MONTFLEURY. (to the MARQUISES). Come to my help, my lords!

A MARQUIS. (carelessly). Go on! Go on!

CYRANO. Fat man take warning! If you go on, I

Shall feel myself constrained to cuff your face!

THE MARQUIS. Have done!

CYRANO. And if these lords hold not their tongue

Shall feel constrained to make them taste my cane!

ALL THE MARQUISES. (rising). Enough!... Montfleury...

CYRANO. If he goes not quick

I will cut off his ears and slit him up!

A VOICE. But...

CYRANO. Out he goes!


CYRANO. Is he not gone yet?

(He makes the gesture of turning up his cuffs.)

Good! I shall mount the stage now, buffet-wise,

To carve this fine Italian sausage- thus!

MONTFLEURY. (trying to be dignified). You outrage Thalia in

insulting me!

CYRANO. (very politely).

If that Muse, Sir, who knows you not at all,

Could claim acquaintance with you,- oh, believe

(Seeing how urn-like, fat, and slow you are)

That she would make you taste her buskin’s sole!

THE PIT. Montfleury! Montfleury! Come- Baro’s play!

CYRANO. (to those who are calling out).

I pray you have a care! If you go on

My scabbard soon will render up its blade!

(The circle round him widens.)

THE CROWD. (drawing back). Take care!

CYRANO. (to MONTFLEURY). Leave the stage!

THE CROWD. (coming near and grumbling). Oh!-

CYRANO. Did some one speak

(They draw back again.)

A VOICE. (singing at the back).

Monsieur de Cyrano

Displays his tyrannies:

A fig for tyrants! What, ho!

Come! Play us la Clorise!

ALL THE PIT. (singing). La Clorise! la Clorise! ...

CYRANO. Let me but hear once more that foolish rhyme,

I slaughter every man of you.

A BURGHER. Oh! Samson?

CYRANO. Yes, Samson! Will you lend your jawbone, Sir?

A LADY. (in the boxes). Outrageous!

A LORD. Scandalous!

A BURGHER. ’Tis most annoying!

A PAGE. Fair good sport!

THE PIT. Kss!- Montfleury... Cyrano!

CYRANO. Silence!

THE PIT. (wildly excited). Hooooh! Quack! Cock-a-doodle-doo!

CYRANO. I order-

A PAGE. Miow!

CYRANO. I order silence, all!

And challenge the whole pit collectively!-

I write your names!- Approach, young heroes, here!

Each in his turn! I cry the numbers out!-

Now which of you will come to ope the lists?

You, Sir? No! You? No! The first duellist

Shall be despatched by me with honours due!

Let all who long for death hold up their hands!

(A silence.)

Modest? You fear to see my naked blade?

Not one name?- Not one hand?- Good, I proceed!

(Turning towards the stage, where MONTFLEURY waits in an agony.)

The theatre’s too full, congested,- I

Would clear it out.... If not...

(Puts his hand on his sword.)

The knife must act!


CYRANO. (leaves his chair, and settles himself in the middle of the

circle which has formed).

I will clap my hands thrice, thus- full moon!

At the third clap, eclipse yourself!

THE PIT. (amused). Ah!

CYRANO. (clapping his hands). One!


A VOICE. (in the boxes). Stay!

THE PIT. He stays... he goes... he stays...

MONTFLEURY. I think...



MONTFLEURY. I think ’twere wisest...

CYRANO. Three!

(MONTFLEURY disappears as through a trap. Tempest of laughs, whistling cries, etc.)

THE WHOLEHOUSE. Coward... come back!

CYRANO. (delighted, sits back in his chair, arms crossed).

Come back and if you dare!

A BURGHER. Call for the orator!

(BELLEROSE comes forward and bows.)

THE BOXES. Ah, here’s Bellerose!

BELLEROSE. (elegantly). My noble lords...

THE PIT. No! no! Jodelet.

