Checklist of White House Press Releases

The following list contains releases of the Office of the Press Secretary that are neither printed as items nor covered by entries in the Digest of Other White House Announcements.

Released September 27

Fact sheet: U.S.-Russian Commercial Investments

Fact sheet: Export-Import Bank of the United States in Russia

Fact sheet: U.S.-Russia Cooperation in Housing and Urban Development

Fact sheet: Russian-American Banking Dialogue

Fact sheet: Russian-American Business Dialogue

Fact sheet: United States-Russia Commercial Energy Summit

Fact sheet: HIV/AIDS

Statement by the Press Secretary on disaster assistance to Pennsylvania

Released September 29

Transcript of a press briefing by Press Secretary Scott McClellan

Released September 30

Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Secretary Scott McClellan

Statement by the Press Secretary announcing that the President signed H.J. Res. 69, S. 520, and S. 678

Released October 1

Transcript of a press briefing by Press Secretary Scott McClellan

Statement by the Press Secretary announcing that the President signed H.R. 3087

Statement by the Press Secretary announcing that the President signed H.R. 3146

Released October 2

Transcript of a press briefing by Press Secretary Scott McClellan

Released October 3

Transcript of a press gaggle by Press Secretary Scott McClellan

Statement by the Press Secretary announcing that the President signed H.R. 659, H.R. 978, S. 111, S. 233, and S. 278