Department of Energy
Nomination of George M. Fumich, Jr., To Be an Assistant Secretary.
September 12, 1979

The President today announced his intention to nominate George M. Fumich, Jr., of Arlington, Va., to be Assistant Secretary of Energy for Fossil Energy. Fumich is the first person nominated for this position.

He is currently Program Director for Fossil Energy at the Energy Department. Fumich was born December 8, 1917, in Calamady, Pa. He received an A.B. from West Virginia University and a J.D. from West Virginia University College of Law in 1948.

From 1948 to 1961, Fumich was an attorney for the Christopher Coal Co. in Osage, W. Va. From 1961 to 1963, he was Director of the Office of Minerals Exploration at the Department of the Interior.

From 1963 to 1975, Fumich was Associate Director, then Director, of the Office of Coal Research. He was on the senior staff in fossil energy at the Energy Research and Development Administration from 1975 until 1977, when ERDA was merged into the Department of Energy and he assumed his present position.