JODELET. (advancing, speaking through his nose). Calves!

THE PIT. Ah! bravo! good! go on!

JODELET. No bravos, Sirs!

The fat tragedian whom you all love


THE PIT. Coward!

JODELET. ..was obliged to go.

THE PIT. Come back!



A YOUNG MAN. (to CYRANO). But pray, Sir, for what reason, say,

Hate you Montfleury?

CYRANO. (graciously, still seated). Youthful gander, know

I have two reasons,- either will suffice.

Primo . An actor villainous! who mouths,

And heaves up like a bucket from a well

The verses that should, bird-like, fly! Secundo -/p>

That is my secret...

THE OLD BOURGEOIS. (behind him). Shameful! You deprive us

Of the Clorise! I must insist...

CYRANO. (turning his chair towards the BOURGEOIS, respectfully).

Old mule!

The verses of old Baro are not worth

A doit! I’m glad to interrupt...

THE PRECIEUSES. (in the boxes). Our Baro!-

My dear! How dares he venture!...

CYRANO. (turning his chair towards the boxes, gallantly).

Fairest ones,

Radiate, bloom, hold to our lips the cup

Of dreams intoxicating, Hebe-like!

Or, when death strikes, charm death with your sweet smiles;

Inspire our verse, but- criticise it not!

BELLEROSE. We must give back the entrance fees!

CYRANO. (turning his chair towards the stage.) Bellerose,

You make the first intelligent remark!

Would I rend Thespis’ sacred mantle? Nay!

(He rises, and throws a bag on the stage.)

Catch then the purse I throw, and hold your peace!

THE HOUSE. (dazzled). Ah! Oh!

JODELET. (catching the purse dexterously and weighing it).

At this price, you’ve authority

To come each night, and stop Clorise , Sir!

THE PIT. Ho!...

Ho! ho!...

JODELET. E’en if you chase us in a pack!...

BELLEROSE. Clear out the hall!...

JODELET. Get you all gone at once!

(The people begin to go out, while CYRANO looks on with satisfaction. But the crowd soon stop on hearing the following scene, and remain where they are. The women, who, with their mantles on, are already standing up in the boxes, stop to listen, and finally reseat themselves.)

LE BRET. (to CYRANO). ’Tis mad!...

A BORE. (coming up to CYRANO). The actor Montfleury! ’Tis shameful!

Why, he’s protected by the Duke of Candal!

Have you a patron?


THE BORE. No patron?...


THE BORE. What! no great lord to shield you with his name?

CYRANO. (irritated). No, I have told you twice! Must I repeat?

No! no protector... (His hand on his sword.)

A protectress... here!

THE BORE. But you must leave the town?

CYRANO. Well, that depends

THE BORE. The Duke has a long arm!

CYRANO. But not so long

As mine, when it is lengthened out...

(Shows his sword.) As thus

THE BORE. You think not to contend?

CYRANO. ’Tis my idea!

THE BORE. But...

CYRANO. Show your heels, now!

THE BORE. But I...

CYRANO. Show your heels!

Or tell me why you stare so at my nose!

THE BORE. (staggered). I...

CYRANO. (walking straight up to him). Well, what is there strange?

THE BORE. (drawing back). Your Grace mistakes!

CYRANO. How now? Is’t soft and dangling, like a trunk?...

THE BORE. (same play). I never...

CYRANO. Is it crook’d like an owl’s beak?


CYRANO. Do you see a wart upon the tip?

THE BORE. Nay...

CYRANO. Or a fly, that takes the air there? What

Is there to stare at?


CYRANO. What do you see?

THE BORE. But I was careful not to look- knew better.

CYRANO. And why not look at it, an if you please?

THE BORE. I was...

CYRANO. Oh! it disgusts you!


CYRANO. Its hue

Unwholesome seems to you?


CYRANO. Or its shape?

THE BORE. No, on the contrary!...

