The Witch-Cult in Central Europe,



Figures in roman refer to the text and footnotes. Figures in italics refer to bibliographies.


Abercromby, J., 195

Adam, L., 816

Adam, T., 831

Alexander, H. B., 821

Allen, G. M., 804

Angas, G. F., 833

Angulo, J. de, 809

Anonymous, 728

Apolo Kagwa, 829

Arkell-Hardwick, A., 829

Arnould, L., 777


Bailey, J., 831

Balfour, H., 612, 730, 804, 821

Ball, J. D., 835

Ballard, A. C., 821

Bälz, E., 835

Bancroft, H. H., 305

Bandelier, A. F., 804, 812

Barrett, S. A., 809

Barrett, W. E. H., 554

Barrow, J., 241

Barrows, D. P., 804

Bartels, M., 244, 801, 808

Bartels, P., 244, 808

Barton, F. R., 394

Barton, J., 258

Barton, R. F., 239, 804, 812

Basedow, H., 812, 833

Bassett-Smith, P. W., 834

Batchelor, J., 835

Battel, A., 579

Baudin, L., 827

Baumann, H., 804, 818

Beatty, K. J., 812

Beauchamp, H. R., 835

Beauchamp, W. M., 807, 812, 827

Beaver, W. N., 813

Beckwith, M. W., 261, 810, 821, 827, 832

Beddoe, J., 834

Beech, M. W. H., 638, 812

Benedict, L. W., 809

Benedict, R., 285, 289, 352, 390, 645, 801, 809, 818, 821

Benneville, J. S. de, 835

Bentham, J., 182

Bentley, W. H., 347

Bernard, C., 49

Best, E., 329, 490, 603, 797, 798, 801, 804, 807, 809, 812, 818, 821, 831

Beveridge, P., 94

Birket-Smith, K., 804, 827

Blagden, C. O., 809, 816, 825, 833

Blair, F. H., 832

Bland, R. H., 834

Bleek, D. F., 422, 821, 829

Bleek, W. H. I., 200, 821

Blohm, W., 233, 346

Bloxam, G. W., 801

Boas, F., 12, 43, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 78, 88, 173, 177, 205, 385, 389, 520, 600, 601, 655, 656, 657, 664, 739, 801, 804, 809, 812, 818, 821, 822, 824, 825, 827

