To Edmund Randolph
November 18, 1787

Opinions on Federal Constitution.

NEW YORK, November 18, 1787

Dear Sir,—I have not, since my arrival, collected any additional information concerning the progress of the Federal Constitution. 1 discovered no evidence, on my journeythrough New Jersey, that any opposition whatever would be made in that state. The Convention of Pennsylvania is to meet on Tuesday next. The [p.569] members returned, I was told by several persons, reduced the adoption of the plan in that state to absolute certainty, and by a greater majority than the most sanguine advocates had calculated. One of the counties, which had been set down by all on the list of opposition, had elected deputies of known attachment to the Constitution.

I do not find that a single state is represented except Virginia, and it seems very uncertain when a Congress will be made. There are individual members present from several states; and the attendance of this and the neighboring states may, I suppose, be obtained, when it will produce a quorum.