Appointment of Warren B. French, Jr., as a Member of the
President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
March 8, 1985

The President today announced his intention to appoint Warren B. French, Jr., to be a member of the President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee. He would succeed Robert H. Snedaker, Jr.

Mr. French is currently chairman of the United States Telephone Association and president of the Shenandoah Telecommunications Co. He is also vice chairman, National Exchange Carrier Association; director and past president of Virginia Exchange Carrier Association; director of Southern Net, Inc.; director and chairman of the board of SouthernTel of Virginia, Inc.; and director of the First National Bank of Strasburg.

Mr. French graduated from the University of Virginia (B.S., 1947). He is married, has three children, and resides in Edinburg, VA. He was born April 14, 1923, in Woodstock, VA.