Don Antonio, the Vice-Roy’s Son, Mr. Jevorne.

Don Pedro, a Noble Spainard, his Friend, Mr. Medburne.

Belvile, an English Colonel in love with Florinda, Mr. Betterton.

Willmore, the ROVER, Mr. Smith.

Frederick, an English Gentleman, and Friend to

Belvile and Blunt, Mr. Crosbie.

Blunt, an English Country Gentleman, Mr. Underhill.

Stephano, Servant to Don Pedro, Mr. Richards.

Philippo, Lucetta’s Gallant, Mr. Percival.

Sancho, Pimp to Lucetta, Mr. John Lee.

Bisky and Sebastian, two Bravoes to Angelica.

Diego, Page to Don Antonio.

Page to Hellena.

Boy, Page to Belvile.

Blunt’s Man.

Officers and Soldiers.


Florinda, Sister to Don Pedro, Mrs. Betterton

Hellena, a gay young Woman design’d for a Nun,

and Sister to Florinda, Mrs. Barrey.

Valeria, a Kinswoman to Florinda, Mrs. Hughes.

Angelica Bianca, a famous Curtezan, Mrs. Gwin.

Moretta, her Woman, Mrs. Leigh.

Callis, Governess to Florinda and Hellena, Mrs. Norris.

Lucetta, a jilting Wench, Mrs. Gillow.

Servants, other Masqueraders, Men and Women.

SCENE Naples, in Carnival-time.