CCCL. — To the Same.

My Dear Sister,Kingswood, October 5, 1765.

You oblige me much by speaking so freely. What an admirable teacher is experience! You have great reason to praise God for what He has taught you hereby, and to expect; that he will teach you all things. But, whatever you find now, beware you do not deny what you had once received: I do not say, "a divine assurance that you should never sin, or sustain any spiritual loss." I know not that ever you received this. But you certainly were saved from sin; and that as clearly, and in as high a degree, as ever Sally Ryan was. And if you have sustained any loss in this, believe, and be made whole.

I never doubted but —— would recover her strength, though she has long walked in a thorny way.

A general temptation now is, the denying what God had wrought. Guard all whom you converse with from this; and from fancying great grace can be preserved without great watchfulness and self-denial.

I am

Your affectionate brother.