Bock, C., 832

Bodding, P. O., 822

Boesch, Rev. P., 829

Bogoras, W., 113, 122, 183, 255, 520, 802, 804, 809, 822, 835

Bonner, T. D., 602

Bonney, F., 834

Bonwick, J., 802, 834

Bordier, A., 802

Borovka, G., 822

Bosman, W., 579

Bourke, J. G., 288, 804, 809

Bowditch, C. P., 802

Boyle, D., 809

Breasted, J. H., 18, 456, 609, 640

Brelsford, V., 254

Brett, W. H., 787

Breuil, H., 822

Brewster, A. B., 832

Briffault, R., 807

Brigham, W. T., 804, 822

Brinkley, F., 835

Brinton, D. G., 802

Brooke, C., 832

Brown, G., 807, 809, 812, 832

Brown, T. K., 818

Bryk, F., 244, 345

Bücher, K., 804, 822

Buck, P. H., 804, 822

Buckley, E., 809

Bülow, W. von, 485, 519, 812

Bunzel, R. L., 812, 822

Burckhardt, J. L., 835

Burrows, G., 829

Burton, R. F., 829

Bushnell, D. I., Jr., 804

Butler, M. E., 834


Calder, J. E., 834

Caldwell, R., 835

Callaway, H., 809

Calvert, J., 833

Cameron, A. L. P., 834

Campbell, J., 306

Cardi, C. N. de, 10, 813

Carey, B. S., 835

Carmichael, C. H. E., 834

Carter, T. F., 629, 632

Casanowicz, I. M., 809

Casati, G., 829

Cassirer, E., 822

Catlin, G., 827

Cayzac, F. P., 605

Cendrars, B., 822

Census of India, 119, 403, 404, 405, 413, 414, 416, 808, 820, 836

Chamberlain, B. H., 807, 813, 822, 835

Child, C. M., 25

Chinnery, E. W. P., 813

Christian, D., 827

Churchill, A. and J., 241

Clark, W. P., 802

Clement, E., 834

Clement, E. W., 813

Clements, F. E., 818

Clifford, H. C., 802

Closson, C. C., 818

Codrington, R. H., 44, 66, 104, 117, 273, 325, 382, 642, 804, 809, 813, 832

Coffin, G., 807

Colden, C., 827

Cole, F. C., 380, 804, 809, 822, 832

Cole, H., 223

Collet, O. J. A., 832

Collins, G. N., 804

Collocott, E. E. V., 802, 822

Conant, L. L., 802

Conder, C. R., 829

Conklin, E., 771

Connelley, W. E., 90, 827

Conzemius, E., 181, 188

Cook, Capt. J., 832

Cooper, J. M., 818

Copway, G., 827

Coxhead, J. C. C., 813, 829

Craig, W., 50, 804

Crawford, M. de C., 804

Crawfurd, J., 30

Crawley, A. E., 807, 809

Crazzolara, P., 341, 804

Cremer, J., 829

Crooke, W., 809, 835

Crozet, 834

Culin, S., 822

Culwick, A. T. and G. M., 807

Cunow, H., 813

Curr, E. M., 834

Curtis, E. S., 827

Cushing, F. H., 802, 804, 822

Czaplicka, M. A., 121, 189, 802, 809, 810, 818, 835

Czekanowski, J., 201, 829


Dale, A. M., 76, 85, 87, 130, 246, 249, 267, 809, 816, 825, 831

Dale, W. S., 818

Dall, W. H., 818

Danks, B., 287, 804, 807

Dannert, E., 12

Dautremer, J., 813

David, J., 829

Davidson, D. S., 804, 813

Davie, M. R., 801

Dawson, J., 834

Deacon, A. B., 807

Degeorge, J. B., 822

Denig, E. T., 316, 459, 827

Dening, W., 802

Dennett, R. E., 802, 810, 813

Densmore F., 822

Dewey, J., 779

Diederich, F., 834

Diels, H., 804

Diserens, C. M., 822

Dixon, R. B., 7, 629, 737, 747, 801, 802, 810, 818, 822, 827

Dobrizhoffer, M., 19, 62, 827

Doering, H., 824

Dominian, L., 818

Dornan, S. S., 337, 422, 804, 829

Dorsey, G. A., 810, 822

Dorsey, J. O., 42, 108, 113, 145, 802, 804, 807, 810, 813, 827

Doty, E., 379

Doughty, C. M., 835

Douglas, J., 813

Driberg, J. H., 88, 552, 557, 807, 813, 829

Drury, R., 832

Dubois, C. G., 810

Dubois, J. A., 835

Duggan-Cronin, A. M., 829

Dundas, C., 76, 197, 421, 424, 521, 524, 552, 555, 557, 813, 829

Dundas, K. R., 432, 435, 444

Durham, M. E., 298

Durkheim, E., 807, 810

Duvall, D. C., 827

Duveyrier, H., 92


Eastman, C. A., 802

Egedi, Father, 274

Ehrenreich, P., 810, 818, 822, 827

Eiselen, W., 807

Ekhlaw, W. E., 805

Ella, S., 486, 813

Ellis, A. B., 785, 813, 822, 829

Ellis, W., 334, 832

Ellis, W. G., 802

Embley, E. D., 11

Emerson, N. B., 822

Emmons, G. T., 822

Emory, K. P., 832

Engelgardt, A. N., 41

Enjoy, P., 813

Evans, I. H. N., 810

Evans-Pritchard, E. E., 163, 268, 441, 587, 810, 813, 822

Everett, M. M., 834

Eyre, E. J., 834


Falk, K., 807, 829

Farabee, W. C., 827

Faris, E., 10, 781, 802

Fassett, C. M., 727

Felkin, R. W., 818

Ferguson, W. S., 514

Fewkes, J. W., 810, 818

Firth, R., 34, 805

Fischer, E., 405, 818

Fison, L., 107, 265, 802, 805, 834

Fite, W., 822

Fleischer, C., 822

Flesche, F. la, 79, 287, 351, 376, 521, 530, 588, 810, 827

Fletcher, A. C., 79, 287, 315, 351, 357, 376, 521, 530, 588, 810, 813, 822, 823, 827

Forde, C. D., 805

Fornander, A., 832

Fortier, A., 823

Fortune, R. F., 67, 83, 203, 214, 237, 589, 810, 832

Fourie, L., 200, 829

Fox, C. E., 144, 178, 189, 813

Frähn, C. M., 297

Frank, L. K., 240

Fraser, M. F. A., 835

Frässle, J., 802

Frazer, J. G., 286, 305, 810, 813

French-Sheldon, Mrs., 829

Frere, H. B., 813

Frey, C., 802

Freycinet, L. de, 258

Friederici, G., 813

Fritsch, G., 421, 829, 830

Frobenius, L., 813, 818, 830

Fülleborn, F., 830

Furness, W. H., 832


Gait, E. A., 410, 808, 820, 836

Galland, Father, 100

Gardiner, A. H., 622, 624, 638, 641

Gardiner, J. S., 832

Gardner, F., 823

Garth, T. A., 802

Garvan, J. M., 117

Gason, S., 834

Gatschet, A. S., 94, 802, 823, 827

Gayton, A. H., 481, 805, 813

Genin, A., 823

Gennep, A. van, 805, 807

Gerber, A., 823

Gibbs, G., 827

Gifford, E. W., 83, 124, 125, 145, 179, 343, 391, 399, 642, 813, 818, 823, 827

Giles, H. A., 835

Gillen, F. J., 9, 93, 152, 174, 271, 345, 360, 522, 527, 792, 809, 811, 812, 816, 826, 834, 835

Gillin, J., 177, 518, 578

Ginsberg, M., 805, 814, 819

Goblet d’Alviella, E., 818

Goddard, P. E., 62, 65, 813, 827

Godden, G. M., 835

Goeje, C. H. de, 832

Goldenweiser, A. A., 801, 810, 813, 818, 820

Goldfrank, E. S., 818

Gollmer, C. A., 802

Gomes, E. H., 832

Gordon, G. B., 802

Gottschling, E., 554, 830

Graebner, F., 739, 818

Granville, R. K., 830

Gray, L. H., 823

Grébert, F., 818

Green, L. S., 810, 832

Greifswald, G. J., 823

Greiner, R. H., 823

Grenard, F., 117

Grey, G., 834

Grierson, P. J. H., 805, 818

Griffis, W. E., 835

Grigsby, W. E., 813

Grinnell, G. B., 262, 503, 802, 808, 813, 823, 827

Grosse, E., 823

Gubbins, J. H., 813, 835

Guillemé, M., 818

Guise, R. E., 832

Gulick, S. L., 150, 835

Gunsaulus, H. C., 823

Gusinde, M., 32, 201, 216, 827

Gutmann, B., 38, 55, 70, 171, 180, 184, 192, 197, 232, 256, 257, 349, 426, 430, 431, 555, 561, 592, 597, 639, 748–769, 792, 808, 813, 818


Haddon, A. C., 801, 808, 813, 818, 823, 832

Haeberlin, H. K., 805

Hagen, B., 823, 832

Hahn, C., 151

Hahn, C. H. L., 810

Hahn, E., 805

Hahn, T., 202, 421, 518, 830

Hale, H., 802, 810, 814

Hall, I. C., 805

Hallowell, A. I., 810

Hambly, W. D., 719, 720, 808, 823

Hamilton, A., 823

Hamilton, G. V., 808

Hammer-Purgstall, S., 69

Handy, E. S. C., 87, 263, 272, 329, 343, 395, 396, 397, 509, 604, 802, 805, 810, 823, 832