CYRANO. Why then that air

Disparaging?- perchance you think it large?

THE BORE. (stammering). No; small, quite small- minute!

CYRANO. Minute! What now?

Accuse me of a thing ridiculous!

Small- my nose?

THE BORE. Heaven help me!

CYRANO. ’Tis enormous!

Old Flathead, empty-headed meddler, know

That I am proud, possessing such appendice.

’Tis well known, a big nose is indicative

Of a soul affable, and kind, and courteous,

Liberal, brave, just like myself, and such

As you can never dare to dream yourself,

Rascal contemptible! For that witless face

That my hand soon will come to cuff,- is all

As empty... (He cuffs him.)


CYRANO. -of pride, of aspiration,

Of feeling, poetry,- of godlike spark

Of all that appertains to my big nose,

(He turns him by the shoulders, suiting the action to the word.)

As... what my boot will shortly come and kick!

THE BORE. (running away). Help! Call the Guard!

CYRANO. Take notice, boobies all,

Who find my visage’s centre ornament

A thing to jest at,- that it is my wont-

An if the jester’s noble- ere we part

To let him taste my steel, and not my boot!

DE GUICHE. (who, with the MARQUISES, has come down from the stage).

But he becomes a nuisance!

THE VISCOUNT DE VALVERT. (shrugging his shoulders). Swaggerer!

DE GUICHE. Will no one put him down?...

THE VISCOUNT. No one? But wait!

I’ll, treat him to... one of my quips!... See here!...

(He goes up to CYRANO, who is watching him, and with a conceited


Sir, your nose is hm... it is... very big!

CYRANO. (gravely). Very!

THE VISCOUNT. (laughing). Ha!

CYRANO. (imperturbably). Is that all?...

THE VISCOUNT. What do you mean?

CYRANO. Ah no! young blade! That was a trifle short!

You might have said at least a hundred things

By varying the tone,... like this, suppose,...

Aggressive: "Sir, if I had such a nose

I’d amputate it!" Friendly: "When you sup

It must annoy you, dipping in your cup;

You need a drinking-bowl of special shape!"

Descriptive: "’Tis a rock!... a peak!... a cape!

-A cape, forsooth! ’Tis a peninsular!"

Curious: "How serves that oblong capsular?

For scissor-sheath? or pot to hold your ink?"

Gracious: "You love the little birds, I think?

I see you’ve managed with a fond research

To find their tiny claws a roomy perch!"

Truculent: "When you smoke your pipe... suppose

That the tobacco-smoke spouts from your nose,-

Do not the neighbours, as the fumes rise higher,

Cry terror-struck: ’The chimney is afire’?"

Considerate: "Take care,... your head bowed low

By such a weight... lest head o’er heels you go!"

Tender: "Pray get a small umbrella made,

Lest its bright colour in the sun should fade!"

Pedantic: "That beast Aristophanes

Names Hippocamelelephantoles

Must have possessed just such a solid lump

Of flesh and bone, beneath his forehead’s bump!"

Cavalier: "The last fashion, friend, that hook?

To hang your hat on? ’Tis a useful crook!"

Emphatic: "No wind, O majestic nose,

Can give thee cold!- save when the mistral blows!"

Dramatic: "When it bleeds, what a Red Sea!"

Admiring: "Sign for a perfumery!"

Lyric: "Is this a conch?... a Triton you?"

Simple: "When is the monument on view?"

Rustic: "That thing a nose? Marry-come-up!

’Tis a dwarf pumpkin, or a prize turnup!"

Military: "Point against cavalry!"

Practical: "Put it in a lottery!

Assuredly ’twould be the biggest prize!"

Or... parodying Pyramus’ sighs...

"Behold the nose that mars the harmony

Of its master’s phiz! blushing its treachery!"

-Such, my dear sir, is what you might have said,

Had you of wit or letters the least jot:

But, O most lamentable man!- of wit

You never had an atom, and of letters

You have three letters only!- they spell Ass!

