Nomination of Samuel R. Martinez To Be an Assistant Administrator of the Agency for International Development
April 15, 1981

The President today announced his intention to nominate Samuel R. Martinez to be Assistant Administrator of the Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, Agency for International Development, United States International Development Cooperation Agency.

Since January 1980 Mr. Martinez has served as director, public affairs, Adolph Coors Co., Golden, Colo. In 1977-80 he formed, operated, and later sold Mountain Plains Energy Conservation (MPEC). During that time he was a part-time instructor with the Graduate School of Public Administration, University of Northern Colorado. In 1976-77 Mr. Martinez was Director, Community Services Administration, within the Executive Office of the President. He was Regional Director (Region VIII), Department of Labor in 1973-76. In 1974—76 he was Chairman, Federal Regional Council (Region VIII). In 1969-73 Mr. Martinez was Regional Director, Office of Economic Opportunity, Executive Office of the President. He was special assistant to the Governor of Colorado in 1965-69.

Mr. Martinez is married and has three children. He resides with his family in Lakewood, Colo. Mr. Martinez was born in Del Norte, Colo., on April 30, 1933.