Handy, W. C., 805, 823

Hankins, F. H., 802

Harcourt, R. and M. de., 823

Harkness, H., 835

Harmon, D. W., 601

Harrington, M. R., 802

Harrison, H. S., 805, 823

Harrison, J. E., 810

Harrison, J. J., 830

Hart, C. W. M., 92

Hartland, E. S., 830

Havea, J., 802

Hawkes, E. W., 814

Haxthausen, A. von, 116, 122, 223, 224, 835

Hearne, L., 77, 823

Hearne, S., 31

Heckewelder, J., 827

Hendren, S. R., 814

Henry, T., 78, 832

Herissé, A. le, 830

Herodotus, 210

Herrick, F. H., 41

Herskovits, F. S., 279, 280, 810, 827

Herskovits, M. J., 279, 280, 810, 818, 827, 830

Hewitt, J. N. B, 148, 420, 810, 814, 823

Hickey, M., 537

Higginson, T. W., 729

Hildebrand, R., 814

Hirn, Y., 823

Hirschberg, W., 802

Hoang, P., 243

Hobhouse, L. T., 805, 808, 814, 819

Hobley, C. W., 15, 112, 212, 281, 422, 521, 553, 595, 802, 810, 830

Hocart, A. M., 135, 810, 814

Hodge, F. W., 78, 148, 315, 827

Hodges, F. W., 421

Hodson, T. C., 835

Hoernlè, A. W., 106, 122, 808, 814, 830

Hoffman, J. J., 66

Hoffman, W. J., 827

Hofmayr, W., 830

Hofstra, S., 802

Hogbin, H. I., 37, 221, 808, 814

Holdich, T. H., 835

Holland, M., 823

Hollis, A. C., 282, 344, 345, 445, 604, 830

Holmes, W. H., 805, 823

Holt, C., 747, 819

Hongi, H., 823

Hooper, L., 805

Hornbostel, E. M. von, 819, 823, 826

Hose, C., 14, 201, 610, 613, 808, 810, 814, 823, 832

Hough, W., 805, 827

Hovorka, O. von, 798, 810

Howard, G. E., 808

Howe, S. G., 777

Howitt, A. W., 100, 107, 420, 522, 526, 529, 575, 802, 805, 810, 814, 823, 834

A., 287, 818

Hubert, H., 810

Huc, E. R., 835

Hull, C. L., 49

Hunt, G., 823

Hunter, M., 808, 819

Hurgronje, S., 832

Hutton, J. H., 814, 835

Hwa, H. T., 803, 825

Hyde, G. E., 807


Ickes, H. L., 728

Iguchi, 808

Ireland, A., 819

Ivens, W. G., 832

Iyer, R. B. L. K. A., 836


Jacob, 6, 819, 835

Jacobowski, L., 808

Jacottet, E., 823

James, E., 827

Janssen, J., 48

Jenks, A. E., 805, 832

Jesperson, O., 55

Jewish Communal Register of New York City, 301

Jochelson, W., 213, 802, 805, 810, 814, 823, 836

Joest, W., 823, 827

Johnson, J. C. de G., 814

Johnston, H. H., 63, 245, 802, 805, 810, 814, 819, 830

Jones, P., 827

Jones, W., 59, 65, 147, 284, 313, 823, 827

Joyce, T. A., 15, 245, 436, 437, 556, 817, 823, 831

Jülg, B., 823

Junker, H., 640

Junker, W. J., 29, 830

Junod, H. A., 13, 112, 227, 245, 257, 266, 267, 268, 275, 301, 382, 810, 814, 823, 830

Junod, H. P., 810


Karsten, R., 291, 814

Karutz, R., 836

Kate, H. ten, 810

Kato, G., 810

Katz, M., 819

Kayamba, H. M. T., 830

Keane, A. H., 819

Keating, W. H., 288

Keller, A., 801

Keller, H., 51

Kellogg, W. N., 778

Kempf, E., 808

Kennedy, R., 81, 84, 103, 174, 342, 377, 517, 571

Kenneth, J. H., 27

Kenton, E., 827, 829

Keppel, H., 379

Kidd, D., 13, 808, 830

Kilpatrick, C. S., 118

King, L. W., 150, 615, 616

King, W. R., 836

Kingsley, M. H., 810, 811, 830

Kleff, H. H. G., 802

Klineberg, O., 71

Knabenhans, A., 802

Knak, D. S., 808, 819

Knight, E. F., 121

Knops (Père), 808

Kocourek, A., 814

Koffka, K., 612

Koganei, Y., 836

Kohler, J., 814

Kolben, P., 830

König, H., 814

Kootz-Kretschmer, E., 830

Koppers, W., 805, 820

Kovalevski, M., 814

Krämer, A., 485, 487, 823, 832

Krause, F., 805, 819

Krieger, M., 832

Kroeber, A. L., 30, 80, 177, 200, 217, 270, 747, 801, 802, 805, 811, 814, 819, 824, 827, 828

Kroeber, H. R., 824

Kronfeld, A., 798, 810

Küchler, L. W., 808

Kühn, H., 824

Kühne, J., 830

Kulischer, M., 808

Kulp, D. H., 836


Labouret, H., 130, 824

Lachmann, R., 824

Lagercrantz, S., 819

Lahontan, L. A. de, 828

Lamson, M. S., 51

Landtman, G., 824

Lane, E. W., 830

Langdon, S., 633

Langkavel, B., 805

Lasch, R., 802, 805

Laufer, B., 30, 709, 710, 711, 717, 718, 720, 721, 722, 725, 726, 805, 819, 824, 836

Lazarus, M., 819

Leakey, L. S. B., 819

Lebzelter, V., 203, 830

Lecky, W. E. H., 197

Lehmann, F. R., 811

Lehmann, W., 824

Leichardt, F. W. L., 834

Leonard, A. G., 811

Leroy, O., 805

Lesser, A., 808

Lestrade, G. P., 814

Levinstein, S., 824

Lévy-Bruhl, L., 803

Lewis, A. B., 805, 828

Leyburn, J. G., 801

Lieber, F., 53

Lindblom, G., 265, 424, 591, 592, 637, 806, 830

Linton, R., 680, 703, 723, 806, 811, 814, 819, 830

Livingstone, D., 30, 342, 783, 793, 830

Lloyd, A., 836

Lloyd, L. C., 821

Lockhart, J. H. S., 806

Loeb, E. M., 14, 22, 811, 828, 832

Loskiel, G. H., 602

Low, H., 289, 378, 832

Löw, L., 304

Lowie, R. H., 89, 90, 94, 99, 103, 108, 109, 112, 125, 129, 133, 134, 137, 139, 179, 189, 204, 217, 222, 259, 261, 269, 320, 361, 367, 370, 371, 373, 374, 456, 603, 647, 650, 704, 801, 803, 806, 808, 811, 814, 815, 819, 824, 827, 828

Luba, J. H., 811

Luquet, G. H., 824

Luschan, F. von, 639, 793, 803, 806, 819, 824, 830, 832, 836


MacCauley, C., 818

MacCulloch, J. A., 823

MacCurdy, G. G., 801

Macdonald, D. B., 808

Macdonald, J., 116, 811, 830

McDougall, W., 14, 201, 610, 613, 808, 810, 814, 823, 832

McGuire, J. D., 824, 829

Maclean, J., 431, 435, 557, 815

MacLeod, W. C., 806, 815

Macpherson, S. C., 308

Mahaffy, J. P., 195

Mair, L. P., 815, 819

Malinowski, B., 37, 39, 112, 187, 195, 393, 788, 806, 808, 811, 815, 820, 824, 832