And,- had you had the necessary wit,

To serve me all the pleasantries I quote

Before this noble audience,... e’en so,

You would not have been let to utter one,-

Nay, not the half or quarter of such jest!

I take them from myself all in good part,

But not from any other man that breathes!

DE GUICHE. (trying to draw away the dismayed VISCOUNT).

Come away, Viscount!

THE VISCOUNT. (choking with rage). Hear his arrogance!

A country lout who... who... has got no gloves!

Who goes out without sleeve-knots, ribbons, lace!

CYRANO. True; all my elegances are within.

I do not prank myself out, puppy-like;

My toilet is more thorough, if less gay;

I would not sally forth,- a half-washed-out

Affront upon my cheek,- a conscience

Yellow-eyed, bilious, from its sodden sleep,

A ruffled honour,... scruples grimed and dull!

I show no bravery of shining gems.

Truth, Independence, are my fluttering plumes.

’Tis not my form I lace to make me slim,

But brace my soul with efforts as with stays,

Covered with exploits, not with ribbon-knots,

My spirit bristling high like your moustaches,

I, traversing the crowds and chattering groups

Make Truth ring bravely out like clash of spurs!


CYRANO. I wear no gloves? and what of that?

I had one,... remnant of an old worn pair,

And, knowing not what else to do with it,

I threw it in the face of... some young fool.

THE VISCOUNT. Base scoundrel! Rascally flat-footed lout!

CYRANO. (taking off his hat, and bowing as if the VISCOUNT

had introduced himself). Ah?... and I, Cyrano Savinien

Hercule de Bergerac.


THE VISCOUNT. (angrily). Buffoon!

CYRANO. (calling out as if he had been seized with the cramp).

Aie! aie!

THE VISCOUNT. (who was going away, turns back). What on earth is

the fellow saying now?

CYRANO. (with grimaces of pain).

It must be moved,- it’s getting stiff, I vow,

-This comes of leaving it in idleness!


THE VISCOUNT. What ails you?

CYRANO. The cramp! cramp in my sword!

THE VISCOUNT. (drawing his sword). Good!

CYRANO. You shall feel a charming little stroke!

THE VISCOUNT. (contemptuously). Poet!...

CYRANO. Ay, poet, Sir! In proof of which,

While we fence, presto! all extempore

I will compose a ballade.

THE VISCOUNT. A ballade?

CYRANO. Belike you know not what a ballade is.


CYRANO. (reciting as if repeating a lesson).

Know then that the ballade should contain

Three eight-versed couplets...

THE VISCOUNT. (stamping). Oh!

CYRANO. (still reciting). And an envoi/p>

Of four lines...


CYRANO. I’ll make one while we fight,

And touch you at the final line.


CYRANO. No? (declaiming).

The duel in Hotel of Burgundy,- fought

By De Bergerac and a good-for-nought!

THE VISCOUNT. What may that be, an if you please?

CYRANO. The title.

THE HOUSE. (in great excitement). Give room!- Good sport!-

Make place.- Fair play!- No noise!

(Tableau. A circle of curious spectators in the pit; the MARQUISES and OFFICERS mingled with the common people; the PAGES climbing on each other’s shoulders to see better. All the women standing up in the boxes. To the right, DE GUICHE and his retinue. Left, LE BRET, RAGUENEAU, CYRANO, etc.)

CYRANO. (shutting his eyes for a second).

Wait while I choose my rhymes.... I have them now!

(He suits the action to each word.)

I gaily doff my beaver low,

And, freeing hand and heel,

My heavy mantle off I throw,

And I draw my polished steel;

Graceful as Phoebus, round I wheel,

Alert as Scaramouch,

A word in your ear, Sir Spark, I steal,-

At the envoi’s end, I touch!

(They engage.)

