A Guide to the Study of the United States of America
Centerai. Historical and Descriptive
5098. Alexander, Carter, and Arvid J. Burke. How to locate educational information and data; an aid to quick utilization of the literature of education. 3d ed., rev. and enl. New York, Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1950. xix, 441 p. 50–7005 Z711.A37 1950
Includes bibliographies. Manual, which may also be used as a textbook, designed for students desiring to explore the literature of education through the use of library collections and reference books.
5099. Allen, Hollis P. The Federal Government and education. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1950. xvii, 333 p. (McGraw-Hill series in education) 50–6536 LC89.A6
The original and complete study of education in the United States, on all levels from primary to graduate, made by the task force on public welfare for the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government, popularly known as the Hoover Commission, the object being to determine the proper role of government in education. Dawson W. Hales’ Federal Control of Public Education (New York, Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1954. 144 p.) reconsiders the principle of local control of public education in the light of forces now at work in contemporary American life and culture.
5100. American Council of Learned Societies. Liberal education reexamined; its role in a democracy. New York, Harper, 1943. xiv, 134 p. 43–51269 LC189.A512
A preliminary draft was issued in 1940 under title: Liberal Education and Democracy.
Bibliography: p. 121–134.
Report of a committee appointed in 1940 by the American Council of Learned Societies to investigate recent educational trends in the humanities and to consider the causes responsible for them on all levels of school and university; prepared under the direction of the chairman, Theodore M. Greene, professor of philosophy, at Princeton and later at Yale University. Liberal Education Reconsidered (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1953. 46 p.) is Professor Greene’s Inglis Lecture at Harvard (1952) on desirable goals for liberal education and methods of achieving them.
5101. Burns, James A. The Catholic school system in the United States; its principles, origin, and establishment. New York, Benziger, 1908. 415 p. 8–18343 LC501.B7. Bibliography: p. [387]–399.
Covers the history of the Catholic school and college movement from its beginning in colonial times through the year 1840; addressed to all students of education, whether Catholic or non-Catholic.
5102. Burns, James A. The growth and development of the Catholic school system in the United States. New York, Benziger, 1912. 421 p. 12–22334 LC501.B72. Bibliography: p. 382–390.
Continuation of the author’s earlier work, with emphasis on improvement and development; written by a former president of the theological school of the Congregation of the Holy Cross, Holy Cross College, Washington, D. C.
5103. Butts, R. Freeman. The American tradition in religion and education. Boston, Beacon Press, 1950. xiv, 230 p. (Beacon Press studies in freedom and power) 50–7586 BR516.B85
Bibliographical references to books and documents included in "Notes": p. 213–224.
Supplies a historical perspective on the struggle for the separation of church and state in America. Fundamental principles of secular education are also reviewed and appraised in Vivian T. Thayer’s The Attack Upon the American Secular School (Boston, Beacon Press, 1951. 257 p.). Church, State, and Freedom, by Leo Pfeffer (Boston, Beacon Press, 1953. 675 p.), examines the implications and consequences of religious freedom for which the Constitution of the United States provides, giving much attention to the impact of the doctrine on American education. An encyclopedic work on all aspects of the relation of church and state in America, including educational aspects of the problems involved, is provided in Anson Phelps Stokes’ Church and State in the United States (q.v.).
5104. Butts, R. Freeman, and Lawrence A. Cremin. A history of education in American culture. New York, Holt, 1953. 628 p. 52–13892 LA205.B88
Deals with the interrelation of American culture, intellectual development, and education during four periods: Colonial, pre-Civil War, post-Civil War, and post-World War I; suggests applications to be made to contemporary educational problems; and documents each chapter by means of bibliographical references at the end. The authors are members of the faculty of Teachers College, Columbia University.
Harold O. Rugg’s Foundations for American Education (Yonkers-on-Hudson, N. Y., World Book Co., 1947. 826 p.) is a strongly individual and personal book that ranges freely over American life, culture, psychological theories, and modern educational movements, progressive as well as traditional.
5105. Douglass, Aubrey A. The American school system. Rev. ed. New York, Farrar & Rinehart, 1940. xviii, 745 p. (Farrar & Rinehart series in education) 40–12406 LA210.D6 1940. Bibliography at end of each chapter.
Surveys the system of education that operates in the United States on various levels from kindergarten to graduate school; additional chapters deal with questions related to adult, rural, and vocational education, the instructional staff, finances, etc.
5106. Educational Policies Commission. Policies for education in American democracy. Washington, Educational Policies Commission, National Education Association of the United States and the American Association of School Administrators, 1946. 277 p. 46–3664 LA210.E464
The Commission acknowledges indebtedness to Charles A. Beard for preparing the first draft of Book I, The Unique Function of Education in American Democracy (1937); to Dr. George S. Counts for aid in the preparation of Book II, The Education of Free Men in American Democracy (1941); and to Dr. William G. Carr for contributing to the composition of Book III, The Purposes of Education in American Democracy (1938). Three publications influential on American educational thinking here reprinted in their essential parts in response to numerous requests. Cf. Foreword.
The Educational Policies Commission, a commission of the National Education Association of the United States and the American Association of School Administrators, has issued various other publications that treat of education in relation to American civilization. These include: Learning the Ways of Democracy (1940. 486 p.); Moral and Spiritual Values in the Public Schools (1951. 100 p.); Education for All American Youth, rev. ed. (1952. 402 p.); and Public Education and the Future of America (1955. 98 p.).