Mallery, G., 779, 803

Man, E. H., 68, 71, 81, 101, 140, 287, 359, 803, 832

Mangin, E., 274

Maning, F. E., 304, 575

Manuwiri, Te., 819

Marco Polo, 31

Marett, R. R., 811, 819

Markham, C. R., 360, 828

Martin, R., 832

Martius, K. F. P. von, 815, 828

Mason, J. A., 706, 707, 806

Mason, O. T., 806, 803, 819

Mason, W. A., 779, 803

Maspero, G., 454

Mathews, A. P., 26

Mathews, R. H., 360, 528, 803, 808, 824, 834

Mathiassen, T., 806

Matthews, C. H. S., 834

Matthews, W., 811, 824

Maude, H. C. and H. E., 141

Maudslay, A. R., 737

Mauss, M., 806, 810

Mead, G. H., 824

Mead, M., 136, 184, 203, 390, 418, 488, 523, 803, 806, 808, 815, 819

Means, P. A., 815, 828

Meek, C. K., 339, 439, 830

Meier, Joseph, 808

Meinhof, C., 54, 64, 65, 633, 639, 641, 806, 824

Merker, M., 258, 361, 830

Merriam, C. H., 824

Meyer, A. B., 832

Meyer, E., 348, 615

Meyer, H. E., 834

Mian Durga Singh, 118

Michelson, T., 303, 803, 811, 815

Migeod, F. W. H., 75

Mindeleff, C., 806, 819

Mitra, P., 836

Moerenhout, J. A., 43

Mofolo, T., 803, 815

Montefiore, A., 836

Mooney, J., 78, 680, 681, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 695, 696, 803, 811, 815, 824

Moore, F., 31

Morgan, J., 803

Morgan, L. H., 93, 149, 283, 460, 466, 531, 815, 819, 828

Morgenstern, J., 300

Morice, A. G., 94, 828

Morse, E. S., 806

Morse, J., 601

Moseley, H. N., 832

Moss, C. R., 14, 815, 824

Moss, R., 819

Much, M., 806

Mühlmann, W. E., 400, 815

Müller-Lyer, F. C., 815

Mumford, W. B., 819, 820

Munro, N. G., 836

Murdoch, J., 803, 828, 836

Murdock, G. P., 101, 108, 135, 801, 815

Murray, J. H. P., 46

Murray, M., 815

Murray, M. A., 17, 799, 811

Myers, C. S., 824


Nanjundayya, H. V., 836

Nassau, R. H., 811, 824

Navarette, D. F., 241

Nelson, E. W., 286, 293, 419, 828

Neuhauss, R., 832

Newell, W. W., 811

Nieboer, H J., 806

Nies, J. B., 806

Nieuwenhuis, A. W., 833

Nitobe, I., 836

Nöldeke, T., 304

Nordenskiöld, E., 803, 806, 820, 828

Nuoffer, O., 824

Nuttall, Z., 811


Oberg, K., 88, 543

Obermaier, H., 824

Oelmann, F., 820

O’Sullivan, H., 115, 815

Overbergh, C. van, 830


Palmer, E., 834

Panchatantra, The, 824

Panikkar, K. M., 151

Parker, A. C., 208, 806, 811, 815

Parker, H., 824

Parker, J., 220

Parker, K. L., 834

Parkinson, R., 832, 833

Parsons, E. C., 282, 289, 305, 588, 599, 811, 824, 828

Partridge, G. E., 69

Passarge, S., 830

Paulitsche, P., 445

Pavlov, I. P., 26

Payne, E. J., 815

Payne-Gallwey, R., 806

Penzer, N. M., 824

Perez, R. P. F. A., 833

Perry, W. J., 730

Pesehuël-Loesche, E., 785, 803, 830

Petrie, W. M. F., 609, 820

Pfoundes, C., 15

Phister, N. P., 811

Pinkerton, J., 579

Pleyte, C. M., 824

Ploss, H. H., 244, 808

Pöch, R., 833

Pogue, J. E., 824

Pohlman, W. J., 379

Pope, S. T., 806

Portman, M. V., 68

Poupon, M. A., 830

Powell, J. W., 90, 199, 503, 529

Powers, S., 828

Preuss, K. T., 811, 824, 825

Price, M. T., 820

Proyart, L. B., 830


Quedenfeldt, M., 830


Radcliffe-Brown, A. R., 99, 107, 140, 180, 185, 186, 187, 206, 212, 213, 220, 302, 418, 421, 801, 808, 811, 815, 825, 833, 834

Radin, P., 39, 460, 519, 530, 701, 801, 803, 811, 815, 820, 825, 828

Radloff, W., 836

Rae, J., 825

Ramabai, S. P., 808

Ramseyer, F. A., 830

Rangachari, K., 836

Rasmussen, K., 828

Rattray, R. S., 15, 43, 106, 122, 180, 188, 194, 220, 295, 450, 582, 785, 803, 808, 811, 815, 825, 830

Ray, S. H., 66

Ray, V. F., 811

Rayne, H., 815

Read, C. H., 825

Reed, W. A., 833

Reinach, S., 825

Reitzenstein, F., 244, 808

Reuter, E. B., 803

Reynolds, Lieutenant, 815

Rhamm, K., 808

Rice, W. H., 825

Ridgeway, W., 806

Ridley, W., 803, 825, 834

Rink, H. J., 825, 828

Rink, S., 825

Risley, H. H., 120, 121, 403, 404, 405, 407, 409, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 803, 808, 816, 820, 836

Rivers, W. H. R., 4, 40, 73, 82, 100, 110, 121, 123, 126, 127, 142, 144, 178, 203, 235, 271, 384, 731, 739, 740, 806, 808, 811, 816, 820, 833, 836

Roberts, H. H., 805, 825

Robertson, J. A., 832

Robertson, T. B., 773

Rockhill, W. W., 836

Roscoe, J., 11, 17, 105, 150, 245, 340, 342, 554, 808, 811, 816, 830, 831

Roth, E., 21

Roth, H. L., 378, 379, 806, 808, 811, 816, 825, 831, 833, 834

Roth, W. E., 93, 106, 344, 578, 789, 806, 825, 828, 834

Roy, S. C., 836

Royce, C. C., 820

Russell, F., 288, 828

Russell, R. V., 197, 408, 409, 412

Rütmeyer, L., 833

Rutter, O., 379

Ryder, A. W., 824


Sachs, C., 825

Sahagun, B. de, 599

St. John, S., 377, 833

Saleeby, N. N., 811, 816, 820, 833

Salvado, R., 834

Sammer, W. J., 836

Sapir, E., 44, 57, 476, 801, 803, 808, 816, 820, 825, 828

Sarasin, F., 833

Sarasin, P., 833

Sarat Chandra Das, 120

Sarbah, J. M., 816

Saville, M. H., 825

Saville, W. J. V., 833

Schadenburg, A., 832

Schanz, J., 820

Schapera, I., 249, 806, 808, 825, 831

Schebesta, P., 201, 808, 831, 833

Schenck, S. M., 818

Schlichter H., 831

Schmidt, M., 825

Schmidt, W., 803, 811, 820, 827, 835

Schmitz, R., 115

Schomhurgk, R. H., 828

Schoolcraft, H. R., 825

Schrenck, L. von, 836

Schrieke, B., 302, 820

Schröder, E. E. W., 833

Schultz, E., 816

Schultze, L., 831

Schultz-Ewerth, E., 816

Schumacher, P. P. von, 831

Schurtz, H., 361, 803, 816

Schwaner, C. A. L. M., 816

Seabrook, W. B., 811

Seidlitz N. von, 149, 223, 803

Seitz, T., 808

Seiwert, P. J., 831

Seler, E., 825, 828

Seligman, B. Z., 14, 22, 101, 105, 113, 115, 180, 187, 194, 201, 212, 217, 219, 220, 222, 226, 244, 336, 808, 825, 831, 833

