§ 585. Membership Rolls; Preparation; Eligibility for Enrollment; Application; Finality of Determination

     For the purpose of apportioning the award in accordance with sections 581 to 590 of this title, membership rolls, duly approved by the Secretary of the Interior, shall be prepared for each of the three groups, as follows:

     (a) The governing body of the Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation and the governing body of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, each shall, with the assistance of the Secretary, bring current the membership rolls of their respective tribes, to include all persons born prior to and alive on December 18, 1971, who are enrolled or eligible to be enrolled in accordance with the membership requirements of their respective tribes.

     (b) The proposed roll of the Northwestern Bands of Shoshone Indians entitled to participate in the distribution of the judgment funds shall be prepared by the governing officers of said Northwestern Bands, with the assistance of the Secretary of the Interior, within six months after December 18, 1971, authorizing distribution of said funds. The roll shall include all persons who meet all of the following requirements of eligibility:

     (1) They were born prior to and alive on December 18, 1971;

     (2) Either their names appear on one of the following Indian census rolls of the Washakie Sub-Agency of the Fort Hall jurisdiction:

     (a) Roll dated January 1, 1937, by F. A. Gross, Superintendent of the Fort Hall Reservation.

     (b) Roll dated January 1, 1940, by F. A. Gross, Superintendent of the Fort Hall Reservation.

     (c) Roll dated March 10, 1954.

     (d) Roll dated April 21, 1964.

or they possess one-quarter Shoshone Indian blood and they are descendants of those appearing on at least one of said rolls;

     (3) They are not recognized as members of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation, the Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation, or any other Indian Tribe; and

     (4) They shall elect not to participate in any settlement of claims pending before the Indian Claims Commission in docket 326–J, Shoshone-Goshute, and docket 326–K, Western Shoshone.

The proposed roll shall be published in the Federal Register, and in a newspaper of general circulation in the State of Utah. Any person claiming membership rights in the Northwestern Bands of Shoshone Indians, or any interest in said judgment funds, or a representative of the Secretary on behalf of any such person, within sixty days from the date of publication in the Federal Register, or in the newspaper of general circulation, as hereinbefore provided, whichever publication date is last, may file an appeal with the Secretary contesting the inclusion or omission of the name of any person on or from such proposed roll. The Secretary shall review such appeals, and his decision thereon shall be final and conclusive. After disposition of all such appeals to the Secretary, the roll of the Northwestern Bands of Shoshone Indians shall be published in the Federal Register and such roll shall be final.

(Pub. L. 92–206, § 5, Dec. 18, 1971, 85 Stat. 737.)

References in Text

     The Indian Claims Commission, referred to in par. (4), terminated Sept. 30, 1978. See Codification note set out under former section 70 et seq. of this title.