Better for you had you lain low;

Where skewer my cock? In the heel?-

In the heart, your ribbon blue below?-

In the hip, and make you kneel?

Ho for the music of clashing steel!

-What now?- A hit? Not much!

’Twill be in the paunch the stroke I steal,

When, at the envoi, I touch.

Oh, for a rhyme, a rhyme in o?-

You wriggle, starch-white, my eel?

A rhyme! a rhyme! the white-feather you show!

Tac! I parry the point of your steel;

-The point you hoped to make me feel;

I open the line, now clutch

Your spit, Sir Scullion,- show your zeal!

At the envoi’s end, I touch!

(He declaims solemnly.)


Prince, pray Heaven, for your soul’s weal!

I move a pace- lo, such! and such!

Cut over,- feint!


What ho! You reel?

(The VISCOUNT staggers. CYRANO salutes.)

At the envoi’s end, I touch!

(Acclamations. Applause in the boxes. Flowers and handkerchiefs are thrown down. The OFFICERS surround CYRANO, congratulating him. RAGUENEAU dances for joy. LE BRET is happy, but anxious. The VISCOUNT’S friends hold him up and bear him away.)

THE CROWD. (with one long shout). Ah!

A TROOPER. ’Tis superb!

A WOMAN. A pretty stroke!

RAGUENEAU. A marvel!

A MARQUIS. A novelty!

LE BRET. O madman!

(The crowd presses round CYRANO. Chorus of)


Let me congratulate!... Quite unsurpassed!...

A WOMAN’S VOICE. There is a hero for you!...

A MUSKETEER. (advancing to CYRANO with outstretched hand).

Sir, permit;

Nought could be finer;- I’m a judge, I think;

I stamped, i’ faith!- to show my admiration!

(He goes away.)

CYRANO. (to CUIGY). Who is that gentleman?

CUIGY. Why- D’Artagnan!

LE BRET. (to CYRANO, taking his arm). A word with you!...

CYRANO. Wait, let the rabble go!...

(To BELLEROSE.) May I stay?

BELLEROSE. (respectfully). Without doubt?

(Cries are heard outside.)

JODELET. (who has looked out). They hoot Montfleury!

BELLEROSE. (solemnly). Sic transit! ... (To the PORTERS.)

Sweep- close all, but leave the lights.

We sup, but later on we must return,

For a rehearsal of to-morrow’s farce.

(JODELET and BELLEROSE go out, bowing low to CYRANO.)

THE PORTER. (to CYRANO). You do not dine, Sir?


(The PORTER goes out.)

LE BRET. Because?

CYRANO. (Proudly). Because...

(Changing his tone as the PORTER goes away.)

I have no money!...

LE BRET. (with the action of throwing a bag).

How! The bag of crowns?...

CYRANO. Paternal bounty, in a day, thou’rt sped!

LE BRET. How live the next month?...

CYRANO. I have nothing left.

LE BRET. Folly!

CYRANO. But what a graceful action! Think!

THE BUFFET-GIRL. (coughing, behind her counter). Hum!

(CYRANO and LE BRET turn. She comes timidly forward.)

Sir, my heart mislikes to know you fast.

(Showing the buffet.)

See, all you need. Serve yourself!

CYRANO. (taking off his hat). Gentle child,

Although my Gascon pride would else forbid

To take the least bestowal from your hands,

My fear of wounding you outweighs that pride,

And bids accept...

(He goes to the buffet.)

A trifle!... These few grapes.

(She offers him the whole bunch. He takes a few.)

Nay, but this bunch!...

(She tries to give him wine, but he stops her.)

A glass of water fair!...

And half a macaroon!

(He gives back the other half.)

LE BRET. What foolery!

THE BUFFET-GIRL. Take something else!

CYRANO. I take your hand to kiss.

(He kisses her hand as though she were a princess.)

THE BUFFET-GIRL. Thank you, kind Sir! (She curtsies.)

Good-night. (She goes out.)