Seligman, C. G., 14, 17, 22, 101, 105, 113, 115, 180, 187, 194, 201, 212, 217, 219, 220, 222, 226, 244, 336, 345, 394, 638, 801, 803, 806, 808, 825, 831, 833

Semon, R., 835

Semple, E. C., 806, 820

Senart, É., 404, 820

Sergi, G., 820

Sethe, K., 17, 625, 641, 803

Seton, E. T., 803

Shapley, H., 2

Sheane, J. H. W., 293

Shelford, R., 823

Shirokogoroff, S. M., 816

Shooter, J., 831

Shryock, J. K., 803

Siebert, O., 823

Siebold, P. F., 836

Siemiradzki, J. von, 828

Simango, C. K., 822

Simkhovitch, V. G., 6

Simmel, G., 811, 825

Skeat, W. W., 809, 811, 816, 825, 833

Skertchly, J. A., 831

Skinner, A., 222, 260, 806, 816, 825, 828

Skinner, H. D., 820, 825

Slossen, E. E., 727, 728

Smith, A. H., 803, 836

Smith, E. A., 825

Smith, E. W., 76, 85, 87, 130, 246, 249, 267, 809, 816, 825, 831

Smith, G. E., 730, 731, 820

Smith, M. G., 456, 816

Smith, P., 833

Smith, P. C., 825

Smith, S. P., 803

Smith, W. C., 820

Smith, W. R., 151, 811

Smyth, R. B., 220, 287, 835

Soga, J. H., 85, 246

Somlo, F., 807

Sophocles, 210

South African Native Races Committee, 831

Spagnolo, L. M., 341

Spannaus, 425

Speck, F. G., 173, 207, 516, 794, 807, 811, 816, 820, 825, 826, 828

Spence, L., 304, 349

Spencer, B., 9, 93, 152, 174, 271, 345, 360, 522, 527, 792, 809, 811, 812, 816, 826, 835

Spencer, F. C., 809

Spenser, E., 223

Spier, L., 15, 270, 372, 462, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 705, 803, 812, 816, 820, 828

Spies, O., 826

Spieth, J., 225, 567, 803, 807, 809, 812, 816, 826, 831

Spiller, G., 793

Spinden, H. J., 90, 674, 807, 817, 820, 826, 828

Spix, J. B. von, 828

Staal, J., 833

Stair, J. B., 489, 571, 816, 833

Stanley, H. M., 31

Staschewski, F., 831

Stayt, H. A., 16, 75, 85, 127, 173, 190, 524, 551, 605, 644, 817

Steensby, H. P., 820, 828

Stefansson, V., 28, 828

Steinen, K. von den, 66, 421, 803, 826, 828

Steinmetz. C. P., 774

Steinmetz, S. R., 809, 812, 817

Steinthal, H., 803

Stenin, P. von, 836

Stenz, G. M., 803

Sternberg, L., 812

Stevens, H. V., 809

Stevenson, M. C., 828

Stevenson, T. E., 809

Stigand, C. H., 831

Stirling, E. C., 835

Stoll, O., 812

Stolpe, H., 826

Stone, C. P., 24

Stow, G. W., 831

Strehlow, C., 789, 809, 817, 826, 835

Strong, W. D., 805

Stuhlmann, F., 807, 820

Stumpf, K., 826

Sturman-Hulbe, N., 24

Sumner, W., 801

Suyematsu, K., 812

Svobada, W., 833

Swanton J. R., 61, 63, 66, 78, 89, 90, 182, 190, 200, 384, 385, 467, 482, 484, 485, 650, 652, 817, 826, 828, 829

Swettenham, F. A., 833

Sydow, E. von, 826


Talbot, P. A., 804, 831

Tang Leang-e, 836

Tanner, J., 145, 538

Taplin, G., 835

Taylor, I., 804

Taylor, R., 833

Teit, J., 172, 654, 805, 826, 829

Temple, R. C., 807

Tessman, G., 219 829, 831

Thalbitzer, W., 547, 812, 826, 829

Theal, G. M., 337, 826, 831

Thilenius, G., 833

Thomas, D. S., 27

Thomas, N. W., 809, 812, 817, 820, 831, 835

Thomas, W. I., 27

Thompson, J. E., 804, 829

Thompson, L., 804

Thompson, S., 826

Thomson, B., 188, 820

Thomson, D. F., 131, 211, 216, 789, 791, 817

Thorndike, L., 812

Thurm, T. G., 826, 833

Thurnwald, H., 809

Thurnwald, R., 174, 804, 807, 817, 820, 831, 833

Thurston, E., 607, 608, 836

Thwaites, R. G., 829

Torday, E., 15, 115, 245, 246, 281, 342, 425, 436, 437, 440, 446, 524, 556, 809, 817, 820, 826, 831

Torrend, F. J., 826

Toy, C. H., 812

Tozzer, A. M., 801, 829

Travélé, M., 824

Tregear, E., 36, 334, 598, 817, 833

Trimborn, H., 817

Tschoffen, 831

Tuck, H. N., 835

Turner, G., 375, 833

Turner, W. Y., 833

Tylor, E. B., 4, 5, 20, 21, 181, 807, 835


Uhle, M., 805


Vanden Bergh, L. J., 831

Vanoverbergh, M., 833

Vavilov, N., 807

Veblen, T., 807

Velten, C., 831

Verner, S. P., 831

Voit, C., 807

Volz, W., 282

Voth, H. R., 809, 812


Waitz, T., 31

Walker, J. B., 835

Walker, J. R., 153, 259, 324, 372, 817

Wallaschek, R., 826

Wallis, B., 817

Wallis, W. D., 821

Walshe, W. G., 241

Walton, E. L., 826

Wanger, W., 812

Ward, L. F., 804, 807

Warner, W. L., 9, 104, 192, 214, 219, 292, 499

Warren, W. W., 829

Waterman, T. T., 650, 801, 804, 807, 811, 812, 817, 826

Watkins, J. E., 807

Watson, J. B., 612

Waugh, F. W., 807

Webster, H., 812, 817

Weeks, J. H., 192, 277, 552, 553, 831

Wehrli, H., 836

Welch, J. W., 346

Wellander, E., 95, 97

Werner, A., 62, 642, 748, 804, 821, 826

Werner, H., 826

Wessman, R., 10, 225

Westermann, D., 62, 434, 440, 442, 812, 826, 831

Westermarck, E., 196, 221, 804, 809, 812, 817, 826

Weston, W., 836

Weule, K., 831

Wheeler, G. C., 805, 814, 819

Wheeler, W. M., 23

Whiffen, T. W., 829

White, A. D., 729

White, W. G., 833

Whitfield, G. M. B., 817

Whitman, C. O., 32

Wied, M. von, 179, 829

Wigmore, J. H., 814

Wilken, G. A., 14, 833

Wilkie, M. B., 822

Wilkins, W. J., 293

Wilkinson, H. P., 809

Will, G. F., 807

Williams, F. E., 22, 72, 87, 88, 175, 176, 187, 264, 419, 517, 576, 807, 812, 833

