Assignments of Brown for the Terms of the Legislative Body, Confederation Documents
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General SummaryGeorge Brown felt that the provincial cabinets needed to be modified using the American model of fixed terms for the executive officers.
Assignments of Brown for the Terms of the Legislative Body, Confederation Documents
Brown, Joseph
As to Local Governments, we desire in Upper Canada that they should not be expensive, and should not take up political matters. We ought not to have two electoral bodies. Only one body, members to be elected once in every three years. Should have whole legislative power—subject to Lieutenant-Governor. I would have Lieutenant-Governor appointed by General Government. It would thus bring these bodies into harmony with the General Government. In Upper Canada executive officers would be Attorney-General, Treasurer, Secretary, Commissioner of Crown Lands, and Commissioner of Public Works. These would form the Council of the Lieutenant-Governor. I would give Lieutenant-Governor veto without advice, but under certain vote he should be obliged to assent. During recess Lieutenant-Governor could have power to suspend executive officers. They might be elected for three years or otherwise. You might safely allow County Councils to appoint other officers than those they now do. One Legislative Chamber for three years, no power of dissolution, elected on one day in each third year. . . .Departmental officers to be elected during pleasure, or for three years. To be allowed to speak but not to vote.
Mr. Cartier: I entirely differ with Mr. Brown. It introduces in our local bodies republican institutions. . . .
Chicago: Joseph Pope, ed., "Assignments of Brown for the Terms of the Legislative Body, Confederation Documents," Assignments of Brown for the Terms of the Legislative Body, Confederation Documents in The Assignments of Brown for the Terms of the Legislative Body, Confederation Documents Original Sources, accessed October 11, 2024, http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=H3A8F2P7V9HZS28.
MLA: . "Assignments of Brown for the Terms of the Legislative Body, Confederation Documents." Assignments of Brown for the Terms of the Legislative Body, Confederation Documents, edited by Joseph Pope, in The Assignments of Brown for the Terms of the Legislative Body, Confederation Documents, Original Sources. 11 Oct. 2024. http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=H3A8F2P7V9HZS28.
Harvard: (ed.), 'Assignments of Brown for the Terms of the Legislative Body, Confederation Documents' in Assignments of Brown for the Terms of the Legislative Body, Confederation Documents. cited in 1895, The Assignments of Brown for the Terms of the Legislative Body, Confederation Documents. Original Sources, retrieved 11 October 2024, from http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=H3A8F2P7V9HZS28.