U.S. Code, Title 46, Shipping
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General SummaryThe U.S. Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. While every effort has been made to ensure that this reproduction of the Code is accurate, those using it for legal purposes should verify their results against the printed version of the Code available through the Government Printing Office.
§ 7301. General
(a) In this chapter—
(1) "service on deck" means service in the deck department in work related to the work usually performed on board vessels by able seamen and may include service on fishing, fish processing, fish tender vessels and on public vessels of the United States;
(2) 360 days is equal to one year’s service; and
(3) a day is equal to 8 hours of labor or duty.
(b) The Secretary may prescribe regulations to carry out this chapter.
(Pub. L. 98–89, Aug. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 541; Pub. L. 98–364, title IV, § 402(9)(B), July 17, 1984, 98 Stat. 448.)
Historical and Revision Notes
Revised section
Source section (U.S. Code)
7301 46:672(c)
Section 7301 defines "service on deck", "one year’s service" and "day" with respect to the qualifying time for the issuance of various types of endorsements as able seamen. This section also provides the Secretary with the authority to prescribe regulations to carry out this chapter.
1984—Subsec. (a)(1). Pub. L. 98–364 substituted "fishing, fish processing, fish tender vessels" for "decked fishing vessels".
Chicago: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel", "§ 7301. General," U.S. Code, Title 46, Shipping in U.S. Code, Title 46, Shipping (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 2002), Original Sources, accessed October 7, 2024, http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=LBKZF57ZF4GE21V.
MLA: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel". "§ 7301. General." U.S. Code, Title 46, Shipping, in U.S. Code, Title 46, Shipping, Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 2002, Original Sources. 7 Oct. 2024. http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=LBKZF57ZF4GE21V.
Harvard: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel", '§ 7301. General' in U.S. Code, Title 46, Shipping. cited in 2002, U.S. Code, Title 46, Shipping, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.. Original Sources, retrieved 7 October 2024, from http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=LBKZF57ZF4GE21V.