Amerigo Vespucci, Pilot Major
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Historical SummaryVESPUCCI, who ranks with Columbus as an explorer, has been attacked as a liar, a boaster, and a phony navigator. Declared Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Strange that broad America must wear the name of a thief! Amerigo Vespucci, the pickle-dealer at Seville, who went out in 1499, a subaltern with Hojeda, and whose highest naval rank was boatswain’s mate, in an expedition that never sailed, managed in this lying world to supplant Columbus, and baptise half the earth with his own dishonest name!"
Yet Columbus’s great contemporary was the victim of too-sudden fame. Participating in some four expeditions (1497, 1499, 1501, and 1503), Vespucci explored nearly two-thirds of the coastline of South America. He was first of all the explorer-reporters to recognize that he had seen a New World. In his letter to his patron, Lorenzo de’ Medici, written in 1502, he claimed that he had "arrived at a new land which we observed to be a continent." This announcement of breath-taking magnitude fully justified the geographer, Martin Waldseemüller, in proposing in 1507 that the newly discovered world should be called "America, because Americus discovered it." The name caught like wildfire. How many persons today would want this continent called Colum-biana? Columbus got there first, but stubbornly refused to recognize the significance of what he had discovered. Vespucci was first to perceive the geographical significance of the new explorations and thus revolutionized geography. Unfortunately for Vespucci, some one got hold of his letters to his patron, and published them in a refurbished and spiced-up manner. His Four Voyages, based on his authentic letters, are now regarded as a forgery, but they created a sensation in their day with their emphasis upon the sex life of the natives. Of the women of America, Vespucci was reported to have related, "the greatest mark of friendship which they show you is that they give you their wives and their daughters, and fathers or mothers feel highly honored when they bring you their daughter, even though she be virgin, if you sleep with her. In this practice they express the fullest hospitality." In this genuine letter of 1502 published below Vespucci takes front rank as an objective reporter of anthropological data. His narrative deserves to be studied alongside the fascinating account of the sex life of the Trobriand Islanders by the modern investigator, Bronislaw Mali-nowski. One of his most profound observations is his astonishment that a people lacking in private property and without national territorial boundaries, devoid of "any such thing as lust for possession," should nonetheless engage in warfare.
Vespucci was honored in his day, and held the office of pilot-major of Spain until his death at Seville. Columbus was his friend, championed him at court, and considered him an honest man.
Columbus announced a geographical fact. Vespucci heralded a new and better life in a new and better world.
Key Quote"A pickle dealer of Seville" heralds a new and better life in a new and better world.
Frederick J. Pohl
Columbia University Press
New York
Vespucci Announces a New World
(To Lorenzo di Pier Francesco de’ Medici, 1502)
Your Excellency, My Patron Lorenzo, after due salutations, etc.
The last letter written to Your Excellency was from the coast of Guinea from a place which is called Cape Verde. In it you learned of the beginning of my voyage. By this present letter you will be informed in brief of the middle and end of my voyage and of what has happened up to now.
We departed from the above-mentioned Cape Verde very easily, having taken in everything necessary, such as water and wood and other requirements essential for putting to sea across the ocean wastes in search of new land. We sailed on the wind within half a point of southwest, so that in sixty-four days we arrived at a new land which, for many reasons that are enumerated in what follows, we observed to be a continent. We ran the course of that land for about eight hundred leagues,1 always in the direction of southwest one-quarter west.
Let us describe the country and the inhabitants and the animals and the plants and the other things I found in their habitations which are of general usefulness to human living.
This land is very pleasing, full of an infinite number of very tall trees which never lose their leaves and throughout the year are fragrant with the sweetest aromas and yield an endless supply of fruits, many of which are good to taste and conducive to bodily health. The fields produce many herbs and flowers and most delicious and wholesome roots. Sometimes I was so wonder-struck by the fragrant smells of the herbs and flowers and the savor of the fruits and the roots that I fancied myself near the Terrestrial Paradise. What shall we say of the multitude of birds and their plumes and colors and singing and their numbers and their beauty? I am unwilling to enlarge upon this description, because I doubt if I would be believed.
What should I tell of the multitude of wild animals, the abundance of pumas, of panthers, of wild cats, not like those of Spain, but of the antipodes; of so many wolves, red deer, monkeys, and felines, marmosets of many kinds, and many large snakes? We saw so many other animals that I believe so many species could not have entered Noah’s ark. We saw many wild hogs, wild goats, stags and does, hares, and rabbits, but of domestic animals, not one.
