U.S. Code, Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure
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General SummaryThe U.S. Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. While every effort has been made to ensure that this reproduction of the Code is accurate, those using it for legal purposes should verify their results against the printed version of the Code available through the Government Printing Office.
§ 529. Annual Report of Attorney General
Beginning on June 1, 1979, and at the beginning of each regular session of Congress thereafter, the Attorney General shall report to Congress on the activities and operations of the Public Integrity Section or any other unit of the Department of Justice designated to supervise the investigation and prosecution of—
(1) any violation of Federal criminal law by any individual who holds or who at the time of such violation held a position, whether or not elective, as a Federal Government officer, employee, or special employee, if such violation relates directly or indirectly to such individual’s Federal Government position, employment, or compensation;
(2) any violation of any Federal criminal law relating to lobbying, conflict of interest, campaigns, and election to public office committed by any person, except insofar as such violation relates to a matter involving discrimination or intimidation on grounds of race, color, religion, or national origin;
(3) any violation of Federal criminal law by any individual who holds or who at the time of such violation held a position, whether or not elective, as a State or local government officer or employee, if such violation relates directly or indirectly to such individual’s State or local government position, employment, or compensation; and
(4) such other matters as the Attorney General may deem appropriate.
Such report shall include the number, type, and disposition of all investigations and prosecutions supervised by such Section or such unit, except that such report shall not disclose information which would interfere with any pending investigation or prosecution or which would improperly infringe upon the privacy rights of any individuals.
(Added Pub. L. 95–521, title VI, § 603(a), Oct. 26, 1978, 92 Stat. 1874.)
Section effective Oct. 26, 1978, see section 604 of Pub. L. 95–521, set out as a note under section 591 of this title.
Chicago: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel", "§ 529. Annual Report of Attorney General," U.S. Code, Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure in U.S. Code, Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 2002), Original Sources, accessed October 12, 2024, http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=LKEIXZ6PMVDGJSI.
MLA: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel". "§ 529. Annual Report of Attorney General." U.S. Code, Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure, in U.S. Code, Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure, Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 2002, Original Sources. 12 Oct. 2024. http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=LKEIXZ6PMVDGJSI.
Harvard: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel", '§ 529. Annual Report of Attorney General' in U.S. Code, Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure. cited in 2002, U.S. Code, Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.. Original Sources, retrieved 12 October 2024, from http://www.originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=LKEIXZ6PMVDGJSI.