Williams, F. W., 826

Williams, J., 303, 400

Williams, M., 812

Williams, S. W., 836

Williams, T., 833

Williamson, R. W., 72, 817, 833

Willoughby, W. C., 812

Wilson, G. L., 356, 804, 807

Wilson, J., 70, 398, 399, 402

Wilson, T., 821, 826

Wing, J. Van, 277, 605, 608, 831

Wing, R. P. van, 454

Winne, J. L., 823

Winsor, H., 829

Wissler, C., 109, 172, 222, 261, 262, 317, 364, 372, 471, 665, 667, 674, 801, 807, 812, 817, 821, 826, 827, 829

Withington, E. T., 48

Witte, F., 827

Wlislocki, H. v., 812

Woods, C. A., 821

Woods, J. D., 835

Woods, J. E. T., 835

Woodthorpe, R. G., 836

Woodworth, R. S., 796, 804

Worcester, D. C., 833

Wundt, W., 812, 817

Wylde, A. B., 831


Yamagata, I., 836

Young, T. C., 804



Abstraction, as basis of mental superiority, 771–776

in form of proverbs, 785–787

and language development, 778–782

and logic, 782–785

mechanism of, 776–777

in numbers, 787–788

Acculturation, definition of, 613–614

Adjustment, emotional basis of, 41–42

forms of, 1

means of, 358

problems of, 1–2

Adoption, change of social status by, 144–148

forms and purposes of, 140–150, 289, 537–538

of adults, 142–143, 146–148, 150

of children, 146–146, 148–150

of enemy dead, 289

of gods, 150

of groups, 147–148

of murderer, 537–538

of names, 143, 149

Afterbirth, treated as twin, 16–17

Age, as basis of structuralization, 360–361

Agitation, expressions of, 50–52, 70–72, 221

by forms of avoidance, 221

by gesture, 50, 70

by spoken language, 52

by tensional change, 50–52

by weeping, 76–71

Agriculture, as basis of civilization, 614

Alphabet, diffusion and modification of, 626–629

origin and development of, 616–625

Ancestor worship, 274–278, 301–302

Animals, domestication of, 614

Association, 27–28, 33, 69, 625, 772, 776–777, 784

Astronomy, beginnings of, 615–616

Attitudes, and avoidance, 211–212

toward color, 30–31

conversion of, 31–32

creation of, 28

exposure to, 36, 726

toward food, 28–30

toward habit change, 702, 726–729

and rate of diffusion, 701–702

toward warfare, 490–509


Banishment, as punishment, 567–569, 763–764, 767

Behavior, components of, 23

control of, through fear of death, 476–481

incentives, 358

unlearned, 23–26

Birth process, interpretations of, 752–753

Blind and deaf, discrimination by, 50–51, 53–54, 776–777

Blood, loss of, and life continuity, 749–750, 753–754

theory of matrilineal transmission of, 446–450, 749–753, 757

Blood brotherhood, forms and purposes of, 150–171, 760, 766–767

between groups, 151–153, 164–170

between individuals, 151–164, 171

Blood vengeance, 519, 522, 554

Bloodshed or injury, as punishment, 525–527, 567–571

Blowgun, origins of, 610–611, 772–773

Bronze, origin of, 614


Calendar, origin of, 615

Cannibalism, 32, 150, 504–505, 507, 571

Caste system, 402–416

Cattle, as symbols of life continuity, 761–762

Cattle horns, diffusion of deformation of, 637–638

Ceremonies, diffusion of, 645–650, 668–680, 696–701

Chastity, after childbirth, 257

and instruction of both sexes, 255–257

and isolation of women, 243–244

by surgery, 243–244

in the male, 262

and protective devices, 261–262

and public confessions, 259–261

and regulation of promiscuity, 245–255, 257, 258, 262–263

after marriage, 249–255, 257, 258

before marriage, 245–249, 257, 258, 262–263

by group marriage, 254–255

by wife-lending, 249–254

as related to economic value of women, 244–246

as related to fertility, 245

as related to filial piety, 240–243

and suspended tabus, 263–265, 269–272

as a virtue, 258–259, 261

Chief, basis of recognition of, 367, 417–425, 456–457, 485–486

through conquest, 425, 638–639

through leadership in war, 421, 424, 456–457

through performance, 367, 421

through personality, 418–420

through possession of divine power, 417, 485–486

through wealth, 420–421

instruction for, 426–430

limitations of power of, 434–440, 457–459, 484–485, 487–488

by alliances, 440

by banishment, 488–489

by councilors, 435, 457–459, 484–485, 487–488

by desertion, 434–435

by influence of kin, 435–437, 439

by prime minister, 437–439

relation to administration of justice, 530, 547–551, 557–561

relation to shamans, 476–481

sources of revenue for, 430–434

succession to, 441–444, 446–454, 460–161, 471–490

by election, 486–490

by heredity, 441–442, 460–461, 471–485

Chief, succession to, by nomination, 442–444,446–454

two forms of, 450–454, 459–460, 462–466

Christianity, diffusion of elements of, 680–701

Circumcision, diffusion of, 638, 642–644

practice and interpretations of, 342–349, 604, 751–752

Civilization, as based on agriculture, 614

Comitatus, 417, 435

Communication, and mental attainment, 778–780, 797–800

Confederacy, as based on kinship, 462–467

Confession, 599–609

Conquest, as basis of leadership, 424–425

Conscience, definition of, 599

Coup, 499–503

Court trials, forms of courtesy in, 561–567

Couvade, interpretations of, 18–22

Culture, definition of, 8

and environment, 6–7, 611, 613

and intelligence, 799–800

and lineage systems, 199–200, 203, 207–209

relation to geographical area, 7

and superior mental endowment, 5–7

tempo of change of, 611

theories of diffusion of, 729–747

unilinear sequence of, 3–5, 361

"Culture-strata" hypothesis, 737–747

Curse, as magical wish, 590–598, 765–769


Dance, and chastity of participants, 258–259

diffusion of, 645–647, 680–696

of the ghost dance, 680–696

and distinction seeking, 372–374

and sexual license, 269–270

Dead, address of farewell to, 282–284

blood and bones of, 298–301

and abortion, 301

and resurrection, 299–300

disinterment of, meaning of, 302

disposal of, 278–279, 281–282, 284–286

and sacred animals, 281–282

and social status, 281

enemy, adoption of, 289

enslavement of, 289–292

expiation for, 288–289

fear and avoidance of, 284–288

forms of relations with, 273–278

gesture to, 273

impersonation of, 273–274

invocation of, 274

worship of ancestral, 274–278

grief for, 297–298

letters to, 640–641

