
Members Excused for Matters Spoken in Parliament

(1401. French original, 3 R. P. 456, No. 11. Translation by Editors. 3 Stubbs, 30.)

ITEM, on the same day the said commons showed to our lord the king how on certain matters moved among them, it might happen in the future that certain of their companions, out of complaisance to the king, and for their own advancement, should recount to our said lord the king such matters before they had been determined and discussed or agreed upon among the commons, by reason of which the said lord our king might be grievously moved against the said commons or some of them; wherefore they most humbly pray our lord the king, not to receive any such person to recount such. matters nor to give him hearing nor any faith nor credence to such a person. To which answer was made by the king that it was his will that the said commons should have deliberation and advice, to discuss and treat of all matters among themselves, in order to bring them to a better end and conclusion, in so far as they know how, for the welfare and honor of himself and of all his realm. And that he would not hear any such person or give him credence, before such matters had been shown to the king, by the advice and with the assent of all the commons, according to the purport of their said prayer.