Letter to Horace M. Albright Concerning a Mid-Century Conference on Resources.
March 6, 1953

[Released March 6, 1953. Dated March 2, 1953]

Dear Mr. Albright:

I have been most interested to learn from time to time that your arrangements for a mid-century Conference on Resources. have been taking shape, and that you will hold early this spring a national meeting of sponsors to review plans and set the conference date.

As you know from our previous discussions, I believe the full and economical development of natural resources is essential to economic growth and national security. I hope the conservation movement, begun under President Theodore Roosevelt, will continue to prosper and grow in influence. This letter will assure you that you and your associates have my sincere wishes for a successful conference.

The demands placed upon our resource base of land, forests, minerals, fuels and water have been exceedingly great during recent years of war and defense preparation. The prospect forlarge continued requirements for resources and raw materials means we shall have to rely increasingly upon new sources, new technology and more rigorous conservation. Clearly, the Government, as well as private groups—including industry, agriculture, labor, conservation, education—has a considerable responsibility for the better management of resources. Accordingly, I am asking the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of the Interior, and other Federal officials concerned with resources to render appropriate staff assistance in preparing for the conference.

I believe that private organizations, such as Resources for the Future, Inc., should be encouraged to undertake studies and promote discussion of national issues on a competent and nonpartisan basis, and I am sure that both the Executive Branch and the Congress will review with interest the conclusions reached.

I have been told that you contemplate extending to me an invitation to attend the conference. Barring some presently unforeseen circumstances, I think the chances are good of my being able to accept an invitation to express a word of welcome and appreciation.


NOTE: A letter from Mr. Albright, dated February 21, 1953, was released with the President’s reply. Mr. Albright served as President, Resources for the Future, Inc.