provision of equipment for, 292–297

by sacrifice of attendants, 293–297

by sacrifice of wives, 293–295

resurrection of, 681–685, 689–695

sacrifice to, 274–278, 293–297, 302–303

supernatural power of, 274–280, 282, 286–290, 302–303

Death, as punishment, 518–525, 527–529, 567, 571

and sexual tabus, 265–267

voluntary seeking of, 365–370

Dialects, 613

Divorce, 114, 116, 120–121, 551–552

Drum language, 773


Environment, attachment to, 32–36

and culture, 6–7

Environment, external and internal, 49

Etiquette and social distance, 72–77, 217–218, 223

Evolution, organic, 770–771

compared with social, 771

Exogamy, 181–193, 196–197


Filial piety, 240–243

Friendship, as basis of avoidance, 213–214


Gesture, 50, 70, 273, 517, 776

Ghost dance, 680–696

Goal seeking, emotional basis of, 41–42, 49

importance of technique in, 42–44

Gossip, social control by, 515–516


Habit, and attention to the dead, 292

as basis of hereditary rule, 441

as basis of incest tabu, 190–197

as basis of kinship system, 98, 101

change of, as basis of avoidance, 211–212, 221

through communication, 612–613

fixation of, 26–31

in infancy, 26–27

and language meaning, 59

and regulation of behavior, 39–41, 515–516, 575

resistance to change of, 39, 702, 726–729

Head hunting, 376–380

"Heliolithic" theory of culture diffusion, 731–737

Heredity, biological and social, 778

Hieroglyphics, 617–623, 624

Homesickness, meaning of, 32–33

Horse culture, diffusion of, 664–667

Humiliation, as punishment, 518–519

Hypergamy, 406, 414–416


Impulses, and action patterns, 41–42

derivatives of, 49

tensional aspect of, 240

Incest, groups, 103–104

tabu, 37–39, 178–197, 240, 263–264, 270–272, 446, 521–522, 551

between blood kin, 178–180, 187, 190–192, 194–195

between classificatory kin, 180, 189, 192–193

between equivalent kin, 180–181

and exogamy, 181–193, 196–197

as personal preference, 182, 189–193, 196–197

as social policy, 181–189, 196–197

as result of habit, 190–197

suspension of, 240, 263–264, 270–272

Infanticide, 395–402

Inheritance, of kingship, 417, 441–442, 460–461, 471–485

and lineage, 198, 202

of privilege, 471–476, 481–485

of property, 117–118, 122–124

of wives, 111–117

Initiation ceremonies, and incision of sex organs, 342–346

and life continuity, 754–756

and mouth modification, 341–342

and self-imposed hardships, 349–357

and tabu suspension, 264–265, 268

and vision seeking, 352

Instinct, definition of, 23

Invention, application of abstraction in, 772–773, 774–776

as related to materials and techniques, 773–774, 776

Iron, 614

Isolation, effect of, on intelligence, 798–800


"Joking relationship," 108–112, 129–139

Justice, complicated forms of, in Africa, 547–567


Kings (see Chiefs)

Kinship, as basis of political rule, 417–418, 421–422, 424, 434–437, 439–442, 462–467

classification of, as basis of regulation, 98–136

of claims on food, 99–100

of familiarity, 108–112, 129–136

of incest, 103–106

of marriage, 103–122

of promiscuity, 104–107

of property claims, 122–124

of respect, 124–127

composition of, 210–211

repudiation of, 520

and responsibility for behavior, 528–529, 553–557

and use of curses, 590–595

Kosher killing, 300–301


Language, of avoidance, 214–216

as basis of conformity, 515–516

change, and migration, 613

content and complexity of, 780–782

diffusion of, 641–642

equivalents, 70–77

origins of, 52–54

patterns of structure of, 54–69

symbolic development of, 778–779

tabus, 92–97

Legal code, definition of, 515

Life continuity, as affected by curse, 764–769

concept of, 748–753

and marriage selection, 759–760

as preserved by specialists, 762–763

as related to initiation ceremonies, 754–756

as related to preparation for marriage, 756–758

symbols of, 760–762

Lineage systems, and agriculture, 207–209

and culture, 199–200, 203, 207–209

and hunting, 208–209

and nomination of kings, 446–450

related to residence, 198–209

and sex, 201–203

Logic, 782–785

and interpretation of experience, 783–785


Magic, 232, 281, 308, 334, 408, 442–444, 490, 522, 608, 764–769, 784–785

in form of curse, 590–598, 765–769

as form of judgment, 575–582

legal and illegal, 582–589

Maize, diffusion of, 725–726

Mana, as basis of kingship, 485, 488

concept of, 324–329, 638

influence of, on behavior, 329–334

Manitou, concept of, 308–313, 638

Marriage, 103–122

as basis of avoidance patterns, 211–212, 214–224

and divorce, 114, 116, 120–121

and exogamy, 181–193, 196–197

and incest, 103–106, 179–181, 270–271

levirate form of, 113–117, 121

negotiations, 224–239, 756–758

and polyandry, 117–121

and polygyny, 108

and promiscuity, 104–107, 249–255

and residence, 198, 200–201, 203–204

selection, 639, 759–760

Mathematics, development of, 615

Matriarchy, 198–199

Mediation, of disputes, 529–537

Medicine bundle, 362–365

Memory, and attachment to land, 33–36

and attitudes, 27–28

as basis of heredity, 25

Memory performance of savages, 796–797

Mental ability, misapprehensions as to, 792–796

in acuity of senses, 795–796

in powers of inhibition, 793–795

Mental testing, 799–800

Messiah doctrine, origin and diffusion of, 680–696

Migration, as escape from initiation, 344

as escape from oppression, 434–435

and language change, 613

as means of diffusion, 634, 639, 641–642, 729–747

as related to caste system, 405, 414

Milk brotherhood, 150–151, 164–165, 761

Morality, definition of, 515

Mother-in-law avoidance, 214–220

Mourning, and sexual tabus, 266–267

Mummification, distribution of, 730–737

Mutilation, as discipline, 340–341, 345

as initiation, 340–346

as mark of distinction, 348–349

as ornament, 340–341

Myths and tales, origin and meaning of, 650–656

diffusion of, 656–664


Naming, and social rank, 77–94

Numbers, 616, 787–788


Oath, 216

Obscenity, as release of tension, 264–268, 271–272


Paper, development and diffusion of, 631–633

Perseveration, 9, 20, 68, 69, 153, 181, 214, 244, 264, 272, 297, 343, 374, 390, 395, 408, 625, 729

