DCXXV. — To the Same.

My Dear Brother,Wallingford, October 24, 1789.

You are a man whom I can trust: Whatever you do, you will do it with your might. Some years since we wanted a preaching-place near Coleford, in Somersetshire. A neighboring gentleman, Mr. Salmon, gave us ground to build on, and timber for the house, and desired me to use his house as my own. He is now by wicked men reduced to want.

I am informed a master for a poor-house is wanted at Manchester. Pray inquire, and, if it be so, leave no means untried to procure the place for him. Apply in my name to B. Barlow, D. Yates, T. Phillips, Dr. Easton, Mr. Brocklehurst, Stonehouse, and all that have a regard for me. Make all the interest you can. Leave no stone unturned. "Join hands with God to make a good man live." I hope you will send me word in London that you have exerted yourself, and are not without a prospect of success.

I am, dear Richard,

Your affectionate friend and brother.