Nomination of George Deukmejian To Be a Member of the United
States Holocaust Memorial Council
July 20, 1987

The President today announced his intention to nominate George Deukmejian to be a member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council for a term expiring January 15, 1992. This is a reappointment.

Governor Deukmejian has served as Governor of the State of California since 1982. Prior to this he served as attorney general for the State of California, 1979-1982.

Governor Deukmejian graduated from Sienna College (B.A., 1949) and St. John’s University (I.D., 1952). He served in the U.S. Army from 1953 to 1955. Governor Deukmejian was born June 6, 1928, in Albany, NY. He is married, has three children, and resides in Sacramento, CA.