Personality, as basis of leadership, 417–420

conditioning of, 27–28

guarding of, 358

ratings, registration of, 69–97, 485

relation to naming, 77–94, 485

Peyote cult, origin and diffusion of, 696–701

Playing cards, origin and diffusion of, 631

Plow, origin of, 614

Plunder, 425–426, 509

as punishment, 572–575

Political organization, origins of, 417–425

Polyandry, Tibetan, 117–121

Polygyny, 108, 415–416

Printing, development and diffusion of, 629–633

Property, as basis of distinction, 381–391

as basis of leadership, 420–421

destruction of, as punishment, 520–521, 523, 567–568

"potlatch," 384–390, 472, 476–477

protection of, by magic, 575–576

Proverb, as showing mental aptitude, 785–787

Puberty, ceremonies at, 36–37, 256, 340–357, 360

Public opinion, as punishment, 515–518

Punishment, relation to habit system, 39–40, 515–516

Purification, by confession, 599–609

Purification rites, for the dead, 288–289

Pyramid, as tomb of afterbirth, 17–18, 640

diffusion of, 640.


Reflex, "chain," operation of, 41

conditioned, definition of, 26

Religion, and ancestor worship, 274–278, 301–302

and attitude toward blood, 298–301

and conceptions of spiritual power, 308–339

and confession, 599–609

definition of, 515

expressed in ghost dance, 680–696

expressed in peyote cult, 696–701

and family gods, 279–280

and society membership, 396–398

and souls, 280–281

Representation in government, 435–436, 439–445, 467–471

Reproduction, interpretations of, 788–792

Residence, relation to lineage, 198–209

and food supply, 200, 205–209

stages of, 209

Resistance, emotional, and avoidance, 212–213, 221–222

to habit change, 39, 702, 726–729

Revenue, royal, from wives, 430–434

Ridicule, as punishment, 519, 544–547

Rulers (see Chiefs)


Sacrifice, as approach to spirits, 274–275, 277–278, 293–297, 302–308, 316–317, 668–680, 753–754

of fingers, 302–303

of food, 274–275, 278

of humans, 277, 293–297, 303–308, 668–680, 753–754

diffusion of, 668–680

of skin, 316–317

Saliva, exchange of, 761

Sense perception, acuity of, 795–796

Shamanism, 321, 460–462, 476–481, 682–683

Situation, definition of, 1, 8–9, 23, 30, 31, 36–37, 40, 69, 98, 114, 117, 198, 240, 273, 301, 302, 340, 343, 407–408, 410, 515, 612, 616, 729, 730

Social distance, claims for recognition of, 358–395, 400–402

based on age, 358–361

based on appearance, 371–372

based on exchange of gifts, 391–395

based on head-hunting, 376–380

based on infanticide, 400–402

based on military bravery, 365–371

based on spiritual power, 362–365

based on torture in the dance, 372–374

based on wealth and hospitality, 381–391

Social distance, worthy acts, 375–376

regulation of, 69–136, 214–220, 358–365, 382–384, 395–416, 538–543

by age classes, 358–361

by avoidance, 214–220

by caste system, 402–416

by etiquette, 72–77

by form of address, 75–76, 78–79, 95–87

by gesture, 70–72

by inheritance of privilege, 471–476, 481–485

by kinship system, 98–136

by legal patterns, 538–543

by naming, 77–94

by society membership, 362–365, 382–384, 395–402

Societies of honorary chiefs, 375–376

military, 127–129, 365–367

compulsory membership in, 365–367

of pleasure and religion, 395–402

for purchase of membership in, 268–269, 361–365, 382

and forms of license, 268–269

origin of, 362–365

as related to age, 361, 382

as related to government, 440

rivalry of, 136–139

sexual initiation into, 346–347

Stereotypes, compliance with, through habit formation, 44–48, 515, 612

Suicide, 243, 337

Supernatural power, of the dead, 279–280, 287–290, 766–767

of kings, 334–339, 417, 442–444, 450–456, 638

and their death, 335–339, 442–444, 454, 638

of localities, 36

of objects and persons, 308–339, 362–364

as diffused, 308–315

as dynamic, 324–329

rapport with, 315–321

by purchase, 362–364

by sacrifice, 315–317

by shamanism, 321

by visions, 318–320

of stars, 615

Sweet potato, diffusion of, 747


Tabus, 30, 37–39, 43–44, 111, 112, 115, 117, 151–152, 178–197, 213, 217–219, 222, 343, 490, 748–749

suspension of, 240, 264–272

to attract spirits, 265, 271–272

in connection with ceremonies, 264–265, 268–271

during heavy labor, 267, 268

during mourning, 266

to secure rain, 267–268

violation of, and confession, 599

Tapu, 144–145, 329–334, 485, 597

Teknonymy, 79–81

Tobacco, diffusion of, 702–725

in ceremonies, 704

as an intoxicant, 718

as medicine, 706–708, 710–711, 720–721

as source of opium smoking, 723–725

Totemism, forms of, 171–177

and incest, 177

and kinship, 102

and naming, 90–91

Twins, interpretations of, 9–18, 267


Visions, 318–320, 352, 372

diffusion of patterns of, 644–645


Wakan and wakonda, concept of, 308, 314–315

manifestations of, 321–324

Warfare, as basis of leadership, 421–422, 424

efficiency of savage, 499–503

modes and motives of, 490–499, 503–514

Weeping, 70–71

Wheel, origin of, 614

Wheel trap, diffusion of, 634–637

Witchcraft, 46–48, 440–441, 521–522, 524, 550, 588

"Wolf children," 778


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Chicago: "The Witch-Cult in Central Europe,," The Witch-Cult in Central Europe, in Primitive Behavior: An Introduction to the Social Sciences, ed. Thomas, William I. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1937), Original Sources, accessed July 26, 2024,

MLA: . "The Witch-Cult in Central Europe,." The Witch-Cult in Central Europe,, in Primitive Behavior: An Introduction to the Social Sciences, edited by Thomas, William I., New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1937, Original Sources. 26 Jul. 2024.

Harvard: , 'The Witch-Cult in Central Europe,' in The Witch-Cult in Central Europe,. cited in 1937, Primitive Behavior: An Introduction to the Social Sciences, ed. , McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. Original Sources, retrieved 26 July 2024, from