5107. General education in school and college; a committee report by members of the faculties of Andover, Exeter, Lawrenceville, Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1952. 142 p. 52–13591 LB2350.G45
"The broad purpose of this study is to integrate the work of the school and college in the area of general education. More precisely, it is to plan the last two years of secondary school and the first two years of college as a continuous process, conceived as a whole."—Chapter 1, "Main Objectives," p. 8.
5108. Knight, Edgar W. Education in the United States. 3d rev. ed. Boston, Ginn, 1951. 753 p. 51–10341 LA205.K6 1951
Covers all periods from the beginning to the middle of the 20th century and provides a general bibliography supplemented by suggested readings listed at the ends of chapters; written by the Kenan Professor of Education at the University of North Carolina, whose various works on American education include: Readings in American Educational History (New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1951. 781 p.), a documentary source book for all periods, edited jointly with Clifton L. Hall; Fifty Years of American Education (New York, Ronald Press, 1952. 484 p.), a review and appraisal of education from 1900 to 1950; and A Documentary History of Education in the South before 1860 (Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1949–53. 5 v.),a compilation designed to gather and preserve original sources for definitive studies.
5109. Lee, Gordon C. An introduction to education in modern America. New York, Holt, 1953. 555 p. 52–11594 LA209.2.L43
Bibliographical references are supplied at the ends of chapters.
Textbook on education as a social institution, for students contemplating a career in teaching; designed also as a guide for the layman seeking an introduction to American education in the context of contemporary world conditions; written by an associate professor of education on the faculty of Pomona College, California.
5110. Monroe, Paul, ed. A cyclopedia of education. New York, Macmillan, 1911–13. 5 v. illus. 11–1511 LB15.M6
— — Reprint. New York, Macmillan, 1914–15. 5 v. illus. 39–19604 LB15.M6 1914
— — Reprint. New York, Macmillan, 1926–28 [v. 1–2, 1928] 5 v. in 3. illus. 30–33076 LB15.M6 1928
Much out of date at the present time but still historically important for its bibliographies and for authoritative signed articles by more than 1,000 specialists who contributed to it; world-wide in scope, with special emphasis on American education.
5111. Monroe, Walter S., ed. Encyclopedia of educational research, a project of the American Educational Research Association. Rev. ed. New York, Macmillan, 1950. xxvi, 1520 p. 50–5222 LB15.M62 1950
Differs from the typical encyclopedia in that it is composed of reviews, evaluations, and syntheses of the literature of educational research. Includes useful signed articles by specialists, fairly extensive selective bibliographies, and indications of additional research that should be undertaken. For a current guide to similar research, see the Review of Educational Research, described in Section H below, devoted to Periodicals and Yearbooks.
5112. Patterson’s American education. v. 52. Willmette, Ill., Educational Directories, 1955. 652, 72 p. 4–12953 L901.P3, v. 52
Published 1904 through 1953 as Patterson’s American Educational Directory; guide to the location and composition of schools, colleges, and universities. Highly condensed entries also provide names of administrators, officials of boards of education, librarians, and others engaged in educational work in America. Several supplementary lists include names of public libraries, names of educational associations and societies, and a classified directory of institutions according to their fields of specialization. Continued by the publication of an annual volume.
5113. Slosson, Edwin E. The American spirit in education. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1921. 309 p. (The Chronicles of America series, Allen Johnson, editor, v. 33) 21–14875 LA205.S6 E173.C55, v. 33
"Abraham Lincoln edition." "Bibliographical note": p. 287–290. Compact historical survey of education from the colonial period through World War I; emphasizes early education given in different sections and the continuing influence of statesmen and educators who contributed to the theory and practice of education in America; includes a chapter on colonial colleges and one on the [Morrill] Land Grant Act.
5114. U. S. Office of Education. Biennial survey of education in the United States, 1916/18+ Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1921+ E21–504 LA209.A37
Issued first as separate chapters and reissued biennially as a survey. Constitutes a repository of statistics, accompanied by summaries, relating to various phases of state and city school systems, higher education, public secondary day schools, and special education for exceptional children. From 1916/18 to 1940 the publication appeared as part of the Bulletin of the United States Office of Education.
Chicago: "Centerai. Historical and Descriptive," A Guide to the Study of the United States of America in Donald H. Mugridge, Blanche P. McCrum, and Roy P. Basler, a Guide to the Study of the United States of America (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1960), Pp.702-704 703–704. Original Sources, accessed October 7, 2024, http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=L9MPFZG2T564JXT.
MLA: . "Centerai. Historical and Descriptive." A Guide to the Study of the United States of America, in Donald H. Mugridge, Blanche P. McCrum, and Roy P. Basler, a Guide to the Study of the United States of America (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1960), Pp.702-704, pp. 703–704. Original Sources. 7 Oct. 2024. http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=L9MPFZG2T564JXT.
Harvard: , 'Centerai. Historical and Descriptive' in A Guide to the Study of the United States of America. cited in , Donald H. Mugridge, Blanche P. McCrum, and Roy P. Basler, a Guide to the Study of the United States of America (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1960), Pp.702-704, pp.703–704. Original Sources, retrieved 7 October 2024, from http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=L9MPFZG2T564JXT.