Let us come to rational animals. We found the whole land inhabited by
people entirely naked, the men like the women without any covering of their shame. Their bodies are very agile and well proportioned, of light color, with long hair, and little or no beard. I strove a great deal to understand their conduct and customs. For twenty-seven days I ate and slept among them, and what I learned about them is as follows:
Having no laws and no religious faith, they live according to nature. They understand nothing of the immortality of the soul. There is no possession of private property among them, for everything is in common. They have no boundaries of kingdom or province. They have no king, nor do they obey anyone. Each one is his own master. There is no administration of justice, which is unnecessary to them, because in their code no one rules. They live in communal dwellings, built in the fashion of very large cabins. For people who have no iron or indeed any metal, one can call their cabins truly miraculous houses. For I have seen habitations which are two hundred and twenty paces long and thirty wide, ingeniously fabricated; and in one of these houses dwelt five or six hundred persons. They sleep in nets woven out of cotton, going to bed in mid-air with no other coverture. They eat squatting upon the ground. Their food is very good; an endless quantity of fish; a great abundance of sour cherries, shrimps, oysters, lobsters, crabs, and many other products of the sea. The meat which they eat most usually is what one may call human flesh a la mode. When they can get it, they eat other meat, of animals or birds, but they do not lay hold of many, for they have no dogs, and the country is a very thick jungle full of ferocious wild beasts. For this reason they are not wont to penetrate the jungle except in large parties.
The men have a custom of piercing their lips and cheeks and setting in these perforations ornaments of bone or stone; and do not suppose them small ones. Most of them have at least three holes, and some seven, and some nine, in which they set ornaments of green and white alabaster, half a palm in length and as thick as a Catalonian plum. This pagan custom is beyond description. They say they do this to make themselves look more fierce. In short, it is a brutal business.
Their marriages are not with one woman only, but they mate with whom they desire and without much ceremony. I know a man who had ten women. He was jealous of them, and if it happened that one of them was guilty, he punished her and sent her away. They are a very procreative people. They do not have heirs, because they do not have private property. When their children, that is, the females, are of age to procreate, the first who seduces one has to act as her father in place of the nearest relative. After they are thus violated, they marry.
Their women do not make any ceremony over childbirth, as do ours, but they eat all kinds of food, and wash themselves up to the very time of delivery, and scarcely feel any pain in parturition.
They are a people of great longevity, for according to their way of attributing issue, they had known many men who had four generations of descendants. They do not know how to compute time in days, months, and years, but reckon time by lunar months. When they wished to demonstrate something involving time, they did it by placing pebbles, one for
each lunar month, I found a man of advanced age who indicated to me with pebbles that he had seen seventeen hundred lunar months, which I judged to be a hundred and thirty-two years, counting thirteen moons to the year.
They are also a warlike people and very cruel to their own kind. All their weapons and the blows they strike are, as Petrarch says, "committed to the wind," for they use bows and arrows, darts, and stones. They use no shields for the body, but go into battle naked. They have no discipline in the conduct of their wars, except that they do what their old men advise. When they fight, they slaughter mercilessly. Those who remain on the field bury all the dead of their own side, but cut up and eat the bodies of their enemies. Those whom they seize as prisoners, they take for slaves to their habitations. If women sleep with a male prisoner and he is virile, they marry him with their daughters. At certain times, when a diabolical frenzy comes over them, they invite their kindred and the whole tribe, and they set before them a mother with all the children she has, and with certain ceremonies they kill them with arrow shots and eat them. They do the same thing to the above-mentioned slaves and to the children born of them. This is assuredly so, for we found in their houses human flesh hung up to smoke, and much of it. We purchased from them ten creatures, male as well as female, which they were deliberating upon for the sacrifice, or better to say, the crime. Much as we reproved them, I do not know that they amended themselves.
That which made me the more astonished at their wars and cruelty was that I could not understand from them why they made war upon each other, considering that they held no private property or sovereignty of empire and kingdoms and did not know any such thing as lust for possession, that is, pillaging or a desire to rule, which appear to me to be the causes of wars and of every disorderly act. When we requested them to state the cause, they did not know how to give any other cause than that this curse upon them began in ancient times and they sought to avenge the deaths of their forefathers. In short, it is a brutal business. Indeed, one man among them confessed to me that he had shared in the eating of the flesh of more than two hundred corpses, and this I assuredly believe. It was enough for me!
1At four and a half Roman miles to a league, 3,300 English miles.
Chicago: Amerigo Vespucci, Amerigo Vespucci, Pilot Major, ed. Frederick J. Pohl in History in the First Person: Eyewitnesses of Great Events: They Saw It Happen, ed. Louis Leo Snyder and Richard B. Morris (Harrisburg, Pa.: Stackpole Co., 1951), Original Sources, accessed January 19, 2025, http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=LIJQ74RY8XZY8MH.
MLA: Vespucci, Amerigo. Amerigo Vespucci, Pilot Major, edited by Frederick J. Pohl, in History in the First Person: Eyewitnesses of Great Events: They Saw It Happen, edited by Louis Leo Snyder and Richard B. Morris, Harrisburg, Pa., Stackpole Co., 1951, Original Sources. 19 Jan. 2025. http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=LIJQ74RY8XZY8MH.
Harvard: Vespucci, A, Amerigo Vespucci, Pilot Major, ed. . cited in 1951, History in the First Person: Eyewitnesses of Great Events: They Saw It Happen, ed. , Stackpole Co., Harrisburg, Pa.. Original Sources, retrieved 19 January 2025, from http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=LIJQ74RY8XZY8MH.