1036. Escorts for Dependents of Members: Transportation and Travel Allowances
§ 1037. Counsel Before Foreign Judicial Tribunals and Administrative Agencies; Court Costs and Bail
§ 1038. Service Credit: Certain Service in Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps
§ 1039. Crediting of Minority Service
§ 1040. Transportation of Dependent Patients
§ 1041. Replacement of Certificate of Discharge
§ 1042. Copy of Certificate of Service
§ 1043. Service Credit: Service in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the Public Health Service
§ 1044. Legal Assistance
§ 1044a. Authority to Act as Notary
§ 1044b. Military Powers of Attorney: Requirement for Recognition by States
§ 1044c. Advance Medical Directives of Members and Dependents: Requirement for Recognition by States
§ 1044d. Military Testamentary Instruments: Requirement for Recognition by States
§ 1045. Voluntary Withholding of State Income Tax from Retired or Retainer Pay
§ 1046. Overseas Temporary Foster Care Program
§ 1047. Allowance for Civilian Clothing
§ 1048. Gratuity Payment to Persons Discharged for Fraudulent Enlistment
§ 1049. Subsistence: Miscellaneous Persons
§ 1050. Latin American Cooperation: Payment of Personnel Expenses
§ 1051. Bilateral or Regional Cooperation Programs: Payment of Personnel Expenses
§ 1052. Adoption Expenses: Reimbursement
§ 1053. Financial Institution Charges Incurred Because of Government Error in Direct Deposit of Pay: Reimbursement
§ 1053a. Expenses Incurred in Connection With Leave Canceled Due to Contingency Operations: Reimbursement
§ 1054. Defense of Certain Suits Arising Out of Legal Malpractice
§ 1055. Waiver of Security Deposits for Members Renting Private Housing; Authority to Indemnify Landlord
§ 1056. Relocation Assistance Programs
§ 1057. Use of Armed Forces Insignia on State License Plates
§ 1058. Responsibilities of Military Law Enforcement Officials at Scenes of Domestic Violence
§ 1059. Dependents of Members Separated for Dependent Abuse: Transitional Compensation; Commissary and Exchange Benefits
§ 1060. Military Service of Retired Members With Newly Democratic Nations: Consent of Congress
§ 1060a. Special Supplemental Food Program
Chapter 54.—Commissary and Exchange Benefits
Chapter 54— Commissary and Exchange Benefits
§ 1061. Survivors of Certain Reserve and Guard Members
§ 1062. Certain Former Spouses
§ 1063. Use of Commissary Stores: Members of Ready Reserve With at Least 50 Creditable Points
§ 1063a. Use of Commissary Stores and Mwr Retail Facilities: Members of National Guard Serving in Federally Declared Disaster
§ 1064. Use of Commissary Stores: Persons Qualified for Retired Pay Under Chapter 1223 but Under Age 60
§ 1065. Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Retail Facilities: Use by